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Errata Fixed in Unicode 16.0.0

This page contains the definitive listing of all errata of record since the publication of The Unicode Standard, Version 15.1 and considered resolved by the release of Unicode Version 16.0. These errata are listed by date in the table below. For prior errata resolved in Unicode 15.1 and earlier, see Errata Fixed in Unicode 15.1.

For errata still pending subsequent to the release of Unicode 16.0.0, see the list of current Updates and Errata.

Date  Summary 

In Unicode Version 16.0, the glyph for U+0620 ARABIC LETTER KASHMIRI YEH should be updated to show a truncated yeh shape without the diacritic ring, per UTC decision 180-C23

The glyph on the left is the old shape and the glyph on the right is the new, updated glyph:

glyphs for U+0620, old and new

The cuneiform signs UN and KALAM, which look identical in later styles of cuneiform, were misanalyzed in the original encoding proposal in 2004. The character U+12327 was incorrectly described as the gunû of the sign UN, whereas the sign UN is instead the gunû of the sign KALAM.

The misanalysis has been addressed by exchanging the glyphs, thus giving U+12326 CUNEIFORM SIGN UN its correct gunified glyph, and by defining a formal alias of type “correction” for U+12327 with the value CUNEIFORM SIGN KALAM. Note that name of the character U+12326 is correct; this is the character that should be used for the sign UN.

The incorrect association of code points, reference glyphs, and character names, as shown in the code charts of Unicode 15.1 and earlier, is shown on the left in the image below; this will be corrected and annotated as shown on the right in version 16.0 of the standard. Note that the symbol ※ indicates an alias correcting the character name; see Section 24.1, Character Names List, in The Unicode Standard.

nameslist info for 12326, 12327

In the published code charts for Version 15.1, the U-source glyph for U+29530 is missing from the code chart for CJK Extension B. This will be corrected in a future version of the standard.

The relevant U-source glyph, in context, is shown in the image below.

chart image for 29530

In section 3.2, Conformance Requirements, on page 77 of Version 15.0 of the Unicode Standard, the second paragraph should refer to the Unicode Standard, Version 15.0.0, rather than Version 14.0.0. The corrected version should read as follows:

In addition to this core specification, the Unicode Standard, Version 15.0.0, includes a number of Unicode Standard Annexes (UAXes) and the Unicode Character Database. At the end of this section there is a list of those annexes that are considered an integral part of the Unicode Standard, Version 15.0.0, and therefore covered by these conformance requirements.

Also on page 83 in the same section, the first paragraph under “Unicode Standard Annexes” should refer to the Unicode Standard, Version 15.0.0, rather than Version 14.0.0. The corrected version should read as follows:

The following standard annexes are approved and considered part of Version 15.0 of the Unicode Standard. These annexes may contain either normative or informative material, or both. Any reference to Version 15.0 of the standard automatically includes Version 15.0 of these standard annexes.

There are also index entries on page 1015 and page 1030 that mistakenly refer to Version 14.0, rather than Version 15.0.


Due to a technical glitch, Figure 5-6, Inside-Out Rule, on page 222 of Version 15.0 of the Unicode Standard is incorrect. The correct version of this same figure is shown below and also can be found on page 222 of Version 14.0 of the Unicode Standard.

correct Figure 5-6
