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Rad Chat

Rad Chat

Wellness and Fitness Services

The award winning, first therapeutic radiographer led oncology podcast

About us

Rad Chat is the first therapeutic radiographer led oncology podcast, designed for cancer patients, healthcare professionals and educationalists. Jo and Naman are both therapeutic radiographers who have unique backgrounds, bringing specialist knowledge and skills to the conversation. They have already had some truly amazing guests including Dr. Liz O'Riodan, Sara Liyanage, Charlotte Beardmore, Janice St John Mathews, Will Kinnard and Samantha Evans to name but a few, with more high-profile guests lined up until March next year. Their guests include cancer patients, healthcare professionals, researchers, and leaders within healthcare. This new podcast is designed to educate and inform healthcare professionals working in oncology with Society and College of Radiographers CPD accreditation. Alongside every podcast are some reflective questions and links to resources and research. The podcast is split into four core themes: education and workforce development, people living with and beyond cancer, equality, diversity and inclusion and leadership. The podcast is an easily accessible platform to promote the profession and share patient stories and experiences.

Wellness and Fitness Services
Company size
2-10 employees
United Kingdom
Cancer, Radiotherapy, Radiography, and Podcast


Employees at Rad Chat


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