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Discussion Settings

In your website’s Discussion Settings, you can control how people interact with your site through comments. This guide will explain each setting.

Access Your Discussion Settings

To visit the Discussion Settings:

  1. Visit your site’s dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Settings → Discussion.

Default Article Settings

In the Default article settings, you can set the following options for new posts or pages. These settings can be changed individually for each post.

Comments Settings

The Comments settings have quite a few options, so let’s explain them one at a time:

E-mail Me Whenever

The E-mail me whenever options control when you get notified about new comments. You can choose to receive email notifications whenever:

Before A Comment Appears

You can choose what happens to a comment before it appears publicly on your site. You can enable or disable the following options:

Comment Moderation

Thanks to comment moderation, you can approve or reject comments before they appear on your site. Use the following tools:

  1. Hold a comment in the queue if it contains __ or more links: A lot of spam comments include a large number of URLs, which could be unwanted. The default setting here is 2, and you can make this higher or lower. If you set this to 0, all comments will be held in moderation, which would be the same as checking Comment must be manually approved in the previous section.
  2. When a comment contains any of these words in its content, name, URL, e-mail, or IP address, it will be held in the moderation queue for you to approve or reject. Write one word or IP per line in the box, and click Save settings at the top of the comments section to save your changes. Comment moderation will match what is inside words too, so if you moderate for the word “press”, it would hold comments containing the text “WordPress.”

Disallowed Comments

Disallowed comments is very similar to Comment Moderation described above, but when something matches here, the comment is deleted and sent to Trash instead of held for moderation.

Discussion Settings in the WP-Admin Dashboard

These instructions are referring to the WP-Admin interface. To view this interface, click the View tab in the upper right corner and select Classic view.

In the WP-Admin view, there are some additional settings:

After changing any of these settings, click the “Save changes” button at the bottom of the screen.

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