The Religious Studies Project

The Religious Studies Project

Research Services

An international collaboration producing weekly podcasts on the social-scientific and critical study of religion.

About us

The Religious Studies Project (RSP) is an international collaborative enterprise producing weekly podcasts with leading scholars on the social-scientific and critical study of religion. Since January 2012 we have released over 390 interviews (of around 30 minutes) on cutting-edge theoretical, methodological, and empirical issues, which are available through the website, iTunes, and other portals. Now in our 12th season—with editors based in the US and the UK and team members in 6 different countries—our podcasts reach a worldwide audience, with over 1 million unique downloads and over 1.9 million website views to date. In addition to the podcasts, the website also features weekly articles from scholars of religion, and we publicise a variety of professional and pedagogical resources (jobs, journals, conferences, etc.) through our weekly Opportunities Digest. The Religious Studies Project is produced by The Religious Studies Project Association (SCIO), a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (charity number SC047750).

Research Services
Company size
2-10 employees
Religious Studies, Podcasting, Research, Pedagogy, Digital Humanities, Audio Recording, Audio Editing, Video Recording, Video Editing, Writing, Higher Education, and Public Scholarship


Employees at The Religious Studies Project

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