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We Are Open Co-op

We Are Open Co-op

Think Tanks

WWW, England 740 followers

Not-for-profit worker co-op of strategists, innovators, and facilitators. We'll untangle your organisational spaghetti!

About us

We work to spread the culture, processes & benefits of open wherever we can. We found each other working openly. Our co-operative is designed to help others reap the benefits of open learning, open innovation and open communities. WE ARE NIMBLE THINKERS. Our acrobatic thought processes are curious, bold, experimental. We improvise a lot, but are discipled in that improvisation. WE ARE CONNECTED. We play with the new and shiny tools, but we pick up the right tool for the job. We are so inclusive that we’re eclectic. WE ARE A COLLECTIVE. Our solidarity gives us power. We believe in surplus, not profit. We work as a collective, not as individuals. WE ARE PROFESSIONAL. We are constantly learning and take a considered approach to everything we do. We strive to illuminate along the way, giving our clients a competitive edge in the world of social good. WE ARE PARTICIPANTS. We invite collaboration and aim to be co-operative despite challenges that come up along the way. We share wildly to invite brilliant people to share their ideas and feedback on the work we’re doing. We are a co-op and as such adhere to the seven international principles of co-operation.

Think Tanks
Company size
2-10 employees
WWW, England
open principles, open badges, facilitation, education, edtech, engagement, storytelling, strategy, community, and design thinking


Employees at We Are Open Co-op


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