Bravo to our The Unicorny Marketing Show for their final Unicorny Quarterly session of the year - featuring competitive wine tasting (ed -UFC wine tasting more like). A brilliant concept, loved by all the Unicorny community. 🍷 🍾 Wine tasting and merriment aside, Unicorny - which celebrated its 100th episode a couple of weeks ago - is an incredible community of marketers, academics, authors, c-suiters, and more. A community that supports each other officially and unofficially, quietly and loudly, and continues to grow week after week. It is the very definition of what a network should be and sits at the heart of value creation and winning the future (which as you might know, is at the heart of everything we do!) 🏆 ❤️🔥 Thank you to the team at Unicorny, who smash out incredible episodes week after week (Dom Hawes Nichola Fairley Laura Taylor and Pete Allen - Podcast fella). Thanks to all our alumni for sharing your content time and again. And thanks to everyone who listens, you are a discerning, quality bunch, we love that you engage so fully. Meanwhile, enjoy a few pictures of the gang having some fun, joining in, and not worrying who wins at all (cough) 🗣️ #podcasting #network #marketing
It's a powerful room when The Unicorny Marketing Show alumni get together. There is no marketing problem we can't solve. And last night we had a treat thanks to Benjamin Chilcott who ran an excellent and highly amusing competitive wine tasting for us all. Sadly I wasn't in the building to find out who *really* won 🤣 as I was at next venue setting up, but from what I saw everyone was a winner. HUGE thanks to: - AML Group and Robyn Simpson in particular for hosting us in such beautiful space - Nichola Fairley, Sophy Norris and Laura Taylor and other team members and team captains for organising and running things And of course to our amazing alumni from The Unicorny Marketing Show.