On paper, I support customers who have chosen Bridge as the vessel to deliver their training programs. But, spend five minutes with these organizational leaders and product owners, and I promise you'll see that it's so much more than that.
We're at a pivotal time in our workforce. For the first time in history, five generations are present within our very metaphorical walls. And innovations, integrations, and AI are opening doors to more intentional training delivery based on real-time need (in lieu of front-loading that training as a tick-box exercise). As someone who spent a decade in formal education, I can't help but feel a deep level of excitement to be a witness to this movement.
Last week, I had the privilege of traveling to London for our Bridge Live Event and World of Learning.
At the latter, my partners at Domino’s Pizza UK & Ireland Ltd delivered an inspiring talk track on their journey to build out a manager hybrid training program during the height of Covid. They've been able to tie this program to tangible business impact that includes increased performance by direct reports of those managers who go through The Manager Academy and also the overall performance of those stores as it relates to customer satisfaction. Emma-Kate Kennedy, Barry Shelton, Oliver Shearing, and Francesca Dubery represent some of the best in class in L&D.
At the former, I proudly hosted my second Bridge customer panel where we unpacked top priorities, biggest challenges, and dabbled in trends and emerging technologies that we view as shaping the future of employee learning. When I say "we," what I mean is that I asked the questions. Dave Strydom (Chartered MCIPD AMInstLM), Lee Bennett, Anton Gunnarsson, and Amanda Butler brought all the knowledge drops.
To all of my HR and L&D trailblazers, keep pushing the limits and fighting for tools that can meet you in the places you need to go to grow your people (for your organizations and beyond).