UNU-BIOLAC: United Nations University Programme for Biotechnology in Latin America and the Caribbean

UNU-BIOLAC: United Nations University Programme for Biotechnology in Latin America and the Caribbean

Servicios de investigación

Caracas, Miranda 1792 seguidores

Biotechnology for Social Development | Fellowships for research and training

Sobre nosotros

The United Nations University Programme for Biotechnology in Latin America and the Caribbean (UNU-BIOLAC) was officially established in 1988 through an agreement between the Government of Venezuela and the United Nations University. We focus on training and capacity development in biotechnology, always ensuring that biotechnological applications respect human and animal rights— and do not negatively impact the environment. The Programme operates as a network of academic institutions, mobilizing teachers and students from across Latin America and worldwide. The work of UNU-BIOLAC is divided into three areas: biotechnology and development; biotechnology and society; and modern biotechnology. UNU-BIOLAC supports research and training in areas where science, technology, and society meet, demonstrating how modern approaches to biotechnology can foster social and economic development.

Sitio web
Servicios de investigación
Tamaño de la empresa
De 2 a 10 empleados
Caracas, Miranda
Empresa pública
Biotechnology, Research, Education, Fellowships, Courses, PhD, Practice, Capacity building, Biotecnologia, Capacitación, Pasantías, Cursos, Training y Entrenamiento


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    Carretera Nacional Hoyo de La Puerta

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    Caracas, Miranda 1080, VE

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Empleados en UNU-BIOLAC: United Nations University Programme for Biotechnology in Latin America and the Caribbean


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