Inclusive Leadership: A European Perspective on Gender Equality At a time when Diversity & Inclusion policies are being challenged globally, European companies are standing firm in their belief that inclusive leadership is essential for sustainable performance. In France, legislative frameworks have driven progress, yet significant gaps remain—especially in executive leadership. Our latest study brings together insights from 40 senior female leaders across industries, revealing both achievements and persistent barriers. Beyond quotas, how can leadership evolve to foster real equity? What new competencies must emerge? Discover the key findings and recommendations shaping the future of leadership. The original French version of this article can be accessed here: #Leadership #DiversityAndInclusion #GenderEquality #WomenInLeadership #InclusiveLeadership #ExecutiveLeadership #FutureOfWork #DiversityMatters #WomenInBusiness #SustainableLeadership #TRANSEARCH #TRANSEARCHParis
Business Consulting and Services
Executive search with a unique perspective regarding culture, performance, leadership and team 'fit'.
About us
TRANSEARCH International is a global executive search and leadership consulting organisation. Headquartered in Europe, we have representation in The Americas, Asia Pacific, Europe, Middle East and Africa. Our global presence allows us to service companies around the world - covering all the major industry sectors. We offer the following core solutions: * Executive Search * Leadership Consulting * Board Services * Interim Search The tools that TRANSEARCH International (powered by Orxestra®) uses provide a unique perspective regarding culture, performance, leadership and team 'fit'. And our integration methodology ensures that new leaders are integrated quickly and successfully without breaking stride. Visit our website to learn more about our wide-ranging approach to leadership acquisition, management assessment, our expertise and experience, and how to contact us. TRANSEARCH International is a United Kingdom registered company.
- Website
External link for TRANSEARCH
- Industry
- Business Consulting and Services
- Company size
- 501-1,000 employees
- Headquarters
- London
- Type
- Privately Held
- Founded
- 1982
- Specialties
- Senior Level Recruitment, Executive Search, Top Management, Non-Executive Directors, Executives, C-Level Executives, Leadership Consulting, Board Services, Management Assessment, Interim Search, Retained Executive Search, Talent Management, C-Suite Recruitment, Talent Acquisition, Leadership Development, and Succession Planning
Employees at TRANSEARCH
Cynthia Kaplan
Executive Search Leader and Consultant to Multinational Clients in North America and beyond--Certifications in Leadership Coaching, in Diversity…
Hans W. Berg
Retained Executive Search, Board & Leadership Consulting
Yves Storez
Regional VP Western Europe and Global Council Member at TRANSEARCH - Cross Border Executive Search & Assessment
Adrian E. Gonzalez Reyna
International Executive Search and Business Consulting Services
Unlocking Organisational Culture: What's Working for You? Our latest survey reveals a compelling truth: culture remains a critical yet often underestimated driver of competitive advantage. While half of business leaders believe they have an agile and vibrant culture, many still rely on outdated success models, failing to measure the culture they need. Key insights include: 🔹 Engagement vs. "somewhat engaged" — a dangerous assumption that distorts reality. 🔹 59% of leaders see belonging as the most effective strategy to combat retention challenges. 🔹 AI is redefining organisational design — the seven Fs determine if you're ready. 🔹 Hybrid work is here to stay, with 75% of organisations empowering employees to choose when they're in-office. Culture is a system — alter one element, and the whole shifts. At TRANSEARCH, we understand that building the right leadership team starts with understanding the culture your organisation needs to thrive. We help align leadership with a culture that drives success and supports sustainable growth. What are your insights on our findings? How do they resonate with your experience? Share your insights or feedback below. 📖 Read the full report to explore what these insights mean for your organisation: #OrganisationalCulture #LeadershipSuccess #CultureDrivenSuccess #BusinessLeadership #LeadershipDevelopment #CulturalTransformation #ExecutiveLeadership #BusinessStrategy #CorporateCulture #OrganisationalExcellence #TRANSEARCH
This International Women's Day 2025, the theme of Accelerate Action reminds us that while progress toward women's equality continues, there is still work to be done. In this special #IWD2025 interview, Annie Moon, Deputy CEO & Partnerships Lead at The Diversity Trust, sits down with Celeste Whatley, CEO of TRANSEARCH International, to discuss what #AccelerateAction truly means in today's world. Together, they explore the current state of gender equality, the critical steps needed to drive meaningful change, and the role of corporate leadership in championing progress. #TRANSEARCH #DiversityTrust #IWD2025 #AccelerateAction #WomensEquality #Leadership #DiversityInBusiness #Diversity
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Styrelserekrytering är inte vad den en gång var – och det är bra! När jag började med executive search för 15 år sedan pratade många om att styrelserekryteringar snart skulle bli mer strategiska och metodiska. Ändå ser vi fortfarande att styrelser ofta tillsätts med allmänt "kloka och förtroendeingivande personer". Det behöver inte vara fel – men en strukturerad analys av vilka kompetenser som faktiskt behövs för att driva bolaget framåt hade sannolikt varit bättre. Precis som vid rekrytering av en vd eller annan nyckelposition måste vi utgå från företagets strategi. Vad krävs av styrelsen för att säkerställa rätt riktning, genomförandekraft och utveckling? Vilka kompetenser behöver styrelsen täcka in för att effektivt vägleda den operativa ledningen? På TRANSEARCH har vi vidareutvecklat den metod som vi använder för Executive Search. Genom en workshop med valberedningen, ägare eller andra beslutsfattare kartlägger vi de nyckelkompetenser styrelsen behöver. Med vårt verktyg genomför vi en gapanalys som ger en tydlig bild av både nuläge och behov – en konkret grund för att rekrytera rätt personer. Vi tittar på kompetenser inom fyra områden: ✅ Direction – Strategisk inriktning och långsiktig planering ✅ Delivery – Förmågan att genomföra strategin och leverera resultat ✅ Development – Tillväxt och anpassning i ett föränderligt affärslandskap ✅ Dialogue – Styrelsens dynamik, samarbete och kommunikation Det här är en metodik vi och våra internationella kollegor arbetar med dagligen. Vi ser att den gör stor skillnad för att bygga starka och framåtriktade styrelser. Hur ser ni på styrelserekrytering? Är det dags att ta nästa steg? Vill du veta mer om hur vi kan hjälpa din styrelse? Hör gärna av dig till mig eller någon av mina kollegor! Ann-Cristin (Anki) Aronsson Olof Sanden Annette Linton Anders Hallersjö Peter Öhman Peter Clason Elinor Hartung Karin Weibull Ulrika Klöv Nilsson Louise Gedda Christensson #Styrelserekrytering #ExecutiveSearch #BoardCompetency #Ledarskap
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Alors que les politiques de Diversité et d’Inclusion sont remises en question outre Atlantique, prônant également un leadership plus agressif, uniforme comme un moteur de performance, certaines entreprises européennes et dirigeants français affichent leurs résistances ou réaffirment plus que jamais leurs engagements. Cette singularité européenne ne s’inscrit pas seulement dans les fondements de son histoire, de ses valeurs et de son cadre législatif mais bien dans la conviction qu’un leadership inclusif qui prône les principes de la diversité est l’assurance d’un business model plus durable et plus compétitif. Face aux bouleversements géopolitiques et identitaires actuels qui fragmentent nos équilibres, la polarisation idéologique qui nourrit les divisions, l’heure est peut-être venue de dresser un bilan de nos politiques de D&I pour mieux les comprendre et les soutenir dans ces temps civilisationnels tumultueux. Le genre n’est évidemment qu’une expression de nos diversités, mais quelles en sont les réalités au sein de nos entreprises ? Quelles pratiques et pour quelle efficacité ? Quels axes d’amélioration pour de nouveaux défis et pour nos nouvelles générations ? Quelles sont les évolutions nécessaires en terme de posture managériale et de compétences de leadership ? A la veille de la Journée de La Femme, TRANSEARCH Paris a souhaité faire un état des lieux des réalités, des aspirations de l’égalité des genres dans le monde de l’entreprise. En mettant en lumière la parole de femmes leaders issues d’une grande variété de secteurs d’activités, à des fonctions de dirigeantes ou de membres de comité de directions, issues de grands groupes mondiaux, de start-up comme d’ETI françaises, de différentes générations, aux convictions et personnalités diverses …. Une mosaïque de points de vue donc, distincts, engagés, singuliers. Cette étude est le résultat d’une analyse de témoignages d’une quarantaine de femmes leaders dont Amandine Ayrem, Anna Balez, Emma Berger, Claire Brugnago, Aude Camus, Laetitia Carle, Chapalain Catherine, Florence Clauzure Dousset, Christine Climeau, Julie Coine-Ollivier, Marion Derouet, Chantal Dognin, Laurence Etienne, Aurélie Girou, Myriam Hebinger Cilleros, caroline hernu, Karine JOUSSEMET, Valérie Labouré-Hirsch, Caroline Lamprecht , Christelle Leroy, Sophie MOREAU-FOLLENFANT,Laurence Noël, Eléonore Patry, Emmanuelle Picard, Audrey RICHARD , Nathalie Roos , Manon Roumens, Venaig SOLINHAC,Valerie VEZINHET, Marie Vezy, Khédidja ZITOUNI…. Que nous remercions vivement, tout comme celles qui ont souhaité rester anonymes, pour avoir participé avec beaucoup de sincérité, à cette réflexion. #womenday25 #genderequality #leadershipdevelopment #TRANSEARCH
Building Leadership for the Future: A Smarter Approach to Executive Search Leadership renewal isn't just about filling vacancies — it's about ensuring a seamless transition that fuels growth, innovation, and cultural alignment. A forward-thinking executive search strategy, backed by rigorous research, cultural fit assessment, and predictive analytics, sets organisations apart in an evolving marketplace. From leveraging the Orxestra® Method for leadership chemistry to incorporating Hogan Assessments for deeper candidate insights, the right approach can transform executive search into a strategic advantage. Discover how to build an executive search strategy that not only finds the right leaders but secures long-term success: #ExecutiveSearch #Leadership #TalentStrategy #LeadershipRenewal #CulturalFit #FutureLeaders #LeadershipDevelopment #HoganAssessments #OrxestraMethod #HiringStrategy #LeadershipTransition #BusinessGrowth #TRANSEARCH
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Adjunto nota de CNN sobre el desempleo en el.xn--pas-sma en que participo. Gracias.
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TRANSEARCH Australia was joined this week by Sue Barrett from Barrett Consulting Group at our annual Strategic Planning day. Sue reinforced our focus on human-centred sales and authentic relationship building. Due to changing market dynamics, organisations are seeking more from their executive search partners. As a result, the day focussed on how our suite of leadership consulting services can add additional value to our clients' organisational performance. We further explored how our investment in AI continues to improve how we deliver outcomes for our clients and candidates. #leadership #leadershipconsulting #executivesearch #strategicpartners #executivesearchAI
Leadership Perspectives on Organisational Culture: Insights from Global Leaders The evolving business landscape demands agile leadership, purpose-driven cultures, and innovative approaches to talent retention. Our latest Leadership Perspectives on Organisational Culture Report captures insights from senior executives worldwide on the strategies shaping high-performing organisations. Key takeaways: 🔹 50% of leaders believe a vibrant and agile culture is their competitive advantage. 🔹 Nearly 60% have tackled retention challenges by fostering a sense of belonging. 🔹 75% have embraced hybrid work, empowering employees with flexibility. 🔹 42% are actively redesigning organisational structures to push decision-making deeper. In an era where culture defines success, how does your organisation compare? Read the full report to uncover the leadership strategies driving performance in 2025. #Leadership #OrganisationalCulture #ExecutiveInsights #TalentRetention #EmployeeEngagement #HybridWork #FutureOfWork #BusinessStrategy #LeadershipDevelopment #WorkplaceCulture #TRANSEARCH
John O. Burdett's 'Talent is a Gift. Character is a Choice' explores why it is character – not innate ability – that fuels sustained excellence. As uncertainty and the need for non-linear leadership shapes our world we need to think, not simply try to act, differently. For the leader this means that talent is the start of it, culture is part of it, but character is the heart of it. Access the book here: Leadership icons like Nelson Mandela, Winston Churchill, and Vince Lombardi show us that character isn't about in-the-moment actions but rooted in passion, perseverance and speaking to power. We need talent. Talent will get you to the start line. However, in a world where we don't always know what we think we know, where ever-increasing ambiguity is an uncontested reality and where, as a result, we often have to take the path less travelled, it's ultimately character that separates the winners from those who 'also ran.' One of the articles most powerful lessons comes from Clifford Young, a 61-year-old Australian farmer who shocked the world by winning a 544-mile ultramarathon — running nearly non-stop, not for glory, but to prove what's possible. In a final display of character, he shared his winnings with fellow runners. Click on the link below to access this download. #transearch #johnoburdett #orxestra #leadership #charactermatters #talentdevelopment #resilience #integrity #successmindset #purposedriven #futureofwork #growthmindset #inspiration #executiveleadership #aiandleadership #teamempowerment #businesssuccess