When we say our team literally live and breathe all things energy efficiency, we really mean it! Luke Smith took a #Pulse kit home over the weekend to measure his own home, and even got the kids involved. Great to get the next generations involved from a young age and it's good to see we are all practicing what we preach! We have also proved you are never too old for googly eyes. #airtightnesstesting #retrofit #energyefficiency #googlyeyes
I took some Pulse kit home to do airtightness testing on my own house over the weekend. The kids loved the goggle eyes - this particular air receiver has officially been named mr farty face 😅 On a more technical note, I’m also pretty happy with the measurements. It’s a 1980’s detached where I’m measuring an air permeability of 0.72 m3/m2.h @4Pa (or 3.9 @50Pa). Centralised MEV unit switched off but outlets not sealed. It’s not a fancy deep retrofit, just a solid ground floor slab, mineral fibre filled cavity walls, cold roof and me having thought a bit about airtightness in renovating our kitchen and bathroom, decorating, replacing the door to the garage etc. I’ll post separately on what this level of airtightness means for my HTC shortly!