CMIP Phase 7 (CMIP7)


CMIP is continuing to evolve into a more continuous approach with small targeted “fast track” experiment sets, in addition to the DECK and the growing number of Community MIPs. The CMIP fast tracks are designed as a compact set of experiments including the DECK and selected experiments from Community MIPs that will support specific needs. The first fast track will respond to the needs of IPCC AR7. CMIP infrastructure, standards and tools will continue to support ongoing science and assessment activities. This design reflects extensive feedback from the modelling centres and wider user community.


Running the DECK will remain the “entry card” for CMIP, including the AR7 Fast Track. Community feedback on potential changes to the DECK have been received by the Panel. At their meeting in March 2024, the WGCM endorsed the CMIP Panel recommendation to include the following experiments in the DECK, in addition to amip, abrupt4xCO2, piControl (and esm-piControl for ESMs), and 1pctCO2: 

  • historical
  • esm-hist (for ESMs only) 
  • piClim-control 
  • piClim-anthro 
  • piClim-4xCO2 

The CMIP Panel confirmed their decision to ensure emissions-driven experiments are well proven and tested before inclusion as an ESM-DECK, and to consider proposals for inclusion of LMIP and OMIP in the DECK, in the future.

The Community MIPs

  • 33 MIPs have registered and can be found on the CMIP website.
  • The CMIP Panel will not be endorsing MIPs but have provided best practice guidance.
  • Requests for Panel feedback and support from the CMIP IPO can be submitted through the registration form.
  • The Panel wants to encourage MIPs to not re-run CMIP6 experiments with new models, and to collaborate across MIPs to identify and reduce any potential duplication, and with consideration of their carbon footprint.
  • If MIPs have information/news they would like to share with CMIP community, then email the CMIP IPO.

CMIP AR7 Fast Track

The CMIP Panel and WGCM Infrastructure Panel (WIP) continue to discuss and evolve the CMIP delivery timeline in close coordination with the CMIP Task Teams and through regular engagement with the wider community. For the DECK and the subset of CMIP experiments aimed at aligning with the IPCC, the CMIP AR7 Fast Track, there can be no clear timeline definition until the new IPCC leadership has confirmed their planned timeline. This is now expected to be in summer 2024 and the CMIP Panel are actively engaging and discussing with the new IPCC Bureau. Community MIPs do not need to align with that timeline, although they may choose to do so.

We do want to be as prepared as possible for when the IPCC timeline emerges and are therefore in the process of determining community readiness. The timeline below indicates current best guess estimates, which are being reviewed regularly in consultation with the community.

In September 2023 the Strategic Ensemble Design (SED) Task Team provided a first proposed set of AR7 Fast Track experiments after discussions with the Task Team members, stakeholders and MIPs. Two rounds of consultation followed with the modelling centres and with the wider community. After further discussion within the SED TT, CMIP Panel and with proposing MIPs a final recommendation of the AR7 Fast Track experiment selection (figure below) was made to the WGCM meeting in March 2024, and subsequently endorsed.

The AR7 Fast Track experiments

Want to learn more about the experiments and why they were selected for the AR7 Fast Track? The figure below summarises all of the experiments chosen for the AR7 Fast Track, along with which MIP proposed them. The interactive experiment viewer underneath the figure also outlines why each experiment was selected.

Fast Track experiment viewer

If you are having trouble viewing the experiment viewer, you can click here to view in a new tab.

We continue to welcome all feedback from across the community. To stay up to date with the latest developments, please bookmark this page and join our mailing lists here to hear about the latest news and events.

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