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DNS Records

If your domain’s name servers are set to, you can view and manage your domain’s DNS from your account using these guides.

About DNS Records

DNS records are settings that determine how your domain works. They affect what people see when they visit your domain. They also help you link and verify your domain with third-party services like email providers, search engines, and email marketing tools.

If your domain’s name servers are set to, you can view and manage your domain’s DNS from your account. If your domain’s name servers are set to another domain provider, your DNS records are controlled in your account with that provider.

Types of DNS Records

You can add the following DNS records on

View Your Domain’s DNS Records

To find your domain’s DNS records on, take the following steps:

  1. Visit your site’s dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Upgrades → Domains (or Hosting → Domains if using WP-Admin) to view all the domains associated with that site:
The Domains page, with two domains listed.
Your site’s domains
  1. Click on the domain and then click on the “DNS records” option:
The domain settings screen shows a summary of the information about the site domain, including registration date, auto-renewal state, and expandable components for name servers, DNS records, contact information, and domain security.
Domain settings
  1. Here, you will find a list of the current DNS records. You can then click on the “Manage” button to add new DNS records and edit existing DNS records:
An arrow points to the Manage button.

DNS Records Instructions

Our guides below will help you complete common tasks related to your domain’s DNS records.

Import DNS Records

Using this guide you can import your existing DNS records through a BIND file.

Clear the DNS Cache

Learn how to clear the DNS Cache on your computer and mobile devices to help resolve local network issues.

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