Co-founder of Amytis Ltd. PhD Student in Biochemistry and Biotechnology at The University of Edinburgh.
💻🙋 LOOKING FOR USER TESTERS We are looking for volunteers to try out an early version of the Amytis Workspace! Want to get involved in bringing to life a truly innovative new workspace platform? Originally designed to help research scientists visualise their complex and data-diverse projects, the Amytis workspace can help any visual or kinesthetic learner to really get to grips with their projects - be it an international business, building the next Mars rover or just redecorating the bathroom! We are looking for a range of people with any and all kinds of projects to try out our platform, and provide us with all important feedback. So if you have a spare 1-2 hours in the week commencing 4th March, please sign up using the Google form below: #startupjourney #usertesting #workspace #visuallearning #kinestheticlearning