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The latest 'Dream Deficit' research published by Women in Sport is fascinating, and highlights that the 2024 Paris Olympics have inspired two-thirds of girls to be more active. This quote from a participant in the research struck me: “One thing I’d like to share is the profound impact that sports and the Olympics have on people, not just as a form of entertainment, but as a source of inspiration and unity. Watching the Olympics, I’m always struck by the incredible stories of athletes overcoming adversity, breaking records, and representing their countries with pride. It’s a reminder of the resilience of the human spirit and the power of dedication, discipline, and perseverance.” (Girl, aged 24) It serves as another important reminder that the powerful stories conjured up by partaking in sports is what builds emotional connection and creates impact. I love the the inherent values and virtues of the Olympics and its emphasis on human flourishing. My research on Greek societies and the formation of the Ancient Olympics is what inspired the creation of Way to Play. Taking the best of ancient values and applying them to modern times... It seems almost crazy to say, but in the digital age, where algorithms and vanity metrics dominate, investing time and resource in to unique storytelling, community building, and prioritising the meaning of sporting excellence is what will really set you apart and create genuine impact (as per this research from Women in Sport)... It is why Way to Play has built the 'True Value of Sport' (TVS) model to ensure that organisations effectively deliver ROI AND personal, social and community value. These two areas are not mutually exclusive, and we deliver results through strategic insight, creative storytelling, and innovative processes #SportingExcellence #SportsBiz #LetHerDream