Some fantastic insights from our Director of Strategic Consulting, Richard Palmer, on a project that truly highlights the power of teamwork. At Syzygy, we believe in the strength of connections to drive success—the Eneco project is a perfect example. A huge shout-out to Emmanuel Kumi and Bartosz Slusarczyk from our Project Management team for their exceptional work in bringing this vision to life! This is another big step towards climate neutrality, helping our clients lower costs and meet their sustainability goals. At Syzygy we are proud to be part of the clean energy transition! #cleanenegy #renewables #solarpower #stopburningstuff #projectmanagement
✅Another rooftop solar array delivered! We just completed the deployment of our second green energy solution for a leading food manufacturer. Its Yorkshire-based soft drinks manufacturing plant was outfitted with more than 11,000 solar panels across an area equivalent to 112 tennis courts. With this solar installation we can generate 4000 MWh of electrical energy per year, enough to boil 40 million kettles! The plant will use around 90 per cent of the generated electricity saving around 900 tonnes of CO2 in the first year alone. Just as with the first solar roof for this client, we worked with energy procurement construction experts Iqony Sens - Iqony Sustainable Energy Solutions and project managers Syzygy. Our clients had no initial costs and lowered their monthly power bill thanks to the power purchase agreement we signed with them. This project was another big step towards becoming climate neutral and helping our clients to meet their own sustainability goals! Massive thanks to Daniel Badcock and Emmanuel Kumi for the time, effort and expertise they put into this impressive project! Read more here: #oneplanet #solar #PPA