AT&T, T-Mobile, And Verizon Are Currently Suffering From A Major International Roaming Outage, Leaving Users Without Mobile Connectivity

Jun 27, 2024 07:42 AM EDT
AT&T, T-Mobile and Verizon users are suffering through an international roaming outage

Hundreds of AT&T, T-Mobile, and Verizon users present in regions outside of the U.S. are complaining that they cannot access any level of mobile connectivity. The problem can be isolated to an international roaming outage that is plaguing the three major carriers. Some users complain that their service is entirely offline, while others describe intermittent problems in which their cellular reception comes and goes.

Multiple posts on Reddit and other forums reveal a hopeless situation for AT&T, T-Mobile, And Verizon users; one U.S. carrier has made a statement

Whether it is making calls, sending texts, or utilizing data, all AT&T, T-Mobile, and Verizon users are complaining about some issue or another caused by an unresolved problem in international roaming. Thankfully, Verizon has stepped forward and given the following statement, stating that its teams are currently at work to fix it.

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“Some customers traveling internationally are experiencing service issues. Phone calls and data sessions are successfully completing about 70 percent of the time. Our teams are actively working with our roaming provider to resolve the issue.”

The problem does not appear to be limited to a single country, as users have reported that this issue is happening in Colombia, Egypt, Kenya, Mexico, and others. One Reddit user in China said that at the time of writing the post, the only updates available about this international roaming problem were through one social network and not available on the rest of the internet.

“I’m currently in China, and both my work and personal phones’ data roaming stopped working. AT&T is the carrier for both my phones, but I’m seeing other posts for Verizon data roaming outage. is there a widespread issue with data roaming? I can’t find any news on this besides on reddit.”

Some users who managed to get a hold of customer support said that the issue would be resolved in 24 hours. As for why AT&T, T-Mobile, And Verizon are having a tough time restoring connectivity, it might have to do with how networks support the 2G and 3G standards, with the problem manifesting in 4G and 5G services. For the time being, if you live outside of the U.S. and are experiencing connectivity issues, it is recommended that you pick up a local SIM or try an international eSIM service.

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