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Dove Medical Press

Dove Medical Press

Book and Periodical Publishing

Open Access Academic Publisher of Scientific and Medical Research. Part of Taylor & Francis Publishing Group.

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Dove Medical Press Ltd is an online open access academic publisher specialising in science, technology and especially medicine. All 70 peer-reviewed journals are free to access online, allowing authors to disseminate their research to a global audience. Most of our journals are widely indexed in databases such as PubMed, Scopus and DOAJ, and an increasing number have Impact Factors. We are a member of OASPA, COPE and HINARI, and are committed to publishing good scientific research and giving authors around the world the opportunity to publish and share their research findings. We have an efficient and rigorous peer-review process. Due to this, many of our journals are able to provide authors with an initial editorial decision within four to five weeks. We aim to provide the highest possible standard of service to our authors. Recent feedback from an author survey demonstrated that: • 100% of authors surveyed found the online manuscript system easy to use • 100% of authors surveyed agreed that they received professional accurate service • 97% of authors surveyed would submit a manuscript with us again • 96% of authors surveyed received prompt communication throughout the publishing process • 86% of authors surveyed rated their level of satisfaction as Excellent (the other 14% rated us as good) To view testimonials from more of our authors please visit: We have offices in the United Kingdom, USA and New Zealand. Dove Medical Press is part of Taylor & Francis Group, the Academic Publishing Division of Informa PLC.

Book and Periodical Publishing
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    This study published by Dove Medical Press shows how dry eye-related macular degeneration (#AMD) greatly impacts daily living in many ways, for both the person with dry AMD and their caregiver. Per this study, people with dry AMD found the daily tasks of reading, driving, shopping, and engaging in hobbies are the most commonly affected. Their caregivers felt the impact on their work life. The emotional results of AMD include frustration, loneliness, anxiety, and hopelessness for the person with AMD; their caregivers felt burden, fatigue, and depression. The report includes quotes from participants, providing snapshots into life with dry AMD and caregiving for someone with AMD. Hadley can help. A good place to start is our workshop Living with Macular Degeneration: And people with AMD and their caregivers can give us a call for additional free vision resources, such as ways to connect with a peer with AMD; tips and techniques for reading, getting around, and shopping; podcast episodes helpful for caregivers of loved ones with vision loss; or a live discussion group on a favorite hobby. We're at 800-323-4238,, and we come to your patients and clients: online, on the phone, or through the mail. Together we can provide hope and support. #MacularDegeneration #Caregiving #OlderAdults #HadleyHelps

  • We are pleased to announce that Dr Muzammal Hussain and Dr Solomon Tadesse Zeleke have been appointed as the new Associate Editors-in-Chief of Drug Design, Development and Therapy ➡️ Dr. Hussain holds a Bachelor of Pharmacy from the University of Lahore, an MPhil in Pharmacology and Toxicology from the University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences in Lahore, Pakistan, and a PhD in Medicinal Chemistry from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow at the New York University Grossman School of Medicine, where his research focuses on targeted protein degradation in drug discovery. Dr. Solomon Zeleke is a distinguished scholar with a Ph.D. in Medicinal Chemistry from the University of South Australia. His academic journey has been marked by a fervent dedication to groundbreaking research and mentorship across continents, including extensive work in the USA, Australia, Africa, and Europe. The journal invites you to submit your research and become our next published author. ➡️ #AssociateEditors #PharmacologyJournal #Therapeutics 

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    View profile for Juan Sebastian Izquierdo-Condoy

    Doctor of Medicine - Researcher - Docente Maestría de Salud Pública en Universidad de las Américas - Quito

    #JustPublished La Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica (#EPOC) es una de las principales causas de morbilidad y mortalidad en el mundo. La #inhaloterapia es clave para controlar los síntomas y reducir exacerbaciones, pero su efectividad depende en gran medida de la adherencia de los pacientes al tratamiento. Factores como el desconocimiento de la enfermedad, la dificultad en el uso de dispositivos, y las barreras económicas pueden comprometer el cumplimiento terapéutico, impactando negativamente en la evolución de la enfermedad. Los invitamos a leer nuestra más reciente publicación fruto de la colaboración interdisciplinaria, en el que evaluamos la adherencia a la terapia inhalada 💊💨 en pacientes con #EPOC 🫁. Identificando que solo el 34.1% de los pacientes mostró una adherencia adecuada. La obesidad se asoció con una mejor adherencia, posiblemente debido a una mayor carga de comorbilidades y contacto frecuente con el sistema de salud. Sin embargo, el olvido y las limitaciones económicas fueron las principales barreras para el cumplimiento del tratamiento. Estos resultados destacan la necesidad de estrategias dirigidas a mejorar la adherencia, como la educación al paciente, el seguimiento médico continuo y el acceso equitativo a la medicación. 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽 Esta investigación hubiera sido imposible sin la colaboración de Edison Fernando Gualpa Alvarez , gran neumólogo, quien fue mi profesor durante el pregrado y hoy tengo el honor de trabajar a su lado. Agradecemos a todos nuestros colaboradores y al apoyo interinstitucional del Hospital Quito N.1 de la Policía Nacional. Esteban Ortiz-Prado Estefanía Morales Lapo Universidad de Las Américas (EC) Vía Dove Medical Press

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    New manuscript published! 📢 Researchers at the Innovative Medicine Centre have published a manuscript in Dove Medical Press Press, presenting a quantum dot-linked immunoassay (QLISA) for multiplex biomarker detection. 📝 Title: Development of a Sensitive Quantum Dot-Linked Immunoassay for the Multiplex Detection of Biochemical Markers in a Microvolumetric Format What this research explores: 🔍 Development of a QLISA-based multiplex detection model; 🔍 Spectroscopic QD-analyte complex measurements for improved sensitivity; 🔍 Application in microvolume liquid droplets on a glass microslide. This research enhances biochemical marker detection, paving the way for more precise diagnostics and analytical techniques. We extend our congratulations to the research team for this remarkable achievement: Uršulė Kalvaitytė, Edvardas Bagdonas, Gailutė Kirdaitė, Asta Kausaite-Minkstimiene, Ilona Uzielienė, Almira RAMANAVICIENE, Anton Popov, Greta Butkienė, Vitalijus Karabanovas, Jaroslav Denkovskij, Ali Mobasheri and Eiva Bernotiene. 📖 Find the full manuscript in the comments!

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    View profile for Ilona Uzielienė

    Senior researcher at State Research Institute Centre for Innovative Medicine

    Happy to share our latest publication: Development of a Sensitive Quantum Dot-Linked Immunoassay for the Multiplex Detection of Biochemical Markers in a Microvolumeric Format, which was just published in Dove Medical Press I sincerely congratulate all co-authors for their hard work! Uršulė Kalvaitytė, Edvardas Bagdonas, Gailute Kirdaite, Asta Kausaite-Minkstimiene , Almira RAMANAVICIENE , Anton Popov , Greta Butkienė , Vitalijus Karabanovas , Jaroslav Denkovskij, Ali Mobasheri , Eiva Bernotiene You can access the manuscript by following the link:

  • We are pleased to announce that Dr Jacqueline Dunbar-Jacob and Dr Laura Schwab-Reese have been appointed as the new Associate Editors-in-Chief of the Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare ➡️ Dr Jacqueline Dunbar-Jacob is Distinguished Service Professor and Dean Emeritus of the School of Nursing at the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. She received her BSN in nursing from Florida State University, her MSN in psychiatric nursing from the University of California San Francisco, and her PhD in counseling psychology from Stanford University. Dr Dunbar-Jacob has served as president of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, the Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research, and the Friends of the National Institute of Nursing.  Laura Schwab-Reese, MA, PhD is a researcher and educator specializing in child maltreatment prevention, family science, and mental health promotion. As an Associate Professor at Purdue University, she bridges public health, computational social science, and intervention science to address critical societal challenges. Dr. Schwab-Reese is passionate about advancing interdisciplinary collaboration, ethical research practices, and innovative methodologies, including the integration of artificial intelligence in public health applications. The journal invites you to submit your research and become our next published author. ➡️ #MultidisciplinaryHealthcareJournal #AssociateEditors #HealthcareResearch

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    🚨 Big Data ≠ Big Insights: When Big Data Creates Big Misinterpretations 🔍 The Problem: The #skinmicrobiome has been implicated in various #skinconditions, but its causal role in #melanoma remains unclear. A recent study applied Mendelian Randomization (MR) to #genome-wide summary statistics in an attempt to establish a causal link between specific skin #bacteria and malignant melanoma. Given the severity of melanoma, such research is critical. However, the conclusions drawn in this study raise serious concerns about the misuse of computational methods in biomedical research. ⚠️ What is MR? MR is a powerful computational technique that uses #genetic variants as instrumental variables to infer causal relationships between exposures #microbiome composition) and outcomes (melanoma risk). Unlike traditional observational studies, MR aims to reduce confounding and reverse causation. When applied and interpreted correctly, MR can uncover meaningful causal relationships. ❗ What Went Wrong in This Study? The reported Odds Ratios (ORs) are so tiny that they are practically meaningless. Examples: Staphylococcus: OR = 1.0004 Enhydrobacte: OR = 1.0007 Micrococcus: OR = 1.0008 Finegoldia: OR = 0.9995 Alphaproteobacteria: OR = 0.9993 These values are statistically significant but have ZERO practical significance. p-values alone do not establish relevance—effect size matters far more in determining real-world impact. It is mind-boggling that the reviewers did not raise this issue, allowing Dove Medical Press to publish it under a title that is bound to be widely misinterpreted "Causal Association Between Skin Microbiota and Malignant Melanoma: Genetic Insights From Mendelian Randomization" 🔑 The Takeaway: Statistical significance does not imply biological or clinical significance. When effect sizes are effectively null, drawing sweeping conclusions—especially in a peer-reviewed study—risks misleading both the scientific community and the public. One can only imagine companies jumping on this "discovery" to start marketing "melanoma-protective" #probiotic #skincare products, claiming that certain bacteria lower the risk of melanoma. This is not just misleading; it is dangerous. It distorts scientific rigor and could drive consumer behavior based on statistical noise rather than biological reality. This is not an isolated case. The explosion of large-scale #genomic and #microbiome datasets combined with computational methods that prioritize statistical associations over mechanistic insights, is fueling a wave of misleading claims. Unfortunately, the lack of proper scrutiny in peer review—especially in journals that fast-track publications—amplifies the problem. We need rigorous computational science, not just more #bigdata and certainly not more misleading claims that can turn statistical artifacts into marketing strategies. #ComputationalBiology #PrecisionMedicine #dermatology #dermatologist #skincancer

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    View profile for Dr. Ghareeb Bahari د. غريب بحاري

    Associate Prof. at the College of Nursing, KSU. Vice Dean for Academic Affairs (Personal account)

    The first publication in 2025, in #JournalofMultidisciplinaryHealthcare, evaluated the effectiveness of the Stanford model in behavioral and various clinical measures to support our patients with chronic conditions in better self-management. Our findings indicated significant improvements in different patient outcomes Dove Medical Press

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