Tales of series remasters will be released fairly consistently in the future, according to the series producer Yusuke Tomizawa.
Speaking during today's Tales of Series 30th Anniversary Project event, the JRPG series producer talked about what's next for the series in terms of remasters, saying that Bandai Namco is planning to release remastered entries in the series fairly consistently in the future. He also added that a development line for the Remastered Project has been created to support this consistent release plan, so we should expect older entries in the series besides Tales of Graces f to become available on modern platforms in the future relatively quickly, which is great news considering how most entries in the series are stuck on previous generation consoles.
The next month or so is going to be a great time for fans of the Tales of series. Before the aforementioned Tales of Graces f Remastered launches on PC and consoles next month, a dedicated team called Life Bottle Production will launch its English translation patch for Tales of Rebirth, one of the 2D entries in the series originally launched on PlayStation 2 which will unlikely ever be remastered. This translation patch will launch later today.
The latest entry in the series is Tales of Arise, which launched back in 2021 on PC and consoles. The game is a solid addition to the series, as I highlighted in my review.