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A Two-Layer Approach to Developing Self-Adaptive Multi-Agent Systems in Open Environment

A Two-Layer Approach to Developing Self-Adaptive Multi-Agent Systems in Open Environment

Xinjun Mao, Menggao Dong, Haibin Zhu
Copyright: © 2014 |Volume: 6 |Issue: 1 |Pages: 21
ISSN: 1943-0744|EISSN: 1943-0752|EISBN13: 9781466652811|DOI: 10.4018/ijats.2014010104
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Mao, Xinjun, et al. "A Two-Layer Approach to Developing Self-Adaptive Multi-Agent Systems in Open Environment." IJATS vol.6, no.1 2014: pp.65-85.


Mao, X., Dong, M., & Zhu, H. (2014). A Two-Layer Approach to Developing Self-Adaptive Multi-Agent Systems in Open Environment. International Journal of Agent Technologies and Systems (IJATS), 6(1), 65-85.


Mao, Xinjun, Menggao Dong, and Haibin Zhu. "A Two-Layer Approach to Developing Self-Adaptive Multi-Agent Systems in Open Environment," International Journal of Agent Technologies and Systems (IJATS) 6, no.1: 65-85.

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Development of self-adaptive systems situated in open and uncertain environments is a great challenge in the community of software engineering due to the unpredictability of environment changes and the variety of self-adaptation manners. Explicit specification of expected changes and various self-adaptations at design-time, an approach often adopted by developers, seems ineffective. This paper presents an agent-based approach that combines two-layer self-adaptation mechanisms and reinforcement learning together to support the development and running of self-adaptive systems. The approach takes self-adaptive systems as multi-agent organizations and enables the agent itself to make decisions on self-adaptation by learning at run-time and at different levels. The proposed self-adaptation mechanisms that are based on organization metaphors enable self-adaptation at two layers: fine-grain behavior level and coarse-grain organization level. Corresponding reinforcement learning algorithms on self-adaptation are designed and integrated with the two-layer self-adaptation mechanisms. This paper further details developmental technologies, based on the above approach, in establishing self-adaptive systems, including extended software architecture for self-adaptation, an implementation framework, and a development process. A case study and experiment evaluations are conducted to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

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