Attract - Hire - Retain - Repeat (I, WE, YOU) Making the entire Recruitment process, an art form. 📈🎢
Big day today! ⭐️ For the past few months the we have been beavering away quietly in the background, focusing on evolving the ReQuire Consultancy brand in order to remain current to that super talented candidate market, as well as demonstrating our pin point accuracy & precision when it comes to hiring for our wonderful clients! 🩷 Our website has also had a complete makeover too! The look and feel fits with the narrative of the positive energy the team give off, as well as ensuring we stick to our roots - our values and those old fashioned service ethics. As well as combining our appreciation for just how fast the world is changing 🌎🖥️ It’s been a fantastic journey seeing this little project evolve, from the initial chats through to the countless designs & endless Little Britain impersonations “I don’t like it” A huge well done & thankyou to Louise & Rob who have brought this to life in the past months! And as Jeff Bezos once famously said “What’s dangerous is not to evolve” I hear ya Jeff! 👊🏽 And yes, the top image is the new look logo 😉 ⬅️ Do check out our community page! We’re all about giving back don’t worry you’ll be hearing all about that in due course PS feedback always welcome🟣⚫️