ICS-translate reposted this
⭐ Exciting news! ⭐ This Friday we’ll be heading to the University of Leeds to chat to Translation Master’s students about how to start a career in the translation industry. I’ll be joined by Maria Savelieva MCIL CL, Carla Lopes and Daniel Carlo Foster to cover the following: 📈 Insights into how we at ICS-translate ensure high-quality translation services - including what it means to be ISO 17100 accredited 🌍 Discussion around the future of the translation landscape and our view on how we see the industry evolving 🔎 The wide range of career paths available within the translation sector (spoiler: there’s more than you might think) 🤫 We’ll also be giving the inside scoop on what we look for during our hiring process Thanks to Carlo Eugeni and Ahmed Elgindy for the invitation and we look forward to meeting some of you there on 28th Feb!