DYDD GŴYL DEWI HAPUS! 🌼 HAPPY ST DAVID’S DAY! 🏴 Wedi mwynhau dathlu eto eleni yng nghwmni cyfeillion o’r sector niwclear o bob cwr o Gymru a thu hwnt 😊 Thoroughly enjoyed celebrating with colleagues from the nuclear sector in Wales and beyond - thank you Wales Nuclear Forum for another fabulous St David’s Day dinner 🥂 Sasha Wynn Davies | Richard James | Thomas Hurford | Debbie Jones | Emily Sharp | Tony Davies | Ieuan Williams | Iolo James | Rachel O'Donnell | Saranne Postans | Elliw Williams | Lisa Birks | Alan Raymant
About us
Cwmni datblygu safle Trawsfynydd | Trawsfynydd site development company Mae Cwmni Egino yn gwmni sydd ym mherchnogaeth Llywodraeth Cymru, sy'n datblygu cynigion ar gyfer adeiladu Adweithydd Modiwlar Bach cyntaf y DU ar safle'r hen orsaf bwer niwclear yn Nhrawsfynydd. Ein nod yw hybu cyfleoedd adfywio economaidd a chymdeithasol yn lleol, rhanbarthol a chenedlaethol, yn ogystal â chyfrannu at dargedau sero net a sicrwydd ynni'r DU. Cwmni Egino is a Welsh Government owned company tasked with developing proposals for the deployment of the UK’s first SMR at the site of the former nuclear power station in Trawsfynydd, North Wales. Our plans will maximise socio-economic growth opportunities locally, regionally and nationally, as well as help meet the UK’s energy security and net zero targets. Noder: Mae'r dudalen hon yn cael ei monitro rhwng 9-5, ddydd Llun-ddydd Gwener. Ni allwn sicrhau y byddwn yn ymateb i negeseuon neu sylwadau y tu allan i'r oriau hynny. / Note: This page is monitored 9-5, Monday-Friday. We can't guarantee that we'll respond to messages or comments outside those hours.
- Website
External link for Cwmni Egino
- Industry
- Nuclear Electric Power Generation
- Company size
- 2-10 employees
- Headquarters
- Trawsfynydd
- Type
- Government Agency
- Founded
- 2021
Trawsfynydd, GB
Caernarfon, GB
Employees at Cwmni Egino
👏 Diolch i bawb a fynychodd y digwyddiad ‘Gwireddu’r Potensial Niwclear’ a gynhaliwyd gan Gwmni Egino, ar y cyd â Fforwm Niwclear Cymru yn ôl ym mis Tachwedd. Pwrpas y digwyddiad oedd ysgogi trafodaeth ynghylch sut y gall Gogledd Cymru sicrhau’r buddion economaidd-gymdeithasol mwyaf posibl o fuddsoddiad niwclear newydd, yn ogystal â hyrwyddo cydberchnogaeth o'r cyfle ymhlith rhanddeiliaid o fewn y diwydiant a’r rhanbarth. Rydym yn falch i rannu adroddiad cryno gyda chi sy'n nodi'r themâu allweddol a amlygwyd o’r grwpiau trafod, y 'maniffesto bach' ar gyfer gweithredu cadarnhaol a gyd-ddiffiniwyd gan y cynadleddwyr, a'r addewidion personol a wnaed ar y diwrnod: https://lnkd.in/eDJjcZ7f Yn ogystal â rhannu'r adroddiad yn eang gyda rhanddeiliaid a phartneriaid allweddol, mae Cwmni Egino yn ystyried camau y gallwn eu cymryd nesaf i adeiladu ar y sgyrsiau a'r cysylltiadau a sefydlwyd yn ystod cynhadledd y llynedd. 👏 Thank you to everyone who attended the Cwmni Egino and Wales Nuclear Forum ‘Seizing the Nuclear Opportunity’ event back in November. The purpose of the event was to stimulate discussion around how North Wales can capture maximum socio-economic benefits from new nuclear investment and, crucially, to promote co-ownership of the opportunity among stakeholders from across industry and the region. We are pleased to share with you a summary report which sets out the key themes arising from each of the conference’s break-out discussions, the ‘mini-manifesto’ for positive action which delegates co-defined, and the personal pledges made on the day: https://lnkd.in/eA6hEqZe As well as sharing the report widely with key stakeholders and partners, Cwmni Egino is considering steps that we can take to build upon the rich conversations and connections established during last year’s conference. Wales Nuclear Forum The Offshore Energy Alliance Bangor University Uchelgais Gogledd Cymru | Ambition North Wales North West Nuclear Arc
Cwmni Egino reposted this
The countdown is well and truly on for our annual St David's Day Dinner on 27 February at Cardiff & County Club! Our highly anticipated dinner brings together our partners, members and fellow industry colleagues for an evening of networking, collaboration and celebration. We're also delighted to welcome a key industry speaker and our guest speaker Philippa Tuttiett 🤩 We'd like to say a huge thank you to our headline sponsor Mactech Energy Group and drinks reception sponsor Cwmni Egino for supporting the event. ⚛️ 👉 We do still have a number of sponsor opportunities left available, so if you're attending the event and interested in securing a package, contact us via membership@walesnuclearforum.com. We are now sold out of tickets, but please get in touch if you'd like to be added to the reserve list. We're very much looking forward to seeing you all there! #walesnuclearforum #stdavidsday #dinner #event #nuclear #networking Debbie Jones | Sasha Wynn Davies | Emily Sharp | Stephanie McKenna | Miles Weston | Jon Hatton | Tony Davies | Gareth Davies | Julian Vance-Daniel
‘DYSGU AM NIWCLEAR’ – CYFRES O FIDEOS NEWYDD... ☢️📹 Fel rhan o wythnos Egni M-SParc ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol ac Wythnos Niwclear Nuclear Institute yn San Steffan, da ni’n falch iawn o lansio cyfres o fideos sy'n rhoi cyflwyniad cyflym a syml i ynni niwclear. Cafodd y prosiect ei ddatblygu ar y cyd rhwng Cwmni Egino ac M-SParc, gyda chyllid gan yr Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, gan weithio gydag Animated Technologies Ltd o Ynys Môn i gynhyrchu’r gyfres o chwe fideo byr. Y gobaith ydi y byddan nhw’n cefnogi dealltwriaeth ac ymwybyddiaeth o sut mae pŵer niwclear yn gweithio, pam ei fod yn rhan hanfodol o'r gymysgedd ynni glân, ochr yn ochr â ffynonellau adnewyddadwy, a'r cyfleoedd economaidd-gymdeithasol sylweddol y mae'n eu cynnig. Maen nhw’n rhad ac am ddim i unrhyw un eu defnyddio i ysgogi sgwrs wybodus a phwysig ynghylch niwclear yng nghyd-destun newid yn yr hinsawdd, yr angen am drydan carbon isel i ateb y galw yn y dyfodol, a’r potensial ar gyfer buddion parhaol i gymunedau. Mae lincs i wylio a lawrlwytho’r fideos ar gael ar ein gwefan https://lnkd.in/eXZHyWNg ‘LET’S TALK ABOUT NUCLEAR’: NEW VIDEO CONTENT LAUNCHED... ☢️📹 As part of the M-SParc Egni’s socials takeover, and to celebrate the successful Nuclear Institute Nuclear Week in Parliament this week, we’re really happy to launch a series of bite-size explainer videos which give a quick and simple introduction to nuclear power. Developed by Cwmni Egino and M-SParc with funding from Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, and produced by Anglesey-based Animated Technologies Ltd, we’re hoping that these videos will support understanding and awareness of how nuclear power works, why it’s an essential part of the mix alongside renewable sources of clean energy, and the significant socio-economic opportunities that it offers. They’re free and there for anyone to use to help stimulate an informed and important conversation around nuclear in the context of climate change and the need for low carbon electricity to meet future demand, and potential for lasting benefits for communities. Links to view and download the videos are available on our website. https://lnkd.in/er7z_Hqs Nuclear Institute Bangor University Prifysgol Bangor
Edrych mlaen i gyfrannu at hwn a chlywed gan y panelwyr eraill | Looking forward to taking part, hearing from the other panellists and, above all, how we can collaborate across regional boundaries👇🏻
✨ Speaker announcement! ✨ Some brilliant news for a Monday morning as we’re delighted to announce the final speaker on our panel at this week’s #NuclearRegions reception in the House of Lords, Elliw Williams, Head of Stakeholder Engagement and Communications at Cwmni Egino. As part of Cwmni Egino’s Senior Leadership Team, we’re looking forward to speaking to Elliw about how Wales’ nuclear project development company is working to establish a ‘place-based’ approach to nuclear opportunity in Wales, primed to respond to a diversity of nuclear opportunities and ensure that local communities receive maximum benefit from nuclear investments. 👷♀️ 👷♂️ ☢️ 🌱 ✅ Elliw joined Cwmni Egino as Head of Stakeholder Engagement and Communications in April 2022. As part of the Senior Leadership team, Elliw oversees all engagement and communications activity, and is Cwmni Egino's lead on social value. Previously she held a senior communications role with Natural Resources Wales, and was Co-Director of ATOM PR which Elliw set up in 2002 to provide strategic communications advice and hands-on support for clients across the public, private and voluntary sectors. Born and bred in Gwynedd, she is passionate about socio-economic growth and delivering tangible benefits for communities in North Wales. #nuclearfuture #communities #supplychain Wales Nuclear Forum,
Heddiw, rydym wedi cyhoeddi adroddiad 'Astudiaeth Cymhwysedd Cadwyn Gyflenwi Niwclear: Adroddiad Cymru sy'n tynnu sylw at gyfle enfawr i dyfu busnesau yng Nghymru o ganlyniad i fuddsoddiad niwclear yn y dyfodol. 📋 📝 Isod mae cipolwg cyflym ar y canfyddiadau, neu ewch i'n gwefan am fwy o wybodaeth ac i lawrlwytho'r adroddiad Today, we’ve published the ‘Nuclear Supply Chain Capability Study: Wales’ report which highlights a huge opportunity for business growth in Wales as a result of future investment in nuclear. 📋📝 Below is a quick snapshot of the findings, or go to our website for more information and to download the report https://lnkd.in/e3hyXFDP Gardiner & Theobald LLP Llywodraeth Cymru / Welsh Government Net Zero Industry Wales Wales Nuclear Forum Nuclear Institute Tenet Consultants Ltd Uchelgais Gogledd Cymru | Ambition North Wales Cogent Skills Sizewell C EDF (UK) Menter Môn Ltd CECA Wales Foundation Group
Hapus i gefnogi'r ymgynghoriad cyhoeddus 📋 Happy to be supporting this Public Consultation ⏱
(bilingual post) 🙌❗DWEUD EICH DWEUD❗ - 🙌HAVE YOUR SAY❗ 📣Ymgynghoriad cyhoeddus - 📣Public consultation Rydym wedi lansio ymgynghoriad cyhoeddus ar Gynllun Trafnidiaeth Rhanbarthol arfaethedig ar gyfer Gogledd Cymru. 👩💻Gallwch weld y cynigion a chyflwyno eich adborth drwy ystafell ymgysylltu rithwir, yma👇 https://lnkd.in/eWRsSveq 📅Y dyddiad cau ar gyfer ymatebion yw 23:59pm ar 14 Ebrill 2025. E-✉️ Cysylltwch â thîm y prosiect drwy northwalesregionaltransportplan@arup.com os oes gennych unrhyw gwestiynau neu os hoffech ofyn am gopïau papur o'r dogfennau ymgynghori📗📖 ______________________ 📣Public consultation We have launched a public consultation on the proposed Regional Transport Plan for North Wales. 👨💻You can view the proposals and submit your feedback via a virtual consultation room👇 https://lnkd.in/eBaK8r3r 📅The deadline for responses is 23:59pm on 14th April 2025. E-✉️ Please get in touch with the project team via northwalesregionaltransportplan@arup.com if you have any questions or would like to request paper copies of the consultation documents📗📖 Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Conwy Conwy County Borough Council Cyngor Sir Ddinbych _ Denbighshire County Council Cyngor Sir y Fflint Flintshire County Council Cyngor Gwynedd Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Wrecsam Wrexham County Borough Council Cyngor Sir Ynys Môn | Isle of Anglesey County Council Transport for Wales Arup North Wales Business Council - Cyngor Busnes Gogledd Cymru West Cheshire & North Wales Chamber of Commerce Llywodraeth Cymru / Welsh Government Wales Office/Swyddfa Cymru
Rydym yn falch iawn o barhau â'n haelodaeth gyda FfNC. Very glad to continue our membership with WNF. Wales Nuclear Forum Sasha Wynn Davies Angharad Rayner Alan Raymant Elliw Williams Lisa Birks
Yn dymuno Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda i chi i gyd 🎄 Wishing you all a Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year 🎅🏼 Llywodraeth Cymru / Welsh Government Alan Raymant Elliw Williams Thomas Hurford Lisa Birks
Dymuniadau gorau ac ymddeoliad hapus i chdi Wyn Roberts. Diolch o galon am bob cymorth a chefnogaeth. Mi fyddwn yn siwr o weld dy fethu! Best wishes and happy retirement to Wyn Roberts. Thank you so much for all help and support. You will be missed!