Best Mid Laners For Beginners in League of Legends

Amy Eastland Comments
League of Legends

If you're getting stuck into League of Legends as a beginner, you'll see that there are five roles to choose from. This includes ADC, Support, Jungler, Top and Mid. This guide will be walking you through some of the easiest Mid laners that you can play in League of Legends as a beginner. Being a Mid laner can be pretty daunting, as you are the most vulnerable lane out of the three. You have the possibility to be attacked from either side, whether it be laners or the jungler.

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Best Mid Laners for Beginners in League of Legends

Veigar is, of course, on the list. As long as you stack his Q against minions or even against champions, you'll get stacks and more damage very quickly. He also has great crowd control, as he has the potential to stun enemies with his E. Depending on how well you farm, Veigar has the potential to snowball and be a real threat, allowing him to one-shot enemies with his Ultimate. 

Lux is another great mage to play and is one of the easiest champions to learn how to play. She is quite versatile and can also be played as a support. Compared to other champions, Lux has a relatively low cooldown on her Ultimate, making her a nightmare for the enemy team. However, she can be a bit difficult as both her Q and her Ultimate are skill shots that have the potential to miss.

Malzahar is a ton of fun, and once you get the farming technique down pat using his DoT, you have a lot of potential to earn plenty of gold and get the advantage over your opponent. His voidlings are great distractions, and he has some great crowd control. Once his damage has ramped up, his Ultimate can be a real threat, as it stuns the enemy and saps their health.

Annie is a great mid laner to learn if you're just getting started in League of Legends. Her abilities are easy to use, and her damage is simple and efficient. As long as you make sure to stack your shield properly so that your ability stuns, you have the potential to wipe out many opponents, especially if you use your stun-infused ability to summon Tibbers on top of the enemy.

These are some of the easiest Mid laners you can learn to play, and they are a ton of fun to play, too. They have a lot of potential to make you the team carry as long as you learn their kits.

Good luck in the Summoner's Rift!
