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UNU-BIOLAC: United Nations University Programme for Biotechnology in Latin America and the Caribbean
Servicios de investigación
Caracas, Miranda 1792 seguidores
Biotechnology for Social Development | Fellowships for research and training
Sobre nosotros
The United Nations University Programme for Biotechnology in Latin America and the Caribbean (UNU-BIOLAC) was officially established in 1988 through an agreement between the Government of Venezuela and the United Nations University. We focus on training and capacity development in biotechnology, always ensuring that biotechnological applications respect human and animal rights— and do not negatively impact the environment. The Programme operates as a network of academic institutions, mobilizing teachers and students from across Latin America and worldwide. The work of UNU-BIOLAC is divided into three areas: biotechnology and development; biotechnology and society; and modern biotechnology. UNU-BIOLAC supports research and training in areas where science, technology, and society meet, demonstrating how modern approaches to biotechnology can foster social and economic development.
- Sitio web
Enlace externo para UNU-BIOLAC: United Nations University Programme for Biotechnology in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Sector
- Servicios de investigación
- Tamaño de la empresa
- De 2 a 10 empleados
- Sede
- Caracas, Miranda
- Tipo
- Empresa pública
- Fundación
- 1988
- Especialidades
- Biotechnology, Research, Education, Fellowships, Courses, PhD, Practice, Capacity building, Biotecnologia, Capacitación, Pasantías, Cursos, Training y Entrenamiento
Carretera Nacional Hoyo de La Puerta
Piso 3
Caracas, Miranda 1080, VE
Empleados en UNU-BIOLAC: United Nations University Programme for Biotechnology in Latin America and the Caribbean
Carlos Peláez
Education, Biotechnology and Sustainability
Gustavo Fermin
Molecular Biologist
Omar Molina Fereira
Gestión de Proyectos de Cooperación Internacional
Course Coordinator en UNU-BIOLAC: United Nations University Programme for Biotechnology in Latin America and the Caribbean
UNU-BIOLAC: United Nations University Programme for Biotechnology in Latin America and the Caribbean ha compartido esto
📚🌍 Feliz em compartilhar a incrível oportunidade que tive de participar do curso “Metabarcoding and Shotgun Metagenomics: Applications for Environmental, Agricultural and Health Research”, promovido pela UNU-BIOLAC: United Nations University Programme for Biotechnology in Latin America and the Caribbean, de 18 a 22 de novembro, na Universidad Mayor, em Santiago, Chile. O curso, com sua excelente estrutura, proporcionou um aprofundamento técnico e prático em ferramentas essenciais para a pesquisa com técnicas ômicas aplicadas em diversas áreas. Foi uma experiência enriquecedora, que expandiu meus horizontes científicos e reforçou a importância da multi e interdisciplinaridade para o avanço da ciência por meio da colaboração internacional. Agradeço aos professores organizadores Juan Pablo C., Pedro E. Romero e Ana Rosa Moya Beltrán e aos colegas participantes por compartilharem conhecimentos e tornarem essa semana tão produtiva e inspiradora. Estou animado para aplicar o que aprendi em projetos futuros e contribuir ainda mais com a pesquisa em minha área! #SoilScience #Metagenomics #EnvironmentalResearch #MicrobialEcology #ScientificCollaboration #UNUBIOLAC #UniversidadMayor #Santiago
Science has been both an exciting endeavor and a desperate resort for humanity. It can result from an idle, curious mind that has the most pressing problems under control or the urgent search for effective solutions to an existential issue for which everything has been tried without success. Whether from a comfortable or dire position, human progress can't be without science. It produces the understanding of reality, the technology to manage it, and the verdict on its usefulness. It allows us to make decisions and move forward. Knowing we are not on track to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030, UNESCO launched the International Decade of Science for Sustainable Development (2024-2033) in San Andres, Colombia. UNU-BIOLAC's Program Head, Dr. Gustavo Fermín, was there representing United Nations University, responding to UNESCO's call to build scientific partnerships and mobilize swiftly towards two priority aims: Generating the knowledge needed to make a better future and reconstructing the bridge between society and science by increasing the public's trust in scientific evidence. This event signaled the will of many to return to a more transparent, evidence-based, and cooperative global decision-making system, which perfectly aligns with UNU's and Biolac's reasons for existing.
Curso EMPRENDIMIENTO EN EL CAMPO DE LA BIOTECNOLOGÍA Posgrado de Ciencias Bioquímicas / Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Instituto de Biotecnología El objetivo principal de este curso es proporcionar los fundamentos teóricos y prácticos que permitan motivar en los alumnos el desarrollo del espíritu emprendedor, con habilidades, actitudes y valores empresariales, que faciliten su inserción al ambiente científico emprendedor para contribuir al desarrollo social y económico del país. Al finalizar el curso el alumno contará con las herramientas básicas para desarrollar un plan de negocios (Financiero, Mercado, Operación). La expectativa general es que se genere en los alumnos participantes la semilla para el arranque de una empresa y aumentar el número de empresas con impacto biotecnológico en el país. El curso consta de 18 sesiones e inicia el próximo jueves 30 de enero del 2025. Las clases serán todos los jueves de 9 a 12 pm y se impartirán en modalidad híbrida. Es importante mencionar que la mayoría de los profesores que impartirán el curso forman parte de la Asociación Innovación con Ciencia, organización civil enfocada al asesoramiento y apoyo a jóvenes científicos emprendedores mediante cursos, talleres y conferencias. Además, se contará con profesores invitados, especialistas en los temas que se impartirán en el curso. Más información:
Congratulations, Diego! We are happy that our alumni remain committed to producing the required evidence for achieving the United Nations's Global Goals for Sustainable Development through biotechnology.
#HealthyTrinity Our chapter "The Healthy Trinity to Face Non‐communicable Diseases: Physical Activity, Nutrition and Sleep" has been published in Integrated Science for Sustainable Development Goal 3 - Integrated Science, vol 24. Springer Nature. We introduce ‘The Healthy Trinity’ of physical activity, nutrition, and sleep as an operational framework that can help reduce allostatic load and promote overall health and well-being, reducing the risk of Non-communicable diseases (NCDs). The key elements of the trinity can vary depending on the context which makes necessary scientific literacy to face NCDs under an allostatic and integrative approach for achieving and maintaining good health. Practitioners are encouraged to promote public awareness of ‘The Healthy Trinity’ as the “Scutum Salutis” or the shield of health for the prevention and management of NCDs and to use the allostatic load index for clinical monitoring. Allostasis Ecosystem | Visit: It should be noted that 'The Healthy Trinity' will follow the EAST strategy (Easy, Attractive, Social, and Timely) to promote public awareness through social media. This DBSS literacy project will be available soon at: Bonilla, D.A., Kočí, J., Petro, J.L., Kreider, R.B. (2024). The Healthy Trinity to Face Non‐communicable Diseases: Physical Activity, Nutrition and Sleep. In: Rezaei, N. (eds) Integrated Science for Sustainable Development Goal 3. Integrated Science, vol 24. Springer, Cham. Research Division | DBSS - Dynamical Business & Science Society #TheHealthyTrinity #Allostasis #Wellbeing #SDG3
UNU-BIOLAC: United Nations University Programme for Biotechnology in Latin America and the Caribbean ha compartido esto
A week ago, we concluded the course Organoid Models: Basics to Applications. Here's a summary of the experience, featuring various testimonials. Isabela Malta Maryna Panamarova Ana Carolina Figueira Marimelia Porcionatto Moshe Biton Romina Pagotto Hellen Daghero Villanueva @Aaron Dean @Giulia Nigro and @Saira Cancela Natalia López Mezzoni UNU-BIOLAC: United Nations University Programme for Biotechnology in Latin America and the Caribbean Wellcome Connecting Science Learning and Training Institut Pasteur de Montevideo
Course "Organoid models: basics to applications", Institut Pasteur de Montevideo 2024
Remember when Neo asked Cypher why he had to look at The Matrix encoded? "There's just way too much information to decode." 👨🏽💻 🧬 DNA is the largest pool of digitally encoded information on planet Earth. It contains information on how everything alive works, interacts, and transcends into matter. It also includes a massive amount of code relating to how this information self-sustains and alters itself to survive over eons. Centered on very down-to-earth objectives, the course "Metabarcoding and Shotgun Metagenomics: applications for Environmental, Agricultural and Health Research" introduced students to the latest technologies to read life in code and apply their findings to problem-solving, i.e., achieving the SDGs. We congratulate Dr. Juan Pablo Cárdenas at Universidad Mayor on the successful coordination of this course, which will help harness the power of computing sciences to tap into the greatest source of information about life on Earth.
In the field of biomedical research, organoids represent a remarkable advancement. Organoids are miniature 3D models of specific organs or tissues, enabling scientists to investigate disease causes, test new drugs, and explore personalized medicine within a controlled laboratory setting. They don't present the main drawbacks of animal testing (different genome and cellular responses than humans) and cell culture research (lack of functional interactions between cells in the test model). Therefore, organoids are a technological leap in clinical research. Drs. Romina Pagotto and Mariela Bollati, with the help of Wellcome Connecting Science Learning and Training, determined a lag in its adoption in the LAC region. The course 𝑶𝒓𝒈𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒊𝒅 𝒎𝒐𝒅𝒆𝒍𝒔: 𝒃𝒂𝒔𝒊𝒄𝒔 𝒕𝒐 𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒍𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔 is the response to this investigation, which brought together professionals from all over the continent at Institut Pasteur de Montevideo to train in this technology, its applications, and downstream research protocols associated with the construction of an organoid.
🌟 Antimicrobial Resistance Awareness Week 🌟 We're excited to announce that during this important week, we are presenting 5 impactful courses that took place in 2024. These courses equipped attendees with essential tools and knowledge to develop new strategies and therapies to combat the looming threat of the "post-antimicrobial age." #Knowledge is the key for #impact. Join us in raising awareness and preparing for a future where we can effectively fend off antimicrobial resistance. Together, we can make a difference! 💪🔬 World Health Organization
UNU-BIOLAC: United Nations University Programme for Biotechnology in Latin America and the Caribbean ha compartido esto
🧫🔬 Durante esta semana, en el instituto, se estará llevando adelante el curso "𝑶𝒓𝒈𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒊𝒅 𝒎𝒐𝒅𝒆𝒍𝒔: 𝒃𝒂𝒔𝒊𝒄𝒔 𝒕𝒐 𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒍𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔". Hoy comenzaron las charlas abiertas, que contarán con expositores de 🌍 Brasil, Francia, Reino Unido e Israel. Wellcome Connecting Science Learning and Training, Wellcome Sanger Institute, UNU-BIOLAC: United Nations University Programme for Biotechnology in Latin America and the Caribbean.