Last Thursday evening we welcomed Bill Hill, Honorary Vice President of the The Lighthouse Charity to our monthly meeting to present him with a donation from the funds raised on our Annual Charity Golf Day. This was a fantastic opportunity to find out about the valuable work carried out as the only charity that is 100% dedicated to the emotional, physical and financial wellbeing of our construction workforce and their families. Bill shared some interesting insights around mental health and its effect on the construction workers and the support system provided by the lighthouse charity. There are resources available on their website for companies to print out posters/fliers etc and details on some fantastic initiatives including their Wellbeing Academy. We encourage companies who are not already engaged to have a look at how they can get involved to help their workforce and donate where they can. It was an enlightening evening for all who attended and we urge anyone who might be effected by mental or physical health to reach out for support. A link to their website and helpline numbers are copied below. 24/7 Helpline UK 0345 605 1956 ROI 1800 939 122 Text HARDHAT to 85258 in UK or 50808 in ROI