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🚀 Yesterday we were delighted to host a UK Space Agency led workshop with the European Space Agency - ESA highlighting the funding and opportunities available for Northern Ireland Space sector companies. Invest Northern Ireland and NI SPACE also welcomed the release of Scoping Study for Northern Ireland’s Space Sector ‘Building on our Strengths: Northern Ireland’s Growing Space Industry’ Matrix NI Report. This report shows that as Northern Ireland advances in the space sector, it has the potential to leverage its unique strengths to establish itself as a leading global leader 🛰️. Northern Ireland boasts approximately 160 space and aerospace active organisations, contributing to the employment of around 4,825 individuals. (Source: Office for National Statistics – Space Industry in Northern Ireland 2023). We are using our expertise in advanced manufacturing to transition into space and through innovations in advanced materials, efficiency and energy usage, Northern Ireland will accelerate space technology and strengthen its role in the industry. Northern Ireland can also leverage its capabilities in Next Generation Communications, Cyber Resilience and Green Technologies to become a pivotal player in a global space economy estimated to soar to $1.8 trillion by 2035 in an increasingly connected and mobile world, impacting and creating value for nearly all industries on Earth and providing solutions to many of the world’s greatest challenges. To find out more on what Northern Ireland has to offer read the Matrix NI Report >> ANGOKA | Kelly Murphy | Debra Castles MCIM | Department for the Economy NI | Caoimhe Archibald | Matrix, The Northern Ireland Science Industry Panel l Robert Hill l Patricia O'Hagan MBE | Eoin McFadden