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    Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentrations 1958-2024. Carbon Dioxide Parts Per Million Levels Data & Estimation 2025. NOAA carbon dioxide parts per million levels at the Mauna Loa observatory. 01/2024: 422.89ppm - 01/2025: 426.65ppm. This is the evidence of annual increases of CO2ppm levels globally and the trend is further concentrations of CO2ppm for the following years, decades. CO2ppm levels had not been above 300ppm for over 800,000 years, until the 1950s when CO2ppm reached 305ppm. By the 21st century CO2ppm levels surpassed 400ppm for the first time in millions of years. CO2ppm levels are increasing with the oil-gas global demands and an increase of production continuing to rise until a peak in oil-gas production in the 2040s. The commitments by governments, industry to reduce CO2 and convert to renewable energy is not being achieved soon enough to prevent a continuation of CO2 atmospheric concentrations rising above 500ppm. 34 million years ago, major volcanic activity caused CO2ppm levels to exceed 1000 to 2000 CO2ppm levels. Global atmospheric temperatures were 9-16 degrees Celsius warmer than present times, and it would take over 100,000 years before these temperatures returned back to previous levels. The annual trends in atmospheric CO2ppm levels are projected to continue rising into the 2050s. The UN and member states must address this crisis with more urgency and further commitments to reduce CO2 emissions. Time is not on our side and present trends are confirming that CO2 emitted into the atmosphere is globally increasing continuously, annually and predicted to continue rising for the decades to follow. The higher the concentrations of atmospheric CO2, the longer it takes for the temperature to return to previous levels. CO2 high ppm concentrations produce further and more rapid increases in temperature. Global atmospheric temperatures are on course to reach and surpass 3 degrees Celsius warmer than pre-industrial levels if annual trends in CO2ppm continue rising. It is a matter of urgency for UN member states to address this crisis of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrated levels. A global conversion to electric vehicles, transportation to reverse the continuous fossil fuel energy global demand is required. There must be more urgent action internationally and immediately, to prevent a 3 degree Celsius rise in atmospheric temperatures. pd taylor

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    Jupiter. Jupiter is the largest of all the planets in the Solar system, and in the past 4 billion years. Jupiter's huge size and gravitional influence in the Solar system has resulted in over 85% of all cosmic debris, such as Asteroids, Meteroids, Cosmic objects . Jupiter's existence and location in ratio to Earth, is a Major Factor in the existence and evolution of Lifeform, Biodiversity on Earth. It is because of Jupiter and Jupiter's ability to gravitate the Solar system's debris, large cosmic objects, that Humans and most of Earth's surface, Sea biodiversity has existed and continues to be able to evolve without catastrophic cosmic impacts. Earth has experienced the worst of the Solar system's original cosmic debris in the past 4 billion years, though there is always the senario of external cosmic objects originating from farther out into the cosmos. Both Jupiter and Saturn, 'Giant Gas Planets' are located further out into the Solar system and add extra protection to dangerous cosmic objects entering our Solar system by gravitating the object into their orbit and as on many occasions, Jupiter sucks the debris into the planet's atmosphere and pulverises their structure, crushing, by compression, diluting the object's compositions into gases, liquids, solids, contributing to Jupiter's continuing growth as a gas planet. Jupiter is similar to a gigantic hoover-vacuum cleaner, vacuuming all the debris-(cosmic: bits-pieces-gigantic objects) that Jupiter is capable of gravitating. The Combination of our Sun's distance from Earth, Earth's Moon in density, ratio to Earth, and Jupiter's position, size, gravitational influence of the Solar system's cosmic debris, protecting Earth from regular cosmic impacts. These essential combinations for Earth's Geological Timelines are the reason why 'We' Humans Exist & Continue to Evolve. We have a responsibility to protect, provide an Atmosphere & Environment that has supported Hominoids for 3 million years and Homo Sapiens for 500 thousand years. Since the 1950s, Human-Modern Civilisation has caused our Atmosphere, carbon dioxide parts per million levels-emissions to reach levels in the 2st century that have not been experienced in Earth's Gelogical timelines for millions of years. We have a responsibility to provide our future generations with an atmosphere and environment, that the natural world has provided the Human race for 400,000 years. PD Taylor: author

    Incredible Views of Jupiter From NASA's 'JunoCam'

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    Oxford University have removed contents from the Official Oxford University video. Please watch the last 10 minutes of the video to witness cuts-edits. Myself & colleagues at Oxford University were responsible for the security supervision of 'Womens History' roundtable discussion at the Sheldonian theatre in October, 2021. Hillary Clinton declared an Important statement, regarding her US election result in 2016 and US electoral democracy. The information has not been included in this Oxford University official audio-visual presentation of 'Womens History' speech. Hillary Clinton spoke of her concern about the electoral defeat, and the 'college electoral voting system' and its legitimacy as the US Official election results'. Popular-Votes vs College Electoral. It is counterproductive for the 'Womens History' to have their chosen chair-woman, to be censored because she made a statement that could be considered to be controversial. I hope the officials, Chancellor will reconsider this action taken to have the video edited, and to have removed contents of a speech at the Sheldonian theatre. Hillary Clinton expressed her belief of the 'US college electoral votes' and the 2016 election result. It is in the interest of Oxford University's principles to represent democracy and the freedom of opinion, debate. Speeches at the Sheldonian Theatre are traditionally presented as 'a freedom of opinion to state your belief, point of view'. Oxford University's history established a tradition for 'debate' and the rights to be heard. It is also counterproductive for Oxford University officials to not include content from a speech at the Sheldonian Theatre. I was a witness to listen to what Hillary Clinton said and it is in the interest for Oxford University to present Hillary Clinton's point of view without her being censored. Article: Philllip David Taylor.

    Women’s History: The Future, Roundtable Discussion followed by Address by Sec Hillary Rodham Clinton

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    Earth's Formation & Geological Timelines. 4500 Million Years Ago - The Present Period. Pre Cambrian Era, 4500 - 570 million years ago. Hadean Eon, Priscoan period 4500 - 3800 mya. Achaen eon, 3800 - 2500 mya. (Unicellular lifeform). Proterozoic period, 2500 - 570 mya. (Multicellular lifeform). Paleozoic Era, 570 - 245 million years ago. Cambrian era, 570 - 505 mya. (Fungi). Ordovician, 505 - 438 mya. ( Vertebrates). Silurian, 438 - 408 mya. (Insects, Fish, Plants). Devonian, 408 - 360 mya. (Amphibians, Land Animals). Carboniferous period, 360 - 286 mya. (Reptiles). Permian period, 286 - 245 mya. Mesozoic Era, 245 - 65.5 million years ago. Triassic, 245 - 208 mya. (Reptiles dominant, first Mammals). Jurassic, 208 - 144 mya. (Dinosaurs dominant, first Birds). Cretaceous, 144 - 65.5 mya. (Flowering Plants). Cenozoic Era, 65.5 million years ago - to the present period. Tertiary period. Paleocene, 65.5 - 57.8 mya. (large Mammals). Eocene, 57.8 - 36.6 mya. (Primates origin). Oligocene, 36.6 - 23.7 mya. (Mammals dominant). Miocene, 23.7 - 5.3 mya. (Grasslands). Pliocene, 5.3 - 1.6 mya. ( Hominoids origin). Quaternary Period. Pleistocene, 1.6 - 0.01 mya. (Homo sapiens-Humans). Holocene, 0.01 - Present period. The geological timelines highlight the immense period of time from Earth's early formation and the evolution of lifeform within the past 4 billion years. This is an important reminder of how long it has taken in the geological timespan of Earth for the Homo sapiens - Humans to exist and evolve Civilisation's timeline is only a timespan of 10,000 years and at present we are in need of protecting Earth's atmosphere and environment for our future generations. The natural world has provided our existence and evolution. We are responsible to conserve an atmosphere and environment for our continuation as a civilisation and human race. Article - PD Taylor #nasa Earth & Moon

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    Nuclear Warheads, Globally 2024. Technology is advancing towards laser interception for military response from a nuclear launch. Nations that contain active nuclear warheads have a dilemma, because laser technology can to intercept-destroy the warhead on the launch path. Laser technology combined with satelitte capability will intercept, destroy missiles, measured in seconds. Nuclear launches elevate from launch pad, thrusting up from earth's gravity and measured in minutes before impact. 21st century technology is too advanced for fuel propelled missiles to reach the destination before interception, causing self destruction if intercepted while still in the launch's territory. Laser exceeds 1000 to 2,000,000 degrees Celsius and destroys missiles. Nuclear warheads still operate on the same principles of combustion, using a fossil fuel propelled missile, speed is restricted to 'laws of physics', slow in comparison to laser. Technology in the 21st century is delivering laser response that achieves its target in a measurement of seconds and the nuclear warhead missiles are 'easy targets'. The properties of laser are superior in speed, precision, detection for annihilating a nuclear missile on launch path. Nuclear weapons are becoming a liability for the nations who are determined to continue containing active nuclear warheads as a strategy of defence. There needs to be international agreement on a total disarmament, globally. Nuclear warheads will continue to become an obosolete strategy of defence, becasue they will be too dangerous to try and use, if intercepted on launch path. Nuclear weapons are becoming obsolete and too dangerous to use in aggression because they will be destroyed in the location of the launch. Nuclear warhead nations are playing a game of Russian roulette, without confirmation that your enemy cannot intercept, destroy your nuclear weapon on launch and obliteration. Interception is already a strategy practiced and in the near future capable of intercepting nuclear warheads on launch path, resulting in self destruction, by launching a missile. The missile being launched is destroyed on launch, through laser-defence responding, resulting in self-destruction by launching a missile. Nuclear warhead nations are spending billions of dollars annually to maintain their nuclear arms programme, though they may not be able to deploy a weapon incase it explodes within their own sovereignty, territory. Their missiles are becoming obsolete and more dangerous to contnue as defence for national security while they are still remaining on their territory. The sooner these governments disarm their nuclear arms programme, the sooner their civilian population, territory will be safer from a nuclear explosion.. It is time for the 'Nuclear Warhead Nations' to dismantle and safely store the nuclear energy. pd taylor. There are 2 charts (images) with this article for viewing of data 2023/4. (Our World in Data) Oxford university.

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  • Academia. Humanities, Social, Medical, Mathematical, Physical, Life Sciences. The United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organisation.

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    The United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organisation. Founded in November 1945, with the headquarters at the world heritage centre in Paris. The parent organisation is the United Nations Economic & Social Council. UNESCO is governed by the general conference, composed of member states and the associate members. UNESCO has developed into an international conservation organisation, protecting world heritage sites of cultural and natural heritage around the world. UNESCO's main subjects of promotion and provision are education, natural sciences, social sciences, culture, communication, information. UNESCO also sponsors projects in literacy improvement, and provides technical training and progression in the sciences. UNESCO has launched some initiatives, global projects, such as 'Education for All' to improve the accessibility for all of the world's cultures, races, genders to obtain adequate education. UNESCO protects the rights of free press, independent journalism, media and preserves regional, cultural diversity, history, identity. UNESCO has evolved into an organisation that promotes peace through education, science and culture, presenting cultural importance as a basis in negotiation with the conservation, preservation, protection of people and heritage as a fundamental principle. In the 21st century, UNESCO's priorities are required for the assistance in addressing the global affairs, concerns, regarding the crisis of climate change, conflicts, ethnic and religious intolerence, modern slavery, child labour and exploitation, adequate education and literacy. article - PD Taylor.

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    United Nations, WFP, WHO, UNICEF, UNEP Report 2024. Hunger, Malnutrition, Food Insecurity, Food Waste, Loss. 1 in 11 people globally experienced hunger in 2023, 1 in 5 are people living in the African continent and the numbers of hunger, malnutrition, food insecurity, food loss and waste around the world are expected to increase in 2025. In Africa, 20.4% of the African human population are suffering hunger, malnutrition. Over 50% of the world's chronically undernourished human population will be living in Africa by 2030. Malnutrition globally has increased by 152 million from 2019 to 2023, resulting in numbers of global malnutrition to be estimated around 760 million in 2024. WHO report - 'If current trends continue, around 582 million people will be chronically undernourished in 2030.' Globally, over 300 million people are facing accute levels of food insecurity in 2024. In 2023, around 2.33 billion people globally experienced moderate to severe food insecurity. Over 2.8 billion people globally could not afford a healthy diet in 2022, and in low income countries, 71.5% of the civilian population were unable to afford a healthy diet in 2022. In contrast, only 6.3% of the population in high income countries had difficulties with affording healthy food, diet. Obesity in developed countries increased from 12.1% in 2012 to 15.8% in 2022 and estimated to continue rising. Projections indicate that by 2030 obesity will account for 1.2 billion of the global human population. In contrast to a global rise in the developed world of the over supply/consumption of food and the increase of food waste, over a billion people globally in developing countries will be hungry or suffer malnutrition in the 2030's. The United Nations Environment Programme's report 2024. In 2022, the world wasted 1.05 billion tonnes of food, 19% globally of food available for consumers. Global food loss and waste are expected to increase annually for the years to follow. Food loss amounts to 13% of all food globally that is lost in the supply chain before able to reach the retail sector or consumers. Food loss and waste is responsible for 8-10% of global greenhouse gas, emissions in the atmosphere. PD Taylor, UN 2024 report.

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    Plants - Photoautotrophs. Earth's early history in life comprised of microbes, some lineages of bacteria acquired the ability to convert light energy into chemical energy, known as photoautotrophism. Photoautotrophs coud statically absorb light, carbon dioxide, and nutrients to produce food, changing lifeform into a sendentary plant with an abundance of food energy and oxygen for efficient metabolism. Photoautotrophs enabled evolution, diversification of all life that would evolve and responsible for the variation in biodiversity around the world today. Plants continue to grow into adulthood, an indeterminant growth. Plants regenerate their physique as they elongate their stems, producing new leaves, buds. The regular regeneration of new tissue by perennial plants promotes their effective immortality. Plants can also adapt to climate, environmental changes. Plants can change as they grow, known as phenotypic plasticity. Plants modify their leaves as they develop, suited to the environment. Phenotypic plasticity involves epigenetic changes, the addition of proteins to the DNA molecule that control gene expression. Epigenetic modifications allow plants to adjust changes in the environment as they grow stems, leaves. The epigenetic development through a plant's existence can be inherited by their seedlings, allowing their descendents, progeny preparation for particular environments. Plants have evolved different ways to disperse their seeds, such as biotic vectors, insects, bees, and the wind. Enciting insects, birds, animals to eat their berries, fleshy fruits, where the seeds will pass through the digestive tract without being damaged. As the animal moves around different locations, its faeces will deposit the seeds, providing the expansion of areas where that particular plant grows. The earliest primates were evolving into daily fruit eaters and fruit plants have encouraged the evolution of animals that depend on fruits as their main diet.

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