Luzhanka BCP Upgrade Boosts Ukraine-Hungary Logistics Efficiency With the support of USAID Economic Resilience Activity (ERA), the Luzhanka BCP has undergone comprehensive modernization, transforming its infrastructure and operations. Key improvements include road surface repairs, refreshed road markings, and the installation of new permanent modular facilities for border and customs officials. Additionally, 36 LED light bulbs and fixtures were installed, along with 53 traffic signs, enhancing visibility and navigation. ERA also supplied 150 traffic barricades, four one-cubic-meter garbage containers, and four trash bin sets, improving environmental management at the site. To further strengthen operations, USAID ERA provided essential equipment including a commodity scale, two advanced backscatter scanners for security screening, and a forklift to support the flow of goods. USAID ERA’s modernization of western Ukraine BCPs is an important step in strengthening cross-border logistics. Luzhanka is the only Ukrainian border crossing with Hungary that imposes no weight restrictions on empty trucks weighing more than 7.5 tons. This unique feature helps optimize transport flows and reduces congestion at other BCPs, particularly at the nearby Chop BCP. By redirecting empty trucks to Luzhanka, wait times for vehicles carrying raw materials to enterprises with foreign investments are significantly shortened. Over 60 extra vehicles are expected to pass through Luzhanka daily, alleviating traffic pressure on Chop and improving overall efficiency. In addition to Luzhanka, ERA has also successfully completed rapid upgrades and equipped the Yahodyn, Uzhhorod, Porubne, Chop (Tysa), and Mohyliv-Podilskyi BCPs. At the Mamalyha, Starokozache, Rososhany, and Rava-Ruska BCPs, the rapid upgrade work and deliveries are being finalized. Background: Between 2023-2026, USAID, through the Economic Resilience Activity (ERA), is dedicating $115 million to support the State Agency for Restoration and Development of Infrastructure of Ukraine (SARDI), Ukrainian Railways (UZ), and State Customs Services, to upgrade border crossing points (BCPs) to improve trade and export volumes.
Проєкт USAID “Економічна підтримка України”
Міжнародні справи
Kyiv, Kyiv 2 792 послідовники
Підвищення експортного потенціалу та модернізація пунктів перетину кордону України з метою зменшення продовольчої кризи
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ПІДТРИМКА ЛОГІСТИКИ ЕКСПОРТУ ЗЕРНА В РАМКАХ ІНІЦІАТИВИ «AGRI-УКРАЇНА» Проєкт Агентства США з міжнародного розвитку (USAID) «Економічна підтримка України» (Проєкт USAID) є одним із ключових партнерів USAID, що реалізує Ініціативу стійкості сільського господарства України («AGRI-Україна»), бюджет якої складає 350 млн доларів США. Ця ініціатива була започаткована в 2022 році з метою зміцнення українського аграрного експорту та пом’якшення глобальної кризи продовольчої безпеки, що загострилася внаслідок війни. В рамках ініціативи «AGRI-Україна» Проєкт USAID співпрацює з державними та приватними підприємствами, щоб доповнювати та залучати інвестиції в транспортування та перевалку зерна, яких вкрай потребує Україна. ПОКРАЩЕННЯ ІНФРАСТРУКТУРИ Проєкт USAID також надає безпосередню підтримку Урядові України, зокрема Державному агентству відновлення та розвитку інфраструктури України (Держвідновлення), Державній митній службі та Укрзалізниці, в модернізації 42 пунктів перетину кордону України (ПП). Сучасна та більш ефективна прикордонна інфраструктура та митні процедури скоротять витрати на експорт і збільшать експортний потенціал, що дозволить Україні розширити обсяги торгівлі та просунутися на шляху до інтеграції в ЄС. ПРО ПРОЄКТ USAID Зусилля України здобути майбутнє – вийшовши з розв’язаної Росією повномасштабної війни готовою прискорити свій розвиток як суверенної, незалежної, демократичної та процвітаючої держави – вимагають динамічного, інклюзивного економічного відновлення. Завдяки партнерству з урядом та активному залученню приватного сектору Проєкт USAID підтримує економічне зростання та стійкість України з 2018 року. Після жорстокого вторгнення Росії в Україну в лютому 2022 року та подальшої окупації частини України, Проєкт USAID змістив фокус своєї діяльності зі сходу України на пріоритети розвитку всієї країни, які відповідають її нагальним потребам в удосконаленні експортної логістики та інфраструктури.
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- 51-200 працівників
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- Kyiv, Kyiv
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- Некомерційна організація
9-a, Hetman Pavlo Skoropadsky St.
Kyiv, Kyiv 01024, UA
1, Shpitalna St.
Lviv, Lviv Oblast 79000, UA
38/40 Pushkinska str.
Odesa , Odesa 65000, UA
Працівники у Проєкт USAID “Економічна підтримка України”
USAID Supports Small Agribusinesses by Improving Operations In 2024, the USAID Economic Resilience Activity (ERA) delivered 35 units of equipment to 12 agribusinesses, Ukrainian Agrarian Council (UAC) members, such as telescopic loaders, generators, and truck scales. This equipment allowed the UAC members to increase grain handling volumes and improve cost efficiency. Agrofirm Dzvony, a family-owned agricultural enterprise in Lviv Oblast, received a telescopic handler to speed up the logistics process. The grain is loaded into trailers, which is then transported to the nearest railway station, where it is transshipped into wagons for export. According to the company, the telescopic handler increased the loading process from 10 to 14-15 cars daily. Agro-Orms, another agribusiness and member of the holding group A'SPIK, accepted a telescopic handler from USAID. With the new equipment, the reloading capacity doubled to 2,000 tons in October and November 2024. The company boasts that the increased operational efficiency and cost savings from not having to rent equipment, allows Agro-Orms to meet the requirements of foreign buyers, increasing export efficiency. The agricultural company in Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Perlyna Podillia, received truck scales, a generator, and a telescopic handler from USAID. The telescopic handler increased the company’s reloading capacity from 78,000 tons to 150,000 tons in October and November. 💬 Overall, UAC Chairman, Andrii Dykun, emphasized the importance of USAID support for UAC member companies noting that “thanks to USAID ERA, the companies have updated their equipment fleet and become more competitive in the agricultural producers’ market, therefore, they will continue to supply grain to world markets even in times of war.” Background: Assistance to agricultural producers and infrastructure companies is part of the Agriculture Resilience Initiative (AGRI) - Ukraine, implemented by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). It aims to help Ukraine increase its capacity to produce, store, transport, and export grain. More information about the "AGRI-Ukraine" initiative is available following the link: ↗ Find more about USAID ERA work under "AGRI-Ukraine" on the website: ↗
USAID ERA completes rapid upgrade improvements at Rava-Ruska/Hrebenne road border crossing point in Lviv Oblast In January 2025, USAID Economic Resilience Activity (ERA) completed a planned rapid upgrade at the Rava-Ruska/Hrebenne road border crossing point (BCP) in Lviv Oblast, on Ukraine’s border with Poland. USAID ERA contractors undertook site and miscellaneous improvements, including strengthening the road base through cold recycling, improving road and parking lot infrastructure and surface, repairing and painting metal structures and inspection bridges, restoring the stormwater drainage system, repairing fence and site electrical system, and applying road markings. ERA also installed eight traffic arms, 150 road signs, and 176 LED lights, and provided 10 garbage containers, 18 recycling bins, and 28 road barriers to improve traffic control, safety, and security, and boost safety and cleanliness. ERA also provided two commodity scales and two handheld backscatter scanners to enhance cargo handling procedures at the BCP. Furthermore, ERA will deliver 38 pieces of ICT equipment and three permanent modular prefabricated buildings to enhance the operations of border officials. In addition to rapid upgrade improvements, Rava-Ruska is also under a design contract for major infrastructure improvements, including rehabilitation of buildings, facilities, and structures, for an estimated construction cost of $2.04 million. The monthly average export at Rava-Ruska/Hrebenne BCP has been about 66,099 tons from May 2024 to November 2024. Background: Between 2023 and 2026, USAID is allocating $115 million through the Economic Resilience Activity to support the State Agency for Restoration and Development of Infrastructure, Ukrainian Railways (UZ), and the State Customs Service. This funding aims to modernize border crossings, enhance trade, and increase export volumes.
USAID Economic Resilience Activity (ERA) is proud to play an important role in strengthening Ukraine’s agricultural export resilience to support Ukrainian farmers during war time through partnerships with private companies and governmental institutions.
USAID's Response in Ukraine
USAID ERA's Generators Ensure Rail Border Crossing Points Remain Operational Amid Electricity Outages As part of its mission to strengthen Ukraine's economic resilience, USAID, through its USAID Economic Resilience Activity (ERA), delivered high-capacity generators to key rail border crossing points (BCPs). This critical intervention supports Ukraine's power systems amid Russia's ongoing attacks on vital infrastructure, ensuring the uninterrupted movement of goods and passengers between Ukraine and its European neighbors. ERA delivered and installed 10 generators in total, ranging from 6-kW to 50-kW total, at the Chop (Zakarpattia Oblast, Hungary border), Mostyska II and Yahodyn (Volyn Oblast, Poland border), Vadul-Siret (Chernivtsi Oblast, Romania border), Reni (Odesa Oblast, Romania border), and Kuchurkhan (Odesa Oblast, Moldova border) rail BCPs. The average monthly cargo export through these six BCPs has been 1.12 million tons from December 2023 to November 2024. 💬 Cameron Berkuti, ERA Border Crossing Point (BCP) Director, emphasized: "These generators provide reliable backup power for critical infrastructure systems, such as lighting, heating, signaling, and IT networks. Most importantly, they ensure the timely processing of documents, minimizing the risk of train delays, and keeping rail operations efficient and uninterrupted." Ukrainian Railways (UZ) upholds high transportation standards. Trains rarely experience delays and consistently arrive at their destinations on time. Maintaining this level of service is essential, especially during times of crisis, and a stable power supply to BCPs plays a significant role in preserving this quality of operations. By ensuring round-the-clock reliability during extended power outages, these generators enable seamless customs processing, uninterrupted operations, and timely train movements. This helps maintain Ukraine's reputation as a reliable transit partner for both cargo and passengers. This initiative supports Ukraine's international trade by keeping key export and import routes open, contributes to economic stability for local and regional markets, and upholds UZ's high operational standards. With support from ERA, Ukraine's border infrastructure continues to withstand ongoing challenges, ensuring the continuity of economic activities, protecting livelihoods, and fostering regional development and long-term prosperity. Between 2023 and 2026, USAID, through ERA, is dedicating $115 million to support the Government of Ukraine. This support includes the Ministry for Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine (Ministry for Restoration), the State Agency for Restoration and Development of Infrastructure of Ukraine (Agency for Restoration), the State Customs Service, and Ukrainian Railways (UZ) to upgrade 42 of Ukraine’s border crossing points (BCPs).
💨 Winter in Ukraine brings not only biting cold and heavy snow but also logistical hurdles that significantly impact border operations. Sub-zero temperatures and icy conditions create a daunting environment for travelers and discomfort at work for customs officials and border guards, causing a general slowdown of operations. ✔️ By the end of 2023, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), through its Economic Resilience Activity (ERA), had commenced delivery of critical infrastructure upgrades and equipment that were aimed not only at modernizing Ukraine's road and rail border crossing points with European Union countries, but also to support border staff to better manage challenges posed by the harsh winter conditions. To address these challenges, USAID ERA has procured, installed, and fully equipped 62 permanent modular buildings at six key road border crossing points (BCPs). Read more in the article. 👇
USAID ERA completes pre-qualification of construction contractors, a significant milestone for commencing major construction of key Ukrainian border crossing points USAID Economic Resilience Activity (ERA) has completed the pre-qualification of construction companies, paving the way for the engagement of competent contractors to undertake the major construction of key border crossing points on Ukraine’s western borders. ERA issued a request for Expressions of Interest on August 8, 2024, to invite over 100 construction companies with experience and capacity in infrastructure, buildings, road, rail, utility, landscaping, electrical, and mechanical work throughout Ukraine to complete a pre-qualification package for upcoming major construction projects at these BCPs. Out of 24 submitted proposals, USAID ERA selected 16 companies qualified to carry out the required construction work, with 12 capable of undertaking major construction. This pre-qualification procedure allowed construction vendors to demonstrate that they are suitably qualified to perform this vital construction work. The purpose of pre-qualifying construction firms is to ensure that USAID ERA engages only those subcontractors with proven expertise and reliability. This process was critical to identifying vendors with the technical, financial, and ethical qualifications necessary to execute complex infrastructure projects. By pre-qualifying vendors, ERA aimed to mitigate risks and streamline the procurement process during the bidding phases by not requesting documents already on file and verified. The pre-qualified bidders will be placed on ERA’s shortlist of construction vendors to be solicited to bid on anticipated projects. Pre-qualification will allow ERA to move much more quickly through the bidding process and proceed to construction upon completing the BCP design phases. As a result of the evaluation, ERA pre-qualified 16 companies, out of which 12 qualified for major construction. ERA has identified 12 target BCPs for complex construction activities. These are the Yahodyn, Uzhhorod, Tabaky, Krasnoilsk, Diakivtsi, Mohyliv-Podilskyi, Chop (Tysa), Starokozache, Mamalyha, Rava-Ruska, and Rososhany road BCPs, as well as key railway BCPs. Construction at these sites will include new terminal construction, renovation, and reconstruction of new or existing cargo or passenger terminals, and major equipment installation. They also include constructing or reconstructing service and processing buildings, and landscaping, pavement, painting; sewage, utility, and lighting work. ERA launched the first major construction project tender on December 20, 2024 – the Mostyska II joint inspection container zone. This is a key rail BCP identified to receive “medium-lift” or less complex construction activities.
USAID ERA delivers mobile X-ray scanners to enhance customs operations at key border crossing points USAID, through its USAID Economic Resilience Activity (ERA), has delivered the first two of five mobile X-ray scanners procured to enhance customs operations at key border crossing points (BCPs) along Ukraine's borders with Slovakia, Romania and Moldova. These scanners will reduce inspection times, accelerate vehicle processing, and strengthen security, demonstrating USAID’s commitment to modernizing Ukraine’s border infrastructure and improving trade flow efficiency. By December 25, ERA’s vendor delivered two scanners to Ukraine, which were received at the Porubne-Siret (Romania) and Uzhhorod-Vysne Nemecke (Slovakia) road BCPs after customs clearance. In January 2025, the third scanner will be delivered to Orlivka-Isaccea (Romania) ferry BCP, providing a direct trade route to southern Europe and Turkey. Training for the relevant border personnel on commissioning, operation, and maintenance of all three scanners is scheduled for January 2025. The delivery of the final two scanners is scheduled for April 2025, to the Reni-Giurgiulești (Moldova) and Dyakove-Halmeu (Romania) road BCPs, further bolstering border management and trade facilitation. The state-of-the-art mobile X-ray scanners are used to inspect vehicles and cargo through employing high-energy X-rays, enabling customs officials to detect concealed items, threats, or illegal goods in real time without the need for the unpacking of cargo. These non-intrusive inspections prevent smuggling, ensure regulatory compliance, and streamline border operations. The scanners’ mobility allows flexible deployment, enhancing security and improving efficiency across various BCPs. Overall, USAID ERA’s improvements to Ukraine’s western border BCPs will accelerate trade flows, reduce delays, and directly benefit businesses while fostering economic growth and stability for local communities. Background: Between 2023 and 2026, USAID is allocating $115 million through ERA to support the State Agency for Restoration and Development of Infrastructure, Ukrainian Railways (UZ), and the State Customs Service. This funding will further modernize border crossings, enhance trade efficiency, and boost export volumes, contributing to Ukraine's long-term economic resilience.
DAI, an implementor of the USAID Economic Resilience Activity (ERA), has extended the proposal submission deadline for the procurement of floating security barriers to December 31, 2024, 6:00 pm Kyiv time. Qualified local vendors are encouraged to submit their proposals by this new deadline. For detailed information and submission guidelines, please refer to the official announcement: For inquiries, contact the procurement team at
Request for Proposal | Procurement of Floating Security Barriers - USAID Economic Resilience Activity