The National Lottery Community Fund Wales / Cronfa Gymunedol y Loteri Genedlaethol Cymru’s cover photo
The National Lottery Community Fund Wales / Cronfa Gymunedol y Loteri Genedlaethol Cymru

The National Lottery Community Fund Wales / Cronfa Gymunedol y Loteri Genedlaethol Cymru

Non-profit Organizations

Cardiff, Wales 700 followers

About us

Yn dyfarnu arian y Loteri Genedlaethol i brosiectau sy'n cryfhau cymdeithas ac yn gwella bywydau ledled Cymru. Awarding funds from The National Lottery to projects that strengthen society and improve lives across Wales.

Non-profit Organizations
Company size
11-50 employees
Cardiff, Wales
Government Agency


Employees at The National Lottery Community Fund Wales / Cronfa Gymunedol y Loteri Genedlaethol Cymru


  • Mae ymchwil yn dangos bod dau draean o elusennau bach eisoes yn defnyddio AI. 🤖 Ond mae llawer yn dal i wynebu rhwystrau, megis diffyg hyder, sgiliau neu gapasiti. Felly sut allwn ni wneud y mwyaf o botensial AI fel sector, tra'n sicrhau ei fod yn cael ei ddefnyddio'n gyfrifol? 💡 Fel ariannwr cymunedol mwyaf y DU, rydym yn cydnabod bod gennym gyfrifoldeb i gydweithio ag eraill a rhannu arfer gorau i harneisio potensial AI yn llwyddiannus. Dyna pam rydyn ni wedi ymrwymo i ddefnyddio AI fel dull i wella gwybodaeth, arbenigedd ac ymrwymiad pobl, o fewn ein sefydliad a’r cymunedau rydyn ni’n eu cefnogi. Dros y flwyddyn ddiwethaf, rydym wedi dod â phobl ynghyd ar draws y Gronfa a thu hwnt, gan gynnwys arbenigwyr mewn arloesedd, i ddatblygu set o egwyddorion ar gyfer defnyddio AI. Mae’r rhain wedi’u gwreiddio yn ein gwerthoedd fel ariannwr a’n gobaith yw y bydd y rhain yn cefnogi eraill yn y sector i lywio deallusrwydd artiffisial – a’r potensial a ddaw – gyda mwy o hyder. 👇🏼 Ein 10 egwyddor yw: ✔️. Sicrhau bod AI yn gweithio i bobl. ✔️. Sicrhau bod pobl yn gwybod beth sy'n digwydd. ✔️. Bod yn atebol. ✔️. Rhannu ein dysgu, llwyddiannau a methiannau. ✔️. Bod yn gynhwysol. ✔️. Canolbwyntio ar y buddion i'n staff a'n cwsmeriaid. ✔️. Monitro ein defnydd o AI a'i effaith. ✔️. Defnyddio AI yn unig pan fydd yn ystyrlon. ✔️. Bod yn dryloyw. ✔️. Diogelu preifatrwydd pawb. Dysgwch ragor am ein hegwyddorion, a sut y gallent helpu eich sefydliad i harneisio potensial AI:

  • The National Lottery Community Fund Wales / Cronfa Gymunedol y Loteri Genedlaethol Cymru reposted this

    Research shows that two thirds of small charities are already using AI. 🤖 But many still face barriers, such as a lack of confidence, skills, or capacity. So how can we maximise AI’s potential as a sector, while ensuring it’s used responsibly? 💡 As the UK’s biggest community funder, we recognise that we have a responsibility to collaborate with others and share best practice to successfully harness the potential of AI. That’s why we’re committed to using AI as a tool to enhance the knowledge, expertise and commitment of people, both within our organisation and the communities we support. Over the past year, we’ve brought together people across the Fund and beyond, including experts in innovation, to develop a set of principles for using AI. These are embedded in our values as a funder, and our hope is that these will support others in the sector to navigate AI – and the potential it brings – with more confidence. 👇🏼 Our 10 principles are: ✔️. Ensure AI works for people. ✔️. Always have a human in the loop.  ✔️. Be accountable. ✔️. Share our learning, successes, and failures. ✔️. Be inclusive. ✔️. Focus on the benefit to our staff and customers. ✔️. Monitor our use of AI and its impact. ✔️. Only use AI when it is meaningful. ✔️. Be transparent. ✔️. Protect everyone’s privacy. Find out more about our principles, and how they could help your organisation harness the potential of AI:

  • Are you new to applying for funding from The National Lottery Community Fund? Maybe your organisation recently applied for Awards for All funding for the first time? If so, we want to hear from you! 🗣️ We'd love to hear about your experiences to help us improve our digital services to best meet community organisations’ needs. 💬 Interested? Then please follow this link, which will send you to our consent form. We’ll then be in touch to invite you to take part in our research. ✉️ If you have any questions about joining the research panel, you can email our friendly user research team via Please note that places are available on a first come, first served basis. Ydych chi’n newydd i ymgeisio am grant gan Gronfa Gymunedol y Loteri Genedlaethol? Efallai bod eich mudiad chi wedi gwneud cais am grant Arian i Bawb am y tro cyntaf yn ddiweddar? Os felly, rydym ni eisiau clywed gennych chi! 🗣️ Byddem wrth ein boddau yn clywed am eich profiad i’n helpu ni i wella ein gwasanaethau digidol i fodloni anghenion mudiadau cymunedol. 💬 Diddordeb? Yna dilynwch y ddolen hon, a fydd yn anfon ffurflen ganiatâd atoch. Yna byddwn yn cysylltu i’ch gwahodd i gymryd rhan yn ei hymchwil. ✉️ Os oes gennych unrhyw gwestiynau am ymuno â’r panel ymchwil, gallwch e-bostio ein tîm ymchwil defnyddwyr cyfeillgar ar Noder fod y llefydd sydd ar gael ar sail y cyntaf i’r felin.

    • Two people sat at a desk looking at a laptop
  • Today, we had held a networking event involving projects funded under #NationalLottery 'Mind Our Future' programme. The online networking event provided an opportunity for funded projects dedicated to young people in Wales to get together, ask questions and learn from each other. (Scroll for Welsh). Mind Our Future is a £10 million grant programme to put young people in the lead so that they can imagine and create a more resilient and mentally healthy future for young people in Wales. To learn more about the work we do with Mind Our Future, go here: Heddiw, cynhalion ni ddigwyddiad rhwydweithio yn cynnwys prosiectau a ariannwyd gan raglen 'Meddwl Ymlaen' y #LoteriGenedlaethol. Rhoddodd y digwyddiad rhwydweithio ar-lein gyfle i brosiectau pobl ifanc yng Nghymru ddod ynghyd, gofyn cwestiynau a dysgu o'i gilydd. Rhaglen £10 miliwn yw Meddwl Ymlaen sy'n rhoi pobl ifanc yn y blaen fel y gallant ddychmygu a chreu dyfodol mwy gwydn ac iach yn feddyliol i bobl ifanc yng Nghymru. I ddysgu mwy am ein gwaith gyda Meddwl Ymlaen, ewch yma:

    • A group of children planting in a garden.
  • Yn galw ar storïwyr y dyfodol! Wythnos ar ôl i ymgeisio ar gyfer y Gymrodoriaeth Adrodd Straeon Natur a Chadwraeth, cyfle newydd i bobl ifanc yng Nghymru, mewn partneriaeth â Kogia. Ydych chi, neu rywun yr ydych yn ei adnabod, yn storïwr Cymraeg ifanc a fyddai'n hoffi adrodd straeon am fyd natur a bywyd gwyllt yn eich cymuned? A hoffech gael eich mentora mewn amrywiaeth o ddulliau amlgyfrwng i adrodd straeon? Dilynwch y ddolen i ddysgu rhagor - mae gennych tan 17 Chwefror i ymgeisio:

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  • Calling future storytellers! Just over a week left to apply for The Nature & Conservation Storytelling Fellowship, a new opportunity for young people in Wales, in partnership with Kogia. Are you, or do you know, a young Welsh storyteller who would like to tell stories about nature and wildlife rooted in your own community, and would like to be mentored in a variety of multimedia approaches to storytelling? Follow the link to find out more - you have until the 17th of February to apply:

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  • It's #ChildrensMentalHealthWeek and this year's campaign focuses on encouraging children and young people to 'Know Yourself, Grow Yourself'. Throughout Carmarthenshire, #NationalLottery funded project CYCA Connecting Youth Children and Adults, supports the wellbeing of children and young people while ensuring their families are confident and resilient for years to come. The charity helps with both immediate problems and long-term resilience, empowering families to grow and improve by themselves. “It helped me improve physically and mentally. You know, I wouldn’t be the person I am today, without that.” said one young boy who was introduced to boxing through the charity after struggling with his mental health. CYCA is a lifeline for families in crisis, especially those at risk of slipping through the net, who aren’t accessing social services but still need support. We are proud that CYCA was celebrated in our recent report that celebrated three decades of The National Lottery Community Fund making a difference. Read more about them and the impact of The National Lottery Community Fund below 👇 🤝🥊🖌️ Mae hi’n #WythnosIechydMeddwlPlant ac mae'r ymgyrch eleni yn canolbwyntio ar annog plant a phobl ifanc i ‘Adnabod dy Hun, Meithrin dy Hun’. Mae prosiect CYCA, Connecting Youth Children and Adults, a ariennir gan y #LoteriGenedlaethol, yn cefnogi lles plant a phobl ifanc ledled Sir Gaerfyrddin, wrth sicrhau bod eu teuluoedd yn hyderus ac yn wydn am flynyddoedd i ddod. Mae’r elusen yn helpu gyda phroblemau uniongyrchol a gwydnwch hirdymor, gan rymuso teuluoedd i dyfu a gwella ar eu pen eu hunain. “Fe helpodd fi i wella’n gorfforol ac yn feddyliol. Wyddoch chi, nid fi fyddai’r person ydw i heddiw, heb hynny,” meddai un bachgen ifanc a gyflwynwyd i focsio trwy’r elusen ar ôl cael trafferthion gyda’i iechyd meddwl. Mae CYCA yn achubiaeth i deuluoedd mewn argyfwng – yn enwedig y rhai sydd mewn perygl o lithro drwy’r rhwyd, nad ydynt yn defnyddio gwasanaethau cymdeithasol ond sydd angen cymorth o hyd. Rydym yn falch bod CYCA wedi cael sylw yn ein hadroddiad diweddar a oedd yn dathlu tri degawd o Gronfa Gymunedol y Loteri Genedlaethol yn gwneud gwahaniaeth. Darllenwch ragor amdanynt ac am effaith Cronfa Gymunedol y Loteri Genedlaethol isod 👇

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  • Today, we're spotlighting the amazing work of Innovate Trust who are on a journey to a greener future, and sharing ways to take climate action. In partnership with Able Radio and Skills and Volunteering Cymru, people with learning disabilities from across Wales are learning how to reduce their carbon footprint, and live more sustainably, through the One Planet project. With a £148,000 grant through Sustainable Steps Wales*, Innovate Trust are offering online and in-person sessions that are designed to be accessible to everyone, regardless of experience or support needs. Activities include ways to reduce energy consumption and waste, low carbon gardening and upskilling participants in repair and use. Burhan, who attends the sessions, said: “I like volunteering with One Planet. I like learning to repair things to save the planet. I also like helping other people to learn about climate change. I visited Cardiff bus Interchange with the project and that was good to learn how to travel on the bus as it’s better for the planet.” *Supported with money from the Dormant Assets Scheme - UK bank and building society accounts and other assets such as insurance and pensions that have been untouched for 15 or more years, where customers cannot be traced. Heddiw rydym yn rhoi sylw i waith anhygoel Innovate Trust, sydd ar daith i ddyfodol gwyrddach, ac yn rhannu syniadau am weithredu ar yr hinsawdd. Mewn partneriaeth ag Able Radio a Skills and Volunteering Cymru, mae pobl o bob cwr o Gymru sydd ag anableddau dysgu yn dysgu sut i ostwng eu hôl-troed carbon, a byw’n fwy cynaliadwy, trwy brosiect One Planet. Gyda grant o £148,000 gan Gamau Cynaliadwy Cymru, mae Innovate Trust yn cynnig sesiynau ar-lein ac wyneb i wyneb sydd wedi’u cynllunio i fod yn hygyrch i bawb, waeth pa brofiad neu anghenion cymorth. Mae’r gweithgareddau’n cynnwys ffyrdd i leihau’r defnydd o ynni a gwastraff, garddio carbon isel ac uwchsgilio cyfranogwyr mewn trwsio a defnyddio. Meddai Burhan sy’n mynychu’r sesiynau: “Dw i’n hoffi gwirfoddoli gyda One Planet. Dw i’n hoffi dysgu trwsio pethau i achub y blaned. Dw i hefyd yn hoffi helpu pobl eraill i ddysgu am newid hinsawdd. Mi es i i weld gorsaf fws Caerdydd gyda’r prosiect ac roedd yn dda dysgu sut i deithio ar y bws ac mae’n well i’r blaned.” *Cefnogir gan arian o’r Cynllun Asedau Segur - cyfrifon banc a chymdeithas adeiladu ac asedau eraill megis yswiriant a phensiynau'r Deyrnas Unedig sydd heb eu cyffwrdd am fwy 15 mlynedd, lle na ellir olrhain y cwsmeriaid.

    • Two people crafting at a table

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