Huawei Has Developed A Rival To The Apple M1, Claims Unverifiable Rumor, But Current Evidence Suggests That Might Not Be The Case

Omar Sohail
Huawei rumored to be developing Apple M1 competitor

Apple’s iron grip on the ARM notebook and desktop space might be coming to an end, starting with Qualcomm and its Snapdragon X Elite. However, one rumor claims that Huawei is another player to enter this space, and there are claims that the former Chinese giant has already developed a competitor to the M1. Then again, the company might have obtained dependency from a slew of foreign companies in a bid to jumpstart its smartphone business, starting with the Kirin 9000S, but that does not mean that there are no other hurdles that need to be scaled.

Huawei already has a 5nm SoC that powers its notebook range, but it is made by TSMC, not its local foundry partner SMIC, suggesting that the M1 competitor development might be an uphill battle

It was earlier reported that Huawei had secretly unveiled its first 5nm SoC, the Kirin 9006C, which is found in its Qingyun L540 lineup of notebooks. However, a previous teardown revealed that the chipset was not developed by SMIC, China’s largest semiconductor manufacturer, but by TSMC, suggesting that Huawei might have had leftover wafer shipments that it re-purposed to make the Kirin 9006C. It is also possible that Huawei still has ties with the Taiwanese foundry, albeit in a significantly smaller capacity now. In any case, Revegnus has put out a post on X below, stating that there is a rumor doing the rounds that Huawei has developed an Apple M1 competitor.

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Going by the wording alone, the tipster mentions ‘developed,’ meaning that Huawei has successfully made the unnamed rival, implying that it is ready to be found in portable machines and take on a slew of Macs. However, as optimistic as we want to sound over this rumor, we have to face certain realities. At its current stage, SMIC struggles to fulfill the 7nm chip demand for Huawei as it continues to face yield problems. The reason for this is simple; SMIC currently relies on older DUV machinery to mass produce 7nm wafers instead of cutting-edge EUV supplied by ASML.

Since ASML has been barred by the Biden administration from even selling DUV hardware to Chinese entities, SMIC will have to make do with what it currently owns. SMIC has been reported to set up 5nm production lines for Huawei, but the price of each wafer could be 50 percent higher than what it cost TSMC to mass produce on the same lithography. In short, whatever wafers SMIC can mass produce would likely be used in Huawei’s smartphones, leaving next to nothing to make an Apple M1 competitor. We are not saying that the Chinese firm is not testing out this chipset behind closed doors, as that is completely possible.

All we are saying is that with its local foundry partners not having access to the latest chip-making machinery, the window of opportunity to make SoCs for different hardware categories is a Herculean task. We certainly hope that we are proven incorrect regarding this rumor, as that will bring more competition to this space, so let us keep our fingers crossed on what comes next.

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