Geode-Energy Ltd provides Offsite Geology & Petrophysical Technical Quality Assurance for the Oil & Gas, Water and Geothermal Industry, WHEN it is needed, AS it is needed See about us on for more information or follow us on @Geode_Energy on Twitter
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Subsurface Reservoir Characterisation reviewing borehole images, core, petrophyscial, seismic, drilling and production data to determine the' best-fit' Subsurface analogues for Oil & Gas, Water and Geothermal Reservoirs
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- Industry
- Oil and Gas
- Company size
- 2-10 employees
- Headquarters
- Cardiff
- Type
- Educational
- Founded
- 2016
- Specialties
- Borehole images, Reservoir Characterisation, petrophysics, Sedimentology, and reservoir analogues
Cardiff, GB
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In terms of outreach and education there are some great open-source visualisations, data and tools for earth sciences. Earthviewer allows people to explore Earth's history in deep time, from 4.5 billion years ago to present day. This includes the location of major cities and where they were at various points of geological time to help orientation. The visualisation also includes how atmospheric composition, temperature, biodiversity, day length, and solar luminosity have changed over geologic time. Earthviewer is from BioInteractive, a part of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), a provider of free classroom resources for teachers, and professional development for high school and undergraduate biology educators. More sophisticated open-source tools exist such as GPlates funded by AuScope (Australia). This offers interactive plate tectonic reconstructions and raster data visualisations through geological time. The GPlates portal is a wonderful collection of open-access global datasets. Including seafloor lithology, gravity, magnetics, topography, rodinia reconstruction, extinct ridges, rift velocity, polymetallic nodules, biosphere, palaeoDEM, abyssal hills, crustal thickness etc. In the suite of tools GPlately is a Python package which enables the reconstruction of data through deep geological time (points, lines, polygons, and rasters). It allows examination of "plate kinematic information (plate velocities, rates of subduction and seafloor spreading), the rapid comparison between multiple plate motion models, and the plotting of reconstructed output data on maps." GPlates development is by the EarthByte Project, part of the AuScope infrastructure-development programme. AuScope Ltd is a non-profit company formed to facilitate the implementation of a world-class infrastructure system for earth science, funded by the Australian Government under the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS). I include both links in the comments. #geology #geophysics #geoscience #earthscience #platetectonics #geologicaltime #research #education
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Below is a short article written by Moyes in the latest GEO EXPRO magazine on the Philippines. A longer version will be available in the next edition of the South East Asia Petroleum Exploration societies (SEAPEX) magazine.
Today, Ian Cross from Moyes highlights how the Camago-Malampaya gas field, discovered in 1989, became the Philippines’ first deepwater gas development, and that exploration is still ongoing with many parts of the large offshore sector still underexplored. Read more:
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Upcoming planetary alignment you won't want to miss! 🗓 Most nights, you can spot at least one bright planet in the sky. Every once in a while, multiple planets line up, creating a spectacular celestial event known as planet alignment or planet parade. ✨ Why do the planets align? The planets in our solar system rotate on a flat surface like a disk, meaning that they always appear along a line in the sky known as the eclipse level. When multiple planets converge together along this arch, we get a rare opportunity to see four or even five planets at once with the naked eye! Why is this important ✨ This alignment provides a unique opportunity to observe multiple worlds at a glance - a fascinating reminder of how we participate in the solar system with these distant neighbors. No telescope needed - just clear skies and a good place to view! Mark your calendar ✨ If you like stargazing, stay tuned for the next planetary alignment you can't miss. But you have to know that you will have to wait a while!
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Earth from Space: Vietnam’s ‘rice bowl’
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#PPOD: On the Rim of ‘Rustic Canyon’ NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity acquired this image, taken from the rim of a crater named “Rustic Canyon,” using its Left Navigation Camera on sol 4429 — or Martian day 4,429 of the Mars Science Laboratory mission — on Jan. 20, 2025, at 23:05:33 UTC. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech #planetaryscience
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Nile river from ISS
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A new ocean is slowly forming in Africa due to a 35-mile crack that appeared in Ethiopia in 2005. This crack is caused by three tectonic plates—the Nubian, Somali, and Arabian plates—gradually pulling apart. Scientists estimate it will take 5 to 10 million years for the ocean to fully form. The Afar region, where the plates meet, is a unique place to study tectonic processes. Some researchers believe the rift is driven by a massive plume of superheated rock rising from the Earth’s mantle beneath East Africa. The plates are moving at different speeds, with the Arabian plate drifting away from Africa at about 1 inch per year and the African plates separating even slower, between 0.2 to 0.5 inches annually. Eventually, this process will create a new mid-ocean ridge system, paving the way for a new ocean to emerge in Africa. #Ocean #NewOcean #Nature #Geography #Oceanography #Africa #EastAfrica #Ethiopia #ProfSRK
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🔍 Reactivation of Veins – A Geomechanical Insight 🪨 Have you ever heard about the Reactivation of Veins? According to Virgo et al. (2013), this geomechanical mechanism works as follows: • If the host rock is less competent (weaker) than the veins, new fractures and veins may form in different orientations. • If the host rock is more competent (stronger), deformation may cause new veins to exploit and overprint existing ones, creating complex vein networks. Here’s a perfect example of internal vein reactivation with crack-seal events (Ramsay 1980) and the movement of vein tips from a competent quartzite layer to an incompetent shaly layer. 📍 Location: Almograve coastline, SW Portugal 📸 Credit for images: Huseynov et al. (2025) Check out the paper here: #QuartzVein #VeinReactivation #FluidNET #Almograve #SWPortugal #StructuralGeology #Geomechanics #Geology