Everyone deserves to live in a healthy and safe environment. That environment includes where you live, work, play, and pray. We reject and actively push back against racist rhetoric, actions, policies and institutional oppression that leads to state-sanctioned brutality, gun violence, and harm that again and again assaults communities, particularly communities of color. We are committed to working for justice and equity, and are in solidarity with social, racial, and environmental justice organizations to build community, understanding and honest dialogue to address the root causes of violence, harm and hate.

In This Moment: A Message from WVE’s Acting Executive Director

In This Moment: A Message from WVE’s Acting Executive Director

Dear Friends,

In this moment, when so many of us are grieving, reeling, furious, frightened, struggling – or cycling through all of these feelings, I felt that it was important to remind you that in this moment, Women’s Voices for the Earth is with you. We are holding you in our hearts; we are steadfast in our support; and we are up to the challenges that lie ahead.

We remain steadfast in advancing equity, justice, and liberation for LGBTQIA+ people, young people, Black people, Indigenous people, Latine people, APIDA, refugees, immigrants, people with disabilities, TGNC, and working-class people —critical constituencies that drive our mission and guide our work.

In this moment, the work before us is clear. We will not, cannot, stop working towards a healthier, more just society. We have prepared for this scenario, and we know that progress is still possible. Not only is it possible, it’s imperative.

The most straightforward part of our work ahead involves continuing to build momentum for safer and healthier products, workplaces and communities. We know that state-level policies have the power to drive changes beyond their boundaries, especially when we see multiple states taking up similar issues and building upon each other’s work.

Add to that the power of consumer action to influence corporate decisions, and we have every reason to expect our forward movement to continue despite a lack of progress – or outright resistance – at the federal level.

Most importantly, we must double down on our efforts to build and support a broader, intersectional movement for health and justice for everyone. We must invest in training, nurturing and uplifting new leaders who bring powerful voices and diverse perspectives to this work. And we must show up, stand up and speak up.

We know that some WVE staff, allies, partners and communities face much greater risk and uncertainty in the time ahead. Please know that you are not alone. Our commitment to you is that WVE will be there when needed. We are in this together, we will rise in the face of adversity and continue to build a healthy and just future!

In solidarity and with love,

Debra Erenberg, Acting Executive Director

Women’s Voices for the Earth

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