gamescom 2025: Information for exhibitors

As the official youth protection partner of Koelnmesse GmbH, the Entertainment Software Self-Regulation Body “USK” has been entrusted with comprehensive youth protection supervision at gamescom. This includes the age rating of all content on all platforms, including mobile apps, trailers, and game-based stage programs. In addition, the USK is the first point of contact for all gamescom exhibitors regarding youth protection, whether during the run-up or during the trade fair itself.

As an exhibitor, you are fully responsible for ensuring that your booth and presentations comply with the German Youth Protection Act (JuSchG) requirements. The regulatory authorities will monitor compliance on all days of the fair. Koelnmesse and the USK have drafted the below-mentioned regulations to ensure consistent and uniform implementation. They apply to gamescom exhibitors in the Entertainment Area.

At the entrance, the organizer (Koelnmesse) will provide visitors with non-removable wristbands in the colors of the USK 12 / USK 16 / USK 18 age ratings. This will assist the stand personnel in checking age. Parental privilege does not apply on the exhibition grounds.

The main information summarized

  • Deadline for submission in 2025 is August 5h, 3.00 pm CET
  • All open booths within the B2C area must display the correct USK age rating.
  • There is no USK age rating requirement for the B2B sector.
  • We recommend that large stickers be incorporated into the artwork or on the stand walls to be seen from a distance (see examples below).
  • IARC/storefront age ratings do not apply at trade fairs, only to online storefronts.
  • The responsible authority will monitor compliance with the Youth Protection Act strictly on-site and initiate appropriate legal measures in case of violations. In the event of violations, there is the threat of substantial fines in addition to the closure of the booth.

What you need to know

  • First-time submitters must expect to pay in advance before the rating process starts; please account for the time it takes for your bank to transfer the fee and use the fastest transfer method.
  • Games already rated by the USK can be presented fully or partially (as a demo) with that rating.
  • Trailers without game scenes (for example, company/image movies, hardware presentation without gameplay) do not need to be rated for the trade fair.
  • Multiple trailers running in endless loops at one location can be submitted as one trailer reel with one application only.
  • More details about the rating procedure and the application form here.
  • You can find the fee schedule here.
  • Content with an age rating USK 0 / USK 6 / USK 12 may be presented publicly (see examples below).
  • Content with an age rating USK 16 / USK 18 may only be shown to that age group. Content with no USK age rating must be treated like it is rated USK 18.
  • For content rated USK 16/ USK 18 or unrated, please use separate rooms, privacy screens, and access controls.
  • You can also turn away monitors from the public crowd, but ensure the view is blocked from behind / the sides (see examples below).
  • Entrances to unrated content must be stickered with a generic 18+ / adults-only artwork; do not use the official USK 18 age rating label.
  • Each game station must be marked with the correct USK age rating, either individually or as a row:
    • Sticker size individually: min. 3.5 x 3.5 cm
    • Sticker size for a row: min. 20 x 20 cm
  • The USK does not provide stickers; exhibitors must print or purchase them from third-party suppliers.
  • Streamers and booths with game-oriented live programs must send a 15-minute “fake presentation” in advance, which will serve as the basis for the rating.
  • Indie arenas, schools/universities with multiple games, coop booths, and country pavilions will receive a USK rating (usually USK 12) for the entire booth with one application. Please note the following rules:
  • Only one contact person provides all the content for the booth.
  • Send one application with the name of the pavilion.
  • Transparent online xls table with game titles, participating companies, desired USK rating and links to the game builds & footage (min. 10 minutes per game).
  • For an additional fee, your content can be split into multiple ratings, e.g., if you want to have a USK 6 and a USK 12 section at your booth.

For all youth protection-related questions regarding stand construction, advertising, gimmicks, shows, merchandise, and cooperation, please get in touch with us at

For all questions regarding tickets, reservations, and travel, please get in touch with

Examples of the use of the USK age label at gamescom

Age ratings USK All Ages / USK 6 / USK 12: Content with this rating can be shown openly to anybody, though the staff must make sure that “12+ content” must not be actively played by children below 12.

Example: Large stickers in the entrance area of a play/exhibition zone
Example: Large stickers in the entrance area of a play/exhibition zone
Example: Large stickers in the entrance area of a play/exhibition zone
Example: Large stickers for multiple stations (one row)
Example: Large stickers for multiple stations (one row)
Example: Large stickers for multiple stations (one row)
Example: Small stickers for single stations
Example: Small stickers for single stations

Age ratings USK 16 / USK 18 / not rated: Content with this rating can only be shown to visitors of the correct age group. Separate rooms, turned monitors and privacy screens are the choice to make sure no visitors below the required age can see that content. Access control to these areas must be conducted by the booth personnel.

Example: Separate room and controlled access
Example: Separate room and controlled access
Example: Screen wall and screens facing away
Example: Screen wall and screens facing away
Example: Screens facing away, controlled access

Marek Brunner