Laurea Sports Lex Sportiva

Laurea Sports Lex Sportiva

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Una firma de abogados expertos en la materia legal del deporte.

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El Escritorio Jurídico Carrero & Quintero, es una firma de abogados experta en la materia legal deportiva con la iniciativa y dedicación de asistir a cualquier persona vinculada al deporte. Claramente el objetivo de esta firma es asistir a nuestros clientes, entendiendo las dificultades que presenta el entorno deportivo de alto rendimiento, proporcionándoles soluciones efectivas, rápidas e ideales para resolución de sus problemas legales, en cuatro idiomas distintos (Ingles, Francés, Portugués y Español), dentro del marco legal.

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    Ver el perfil de Antonio J. Quintero R., gráfico

    Socio Escritorio Jurídico Laurea Lex Sportiva

    Regarding Botafogo's victory, is the CONMEBOL Libertadores Cup becoming the Brasileirao? From the 1990s to the present day, Brazilian clubs are increasingly dominating the CONMEBOL Libertadores Cup. From 1990 to 2024, they participated in 26 of 34 finals (76,47%), winning 19 of them, which contrasts with Argentina, which has only won 10, and Uruguay, which has not been able to win any since the same date. This data differs strongly with what had happened before 1990: Argentine clubs won 15 titles in the aforementioned tournament and Uruguayans 8, while the Brazilians had only won 5 titles. Since the tournament was called the CONMEBOL Libertadores Cup (2017), out of 8 finals, Brazilian teams have participated in 7 (they were only not in the 2018 Super Clásico Boca vs River). It is also interesting to note that of the last 5 finals since 2020, there were 4 finals with both Brazilian teams. In total, Brazilian clubs have played 6 of the 7 finals where both clubs are from the same country. This data leads us to ask ourselves the following question: Why is Brazilian football dominating the CONMEBOL Libertadores Cup so much? While it is true that this question can have many answers, we believe that one piece of information that could provide one of the explanations would be the value of the Brazilian clubs' squads. To do this, we consulted Transfermarkt for the values of the average squad value per league and found the following: 1. Brazil: EUR 82.66 million. 2. Argentina: EUR 33.88 million. (Brazil is 2.4 times more) 3. Chile: EUR 11.73 million. (Brazil is 7 times more) 4. Colombia: EUR 11.68 mill. (Brazil is 7 times more) 5. Uruguay: EUR 10.49 mill. (Brazil is 7 times more) 6. Paraguay: EUR 10.43 million. (Brazil is 7 times more) 7. Ecuador: EUR 10.22 million. (Brazil is 7 times more) 8. Peru: EUR 7.68 million. (Brazil is 10 times more) 9. Bolivia: EUR 6.48 million. (Brazil is 12 times more) 10. Venezuela: EUR 4.36 million. (Brazil is 20 times more) A higher value of the squad is an indication of more talent. It is also indicative of having more money. This tells us that one of the advantages of Brazilian clubs is that they are managing more resources than the rest of the continent and this is translating, together with other resources, into more victories. The issue is worrying for the other leagues, since there are also several Brazilian clubs receiving foreign investment, the way television rights are sold is changing and some are also moving to a new structure (SAD) that could help them improve their administration. Therefore, now the big question that arises is: What can other leagues do to compete? Please feel free to correct any errors in this comment or add any data or opinions. And finally, with this publication, we say goodbye for this year. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2025 to everyone! #SportsLawLatam #SportBizLatam  

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    Ver el perfil de Antonio J. Quintero R., gráfico

    Socio Escritorio Jurídico Laurea Lex Sportiva

    At what age can you sign a contract as a professional footballer in CONMEBOL associations? This week I was interested in finding out what is the minimum age at which a minor footballer can sign his labor contract in the associations affiliated with CONMEBOL, this is the answer I got by country: Note: Regulations in each country may establish extra requirements. Argentina: 16 years, in accordance with Ley 20.744 and with Convenio Colectivo de Trabajo N°557/09. Bolivia: 14 years, in accordance with the Ley General del Trabajo, May 24, 1939. Brasil: 16 years, in accordance with the Constituição Federal, y la LEI Nº 14.597, June 14, 2023. Chile: 15 years, in accordance with the Código del Trabajo. Colombia: 15 years, in accordance with the Código Sustantivo del Trabajo. Ecuador 15 Years, in accordance with the Código del Trabajo, el Código de la Niñez, and with the Ley del Futbolista Profesional. Paraguay: 16 years, in accordance with Ley N° 5.322. Perú: 14 years, in accordance with Ley Nº 27337. Uruguay: 15 years, in accordance with the Código de la Niñez y la Adolescencia. Venezuela: 14 years, in accordance with Ley Órganica del Niño, Niña y Adolescente. Please feel free to correct any errors in this comment or add any data or opinions. Thanks for the help to colleagues Celso Vásconez Ojeda Horacio González Mullin Miguel Ángel Dávila Andres Tamayo Iannini and Julio Ernesto Scarone Casco. #SportsLawLatam #SportBizLatam

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    Ver el perfil de Antonio J. Quintero R., gráfico

    Socio Escritorio Jurídico Laurea Lex Sportiva

    What is the average transfer fee received for a player in CONMEBOL Associations? For some years now, FIFA's legal team has been providing us with several interesting tools for those of us who work in the sports industry, in this case the International Transfer Snapshot. There, one can see data from the last transfer periods. In this regard, I asked myself a question, of the CONMEBOL associations, which one had the highest average income from transfers of male and female players according to the mid-2024 window? and this was the answer: Average transfer fee per male player. ·        Argentina 4.73 million dollars. ·        Brazil 2.77 million dollars. (Since 2020 when they led the prices with 3.73 million, they have decreased) ·        Uruguay 2.36 million dollars. ·        Peru 1.96 million dollars. (they have risen a lot since 2020 where they generated 484 thousand dollars) ·        Chile 1.45 million dollars. ·        Colombia 1.05 million dollars. ·        Paraguay 755 thousand dollars. ·        Ecuador 683 thousand dollars. (they have decreased since 2022, which generated 1.79 million) ·        Bolivia 679 thousand dollars. ·        Venezuela 504 thousand dollars. Average transfer fee per female player. ·        Brazil 60.5 thousand dollars. ·        Colombia 17.5 thousand dollars. ·        Argentina 0 dollars. ·        Bolivia 0 dollars. ·        Chile 0 dollars. ·        Ecuador 0 dollars. ·        Paraguay 0 dollars. ·        Peru 0 dollars. ·        Uruguay 0 dollars. ·        Venezuela 0 dollars. You can consult this data at Please feel free to correct any errors in this comment or add any data or opinions.

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    Ver el perfil de Antonio J. Quintero R., gráfico

    Socio Escritorio Jurídico Laurea Lex Sportiva

    The participation of the player in the transfer fee in CONMEBOL countries. Dear Colleagues and friends, I would like to share with you a small part of the research that Elena Mundaray and I did on the right to a percentage of the transfer fees for players in the CONMEBOL Jurisdictions. I could trace the origins of this benefit to the Ley Federal del Trabajo of Mexico in 1971. In their conversation (Diaro de Debates), the legislators indicate that these benefits aim to treat the athlete as human and not as merchandise. Thus, they require the player to participate in their own transfer fee so he is not being traded as merchandise. This percentage in every country that has a football association in CONMEBOL: Argentina: 15% is established, in article 8 of the Collective Labor Agreement No. 557/09, between the Argentine Football Association and Member Argentine Footballers. Bolivia: 10% is established in Article 18 of the Player Statute of the Bolivian Football Federation. This regulation is considered part of Bolivian legislation. Brazil: Nowadays and since 1998, with the promulgation of the "Lei Pelé", this benefit has disappeared for players working in Brazil. Chile: 10% is established according to article 152 bis I of the Labor Code and according to Law 20,178 which regulates the employment relationship of professional athletes and workers who carry out related activities. Although this percentage indeed goes to professional athletes, article 152 bis A clarifies that it is only about professional footballers. Colombia: The resolution of the Colombian Football Federation No. 2,798, which is the Player Statute, establishes the following: 8%. Certain conditions apply. The post does not let me put the whole information. Ecuador: 15% is established for definitive transfers and 10% for player loans, as established in Article 13 of the Professional Footballer Law of Ecuador. Paraguay: 20% is established for international transfers and 12% for national transfers according to article 12 of Law No. 5322 of the Statute of Professional Soccer Players. Peru: 20% is established in Article 19 of the Statute of Professional Soccer Players of the Peruvian Football Federation, following what Article 7 of Law 26566 Labor Regime of Professional Soccer Players of Peru says. Uruguay: 20% is established for permanent transfers and local loans in Article 30.3 of the Statute of Professional Footballers of the Uruguayan Football Association. Venezuela: 25% is established for definitive and temporary transfers in article 220 of the Organic Law of Labor, male and female workers. Please feel free to correct any errors in this comment or add any data or opinions. #ComparativeSportsLaw  

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  • ¡Estás invitado! Laurea Sports formará parte del curso de Liderazgo en Derecho del Deporte del Academy Of Leadership Sciences de Suiza Nuestro fundador Antonio J. Quintero R. será uno de los proveedores de conocimiento, en un curso que se dictará en 3 idiomas y con certificación. Está especialmente diseñado para aquellos que buscan profundizar en el mercado deportivo de nuestra región. Junto a un equipo de expertos, abordaremos temas de gran relevancia como: ✅ Regulación deportiva nacional, continental e internacional ✅ Derechos de transmisión ✅ Acuerdos deportivos (incluidas transferencias de jugadores) ✅ Manipulación de resultados ✅ Dopaje ✅ Resolución de disputas #Sportslaw #derechodeportivo #Derecho

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  • ¡Gracias por acompañarnos! En Laurea Sports arribamos a 15 años de trabajo ininterrumpidos en el deporte venezolano. Agradecemos a todos los clientes que apostaron por nosotros y nos dieron su plena confianza. Gracias a ellos por ayudarnos a crecer y así convernirnos en la única firma especializada en Venezuela del derecho deportivo que se ha mantenido vigente desde 2009. Agradecemos especialmente al talento humano que nos ha acompañado durante 15 años, que nos ha dado la fuerza para potenciar y desarrollar nuestras aptitudes. Finalmente saludamos a las instituciones que están al servicio de la justicia y sus principios.

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