The global market size of Islamic Fintech transaction volume was estimated to be USD 138 billion in 2022/23 and is anticipated to reach USD 306 billion by 2027 at a CAGR of 17.3% compared to overall global Fintech industry, which is expected to develop at a CAGR of 12.3% over the same time period.
The largest countries in terms of estimated transaction volume are Saudi Arabia, Iran, Malaysia, the United Arab Emirates, Indonesia and Kuwait. Meanwhile, the GIFT (Global Islamic Fintech) Index 2023/24 lists Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, the United Arab Emirates, and the United Kingdom as the top five Islamic Fintech conducive ecosystems in the world.
The index applied a total of 19 indicators across five different categories for each country, namely Talent, Regulation, Infrastructure, Islamic Fintech Market & Ecosystem, and Capital. In addition to the top five strongest ecosystems, the hub analysis suggests that Bahrain, Pakistan, Qatar and Türkiye are rapidly growing ecosystems.
The Global Islamic Fintech 2023/2024 report also identifies the hurdles and opportunities in the sector, through a survey of Islamic Fintech practitioners and industry service providers. The major hurdles identified include; Access to Capital, Consumer Education, Regulation, Finding Top Talent and the complexity of Geographic Expansion.
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