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How do you prep for a pitch? Last Thursday, thanks to Caner Veli at Kind Community, we had the opportunity to pitch in front of a room full of investors, founders, and generally impact-driven people passionate about changing the world for the better. I've had the 'pleasure' of leading most pitches throughout our journey. It definitely gets easier, but it never becomes truly easy. This time, we thought it was the perfect opportunity for Gabby to get a taste of those butterflies. So we spent the day practicing, reading lines, repeating sections, and even listening to my voice on repeat during a run around the heath (my personal favourite tactic!). Gabby joined me on stage, and even though I could see her hands shaking (not enough of the delicious Toast Brewing in my opinion) she delivered a clear and passionate pitch, sharing all the progress we’ve been making at Garmst. Proud brother, proud co-founder. What are your tips for delivering an engaging pitch? Huge kudos to the other founders pitching: Aldwyn Boscawen, Nathalie Ballout, Gavin Taylor, Milo Pinckney, Catherine Bedford, Keir Carnie, Charlie Rudkin-Wilson, Sue, Rob and Alex.