This might be interesting to businesses trading with the NHS. Enjoy...
Continuing reflections on the Darzi Report: can we apply a business ethics framework to the NHS? enjoy...
Datchet Consulting helps you leverage the richness that exists at the intersections of academia, healthcare, and industry. Different sectors have much to learn from each other and between them lies a rich environment for innovation, collaboration and efficiency.
External link for Datchet Consulting
2 Toomers Wharf Canal Walk
Newbury, Berkshire RG14 1DY, GB
This might be interesting to businesses trading with the NHS. Enjoy...
Continuing reflections on the Darzi Report: can we apply a business ethics framework to the NHS? enjoy...
Let's get the NHS talking about helpful and unhelpful scaling rules. They are incredibly general and shape so much of life. Enjoy...
Can we get the 'left-shift' Ara Darzi is calling for and move care closer to patients? Here's why scaling rules make it difficult, plus how to out-innovate or go with the flow to get what we want. Enjoy...
In Let's talk about the NHS #1, we explored the lack of a common language of health value. #2 looks at two reports (Wanless 2002 and Darzi, 2024) and asks what we can learn from two eminent thinkers.
Are you in Health IT? Here are some ideas...
Key to the NHS going forward is the concept of value. Let's look at the language we use, and see if we can find better terms. #healthcare #innovation
Of special interest to health IT companies...
Here's a summary of a project to transform the NHS. It's bounded and targeted, with links to the background theory. And it's taken me half a lifetime to work it out. Enjoy...
Why hasn't the NHS made the virtuous vortex work? Here's how knowledge and process can work together to drive better outcomes at lower cost. Enjoy...
If you want a rapid response healthcare service, here's how to get the numbers right:
A distillation in 6 parts of a lifetimes learning in health...
Here's the start of my 6-part series on the NHS. #healthinnovation #healthcareinnovation #healthinformationsystems
The second in my series on ethics in business is out: People in business: Why rewarding relationships matter. Enjoy...
I've just started a Substack series on business and ethics. This builds on the framework developed with Phil Hanson. Also, I'll say Hi to Marc Farr and the NHS Chief Analytical Officer Network Enjoy...