Mental Health Care

Positive Psychology Envisioning futures where everyone’s positive untapped potential is expressed #interdependence

About us

Unlocking Human Potential WITH-Humanity 🇬🇧🇿🇦 WITH on its own is just a word. When we add other words we can create a sentence, paragraph, or story. This is the same with human systems. Choosing humanity first, we envision fostering deep connections, nurturing friendships, and building communities that prioritise the well-being of each individual and our planet where talent emerges as the New Universal Value Metric, reshaping social systems with people at the centre. The ethos of WITH-Humanity is rooted in creating space for each individual's unique contributions to thrive. In this transformative journey, we actively pursue the value of intrinsic talent as the norm. We integrate talent development by combining Interdependent Rules of Engagement©️ (I-ROE) and the Clifton StrengthFinder®️ Assessment with Learning & Coaching Programs. Talent decoded this way reveals the unique motivations individuals contribute based on their natural thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. In a conscious space nurturing innate talents and acknowledging intrinsic value, we foster human engagement, diversity, equality, and inclusion, reducing bias by teaching Systems Thinking & challenging mindsets. We unlock intrinsic motivation, cultivating well-being, growth, and outstanding performance, a concept deeply understood by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi in his research on "the flow," where people lose all sense of time when engaged in activities aligned with their natural tendencies. Our approach is a catalyst for ROI in people and profits, promoting collaboration, mitigating conflict, and thriving through exponential motivation and flourishing. We champion agency and natural talents so every individual can bring their value: Individually. Collectively. Universally. Ready to elevate your strategies for individual and collective engagement? Reach out to us at smcdonald@with-humanity.co.uk Together, let's unlock the full potential of humanity.

Mental Health Care
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2-10 employees
Public Company


Employees at WITH-HUMANITY


  • The Secret Scripture on Netflix https://lnkd.in/eKp5x-a9 is living proof how long these awful systemic injustices have been in place #timeforchange

    View profile for Allister F., graphic

    Startup Mentor & Strategic CTO (Views my own) Quantum (Comms) • Investor Due Dil • Dev (C#.NET) Blockchain • Solutions Architect (Microservices) AI • FinTech (m-Pesa) • CareTech NHS • NHSlives.com Networks

    “We should withdraw from the ECHR and repeal the Human Rights Act and all other pieces of legislation that have interfered with our ancient British liberties. Human rights law, however dressed up, simply gives power to judges. Instead, we should reassert Parliamentary Sovereignty.” Liz Truss 😕 #QBAIN

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  • “I do not want the world to go dark and narrow and mean, and the world has been very unlovely in my eyes, and I very unlovely in it…” Martha Gellhorn Reading this quote this morning resonated so much and where we are “allowing” our world to move towards. How might you be being “unlovely in it”? This week, after tragically loosing her son to suicide, Ellen Roome stood up to challenge the very dark world of social media in children’s lives, taking her concerns to British Parliament, a subject we’re all aware of, knowing the pernicious consequences, yet doing very little about, this to allow parents access to children’s social media to keep them safe from harm. (Listen to her story here): https://lnkd.in/eyBZaqDq How might we be negatively impacting the future of our globe when “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good (wo)men to stand by and do nothing.” ? Edmund Burke The quote “your cross to bear is your gift to share” Sammy McDonald is a unique call to consider your distinct call & action towards change. Reflecting on these words for yourself can lead you to your unique purpose-driven life. What are you being called to stand up for to be that futures change in the world? “Helping Individuals & Collectives Flourish” https://lnkd.in/difNDSW6

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  • A recent post by Marc Ewen had me wanting to share the other side of too much credibility on academic qualifications, and the “why” of WITH-HUMANITY. We are all uniquely wired with intrinsic ways of being, talents that can be scientifically measured based on how we think, feel, and behave. These have the power to become a new universal value metric, due to the reality that talents “are” universal, yet not everyone will have the opportunity to acquire a degree. This doesn’t however, take away their natural abilities. Take Jack Andraka as a brilliant eg, below, who, determined to find an early detection test for pancreatic cancer after the death of his uncle, did so whilst still in high school, with NO academic qualifications or medical degree. Another story I love is that of Hamilton Naki, who never attended a day of school in his life, yet was awarded the honourary degree of MASTER OF MEDICINE from Cape Town Medical University which is respected around the world for its contribution to medicine: https://lnkd.in/eUxTkrir Both these stories caution us to think before we place too much emphasis and importance on academia and status. There’s a tongue in cheek saying (no harm intended) that a BA stands for “bugger all”. With the number of individuals who followed a trend to achieve their MBA, to a point where the world is now flooded with MBSs, I coined the tongue in cheek saying of “more bugger all”, simply because the history of degrees has been predominantly for the entitled and privileged. This doesn’t mean those sitting in townships and favelas don’t have ability, it simply means the ‘power hierarchy’ of the entitled and privileged excludes them, and sadly their positive untapped potential often remains just that. I myself spent 14yrs researching why putative mental illness is a fake man-made construct without any substance, research conducted not in-spite of a failed high school diploma, but because of it. I had the time, the passion, and the wisdom that drove a burning desire to reveal the truths around these unconscious biases, which resulted in a Masters thesis on the same topic. So next time you find yourself putting anyone on a pedestal, or trying to pull someone off theirs, remind yourself we are all born equal in our talent quotient- some are just more entitled and privilege when unlocking theirs. So choose to become an encourager not a gatekeeper. “Helping Individuals & Collectives Flourish” https://lnkd.in/eHRTzEQt https://lnkd.in/e8t8W7a7

    Jack Andraka: A promising test for pancreatic cancer ... from a teenager

    Jack Andraka: A promising test for pancreatic cancer ... from a teenager


  • It takes #interdependentrulesofengagement to positively impact the future … … things become possible when we become part of a collective. This community garden in Barcelona was a collective demand from the community to save an abandoned garden, after the building from a religious order was pulled down to make place for more high-rise development. Living proof that when individuals place importance on collective values, things become possible. What futures ideas would you like to see taking place to shape better futures? “Helping Individuals & Collectives Flourish” https://lnkd.in/difNDSW6

  • A futures trend for some time has been medical doctors leaving and changing their profession From a personal experience MDs have been given far too much status, held in far too high esteem. After all, much of their credibility is simply from the privilege and “entitlement” garnered from their access to academic learning, something denied to billions globally, yet doesn’t deny another’s capability. It has created what Lucy Johnstone describes in her coauthored book ‘The Power Threat Meaning Framework’ an [unintentional] power threat, which has held the world in motivated beliefs and biases that what MDs say is gospel - more often than not, without question, robbing individuals of their autonomy, agency, and volition over their own wellbeing. It has been interesting in my own work to recognise what an oxymoron medicine can be, treating each part of a patient separately, instead of holistically, a zero sum approach which has never and can never achieve wellness and improved wellbeing. There’s a reason we have a trend of MDs leaving the profession. Change is not before it time. Thank you for your honesty Jess Morgan and for being the change Jess, it’s important to understand your POV. 🙏🏼

    View profile for Jess Morgan, graphic

    Paediatrician, educator, speaker, writer. Passionate mental health advocate. Staff wellbeing and leadership.

    As doctors, we often feel tied to our profession. And yet, we have many transferable skills that it can be really hard to see. Let me tell you a story. I was a studious, diligent and ambitious resident doctor, one who was passionate about improving the health and care of my patients, one who saw beyond the diagnosis and tried my best to offer humanity and kindness in everything I did. From the age of 18, medicine had become my life. My identity. I had developed a new language full of medical jargon, I felt part of a tribe of like-minded professionals who had the same goals and aspirations. Then life happened and all my career plans were thrown into question. I thought about leaving medicine but couldn't begin to imagine how. I was good for nothing else. I couldn't speak the language of the corporate world, I knew nothing about office work, I had no way of proving myself worthy of any other role... But then I reflected on all the things that medicine teaches us and I made a list: 1) Teamwork There is not a day that goes by in medicine where we are not collaborating with other members of the team, drawing on the skills of others, negotiating, sharing ideas... 2) Communication We are highly trained in advanced communication. There is no doubt that we have transferable skills in managing difficult conversations 3) Organisation and prioritisation Every day is a series of tasks, reprioritising regularly, assessing urgency and importance. We may not think we do this, but it's a key part of the job. 4) Empathy It goes without saying that the empathy displayed in medicine is applicable well beyond the role of a doctor 5) Learning We have displayed a continued committee to professional development, courses, exams, etc. Something that is normal in medicine but worthy of celebrating. 6)Research Some people will have had experience of research,perhaps not as a primary investigator, but whether it's consenting patients, understanding statistics, appraising evidence, these are useful skills. 7) Teaching Again, a skill that many people develop as doctors. The ability to facilitate learning is applicable to so many roles. I could go on, but hopefully this proves a point. Medicine is an amazing job, a privilege and a discipline that I loved. But in 2019, I left and retrained as a primary teacher. Because we can do other things. Since then, I have taken on different roles, returning to medicine to work in the wellbeing leadership space. I am not the doctor I thought I would be, but I can see all the skills I have acquired along the way. We don't have to tie ourselves to the shackles of our medical identity as we knew it. Be proud of all the skills you have, and remember, you are more than just a job title.

    • My old ID badge saying Hello my name is Jessie Morgan, Paediatric Specialty Registrar
  • When I saw your question Jennifer Garvey Berger from a post that echoes my own sentiments I couldn’t help thinking I know what the world is doing, it’s blindsiding the elephant in the room by blaming putative ’mental illness’ for the tensions the worldly problems force onto individuals, instead of dealing with the real issues. People are not mentally ill, they’re overly bombarded. We need to stop turning a blind eye and each do what we can consciously decide to do within our own power to create a more peaceful world. “What are you doing these days to release the tension that this world automatically delivers?” Jennifer Garvey Berger “Helping Individuals & Collectives Flourish” www.with-humanity.co.uK #interdependentrulesofengagement #WITH #dropthedisorder #sammcdonald #futuresthinking #ideasworthspreading

    View profile for Jennifer Garvey Berger, graphic

    CEO of Cultivating Leadership, a certified B-Corp. Supporting leaders to thrive in complexity as a writer, speaker, teacher, and coach

    I'm not sure there's any researcher that stretches and reshapes my thinking as much as Lisa Feldman Barrett. I find her work challenging, compelling, and often transformative for me. In a recent article in Scientific American (link in the comments), she writes, "Uncertainty is a normal condition of life, but these days, with social media and round-the-clock news coverage, it sometimes bombards us. At every moment, there’s a crisis somewhere in the world: war, political chaos, climate-induced fires and floods and school shootings, not to mention the occasional pandemic. Too much uncertainty is metabolically draining and can leave you feeling distraught and worn out. But these feelings don’t emerge from mythical, overtaxed fight-or-flight circuits. They may just mean, in an ever changing and only partly predictable world, that you’re doing something really hard." I love this idea that the exhaustion that comes from uncertainty and complexity is simply a sign of how hard we're working. So, dear colleagues tell me: What are you doing these days to release the tension that this world automatically delivers? (Photo today from my New Year's eve--a walk on a beautiful beach with my family. That's a lovely tension release for me)

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  • Who says hearing voices & seeing visions is medically problematic? “At the time of writing this text, 30 years have passed since my first experience that was called by psychology and medicine a psychotic outbreak. I still remember the physical sensations I experienced in the first seconds in which my perception of conventional reality expanded towards other realities. The first experience of visions or voices that spontaneously appear before a person is disruptive. The idea of what is real, as well as the idea we have about how our perception works, are altered in an instant because in this type of experience we become aware that there are other realities. There is something that happens suddenly, that imposes itself, making real situations that until that moment were exclusive to the field of fantasy and imagination. Therefore, from this perspective, hearing voices and the presence of visions is more of a philosophical and artistic problem than a medical and psychological one. Scientific thought promotes the idea of avoiding all types of psychotic experiences, whether through psychoeducation, segregation in specialized institutions or coercive mental health treatments.” We’d do well to remember we’re infinitely unique by design, all with unique contributions “helping individuals & collectives flourish” https://lnkd.in/eHRTzEQt https://lnkd.in/eSsQeKnc #seedifferently #dropthedisorder #interdependentrulesofengagement

    The Consciousness of Voices and Visions - Mad in the UK

    The Consciousness of Voices and Visions - Mad in the UK


  • Thx for this important share Christopher Molloy and thanks to people like Lucy Johnstone who are prepared to stand up and be the change against the farce of psychiatry. When psychiatrist Wessely explains "A classification system is like a map," I think yes, until it’s abuse is played out upon your life Wessely as you sit in the power threat of uour ivory tower. Challenging the psychiatric “industry” is long overdue, because this is exactly what it has become, an economic system that keeps individuals locked into a multibillion economic machine there’s no escape from. Once one is diagnosed, the sentence is for life. Something has to change.

  • This is an important article to share … … have you ever thought who taught you how to take accountability and how important and profound such a supposedly simple act this is? Accountability is the “obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one's actions” What I came to understand was without accountability we become judgemental whereby we “have a thought about something based on what it "ought" or "should" be, given an opinion about what counts as "good" or "bad" — a contrast from a thought based on what the facts are” The problem with this is “a value judgment can refer to a judgment based upon a particular set of values or on a particular value system” usually our own and we tend not to consider the opinion and values of others - this lands us on rocky ground Yet when we take accountability something significant changes psychologically and emotionally (often 2 traits missing in our profit before people world) in the way we see. Unlike judgement which tends to be independent & linear in its nature, accountability changes how we enter into situations, from polarised thinking to interdependence, in which we must consider things from a systemic perspective in order to understand whether we are responsible in the first place. The future would be significantly improved if more people gave up judgement and considered accountability. Take a read and let us know your thoughts. The article is specifically based around the relationship with our parents yet can really be applied to anyone. KEY POINTS - Emotionally invalidated individuals often defend their parents to avoid blaming them. - Blame avoids responsibility, while accountability acknowledges impact and includes owning our feelings. - Acknowledging emotions toward a harmful parent holds them accountable while allowing yourself to feel pain. https://lnkd.in/eXZXVPsG

    Blaming Your Parents Versus Holding Them Accountable

    Blaming Your Parents Versus Holding Them Accountable


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