Exciting Updates to the Joint Qualification System (JQS): The upgraded system offers significant improvements for users: 📌 Enhanced landing page featuring EOI/Procurement, Buyer, Supplier, and Login/Signup options. 📌 A responsive and user-friendly web interface. 📌 Application tracking from submission to qualification. 📌 OTP authentication for secure applicant verification. 📌 Seamless login for existing users with old NSD credentials. 📌 A new catalogue of products/services with unique identification codes replacing ISIC codes. 📌 Transparent qualification criteria visible to suppliers during applications. 📌 Categorized supplies by business specialization. 📌 Advertisements from buyers (PAU, licensees, subcontractors, and government entities) with automatic email notifications for relevant suppliers. 📌 Publicized events (workshops, conferences, meetings, and training) visible to all NSD-registered entities. 📌 Free registration aligned with portal guidelines. This system streamlines access to opportunities, ensuring efficiency and inclusivity for all stakeholders in Uganda’s oil and gas sector. #NCC2024 #UgOilJourney #Innovation