I’ve got a weird relationship with the term ‘wild card’. You’d be amazed how many times a potential new client has said words to the effect of ‘we decided to speak to you as a wild card option…’. We were called it again this week.
I’m never quite sure how I’m supposed to react to that? Are you paying me a compliment or saying that we're unlikely to win this work but having the chat just for sh*ts and giggles?
I mean, there’s two ways of looking at it. It shows that we’re doing something differently. We’re not a cookie cutter agency, we’re presenting what we do in a way that sits outside what people might normally expect. And thats great. We aren’t the norm.
But being a wild card is also inherently saying that we’re risky. And that’s where I think those comments often are intended. From my perspective, I don’t think we are risky - at least no more so than any other agency that they might consider. But the word remains, as does the apparent doubt.
So how do we approach being the supposed wild card? The fact that people recognise that we’re a bit different than some of our neighbours is a really good thing, and we don’t want to lose that.
Being honest, we probably haven’t shouted enough about the success we’ve brought to our clients. Ultimately, we’re in the results business. We’ve been going for 13+ years now and we wouldn’t still be here if we weren't delivering with the work that we provide. We know what we do works - and we need to be better at showing this.
But are we going to change our style to fit in with the rest of the crowd? No chance. We’re embracing the things that make us different and improving the bits that have held us back in the past. And with some of the developments we have in the works, folks should keep their eyes peeled, because exciting things are coming…
So yes, call us a wild card - but surely thats the best card to play?!