The Post Office Scandal / persecution: simply put, anyone who was there, who knew or stuck their head in the sand, and didn’t come forward, was complicit.
What went wrong? Dive into the critical lessons from the Post Office scandal. Join us on 26 November for an eye-opening event, “The Post Office Scandal – A Failure of Governance.” This pivotal session dives into the Post Office scandal, one of the most profound governance breakdowns in recent history. Discover what went wrong, the impact on countless lives and the critical lessons every leader needs to learn to prevent future failures, with speakers: • Dr. Roger Barker, Director of Policy and Corporate Governance, Institute of Directors (IoD) • Richard Moorhead, Professor of Law & Professional Ethics, University of Exeter • Mary Campbell OBE, Founder & Chief Executive, Blas and Resilient Corporates • Seamus Gillen BA MBA FCIS FCG, Founder, VALUE ALPHA LIMITED, author of ‘Building Better Boards’ • Nick Gould, Partner at Aria Grace Law CIC • Barry Gamble, Commentator & Advisor, Non-Executive Directors' Association and Board Agenda® magazine. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to gain insights from experts on how strong governance can safeguard integrity, accountability and trust. ➡️ Secure your space here: #GovernanceMatters #Leadership #IntegrityInBusiness #IoDEvents #PostOfficeScandal #Business #InstituteOfDirectors