Increase productivity and save time with the Freedcamp add-on for Gmail.
정보 업데이트:2024년 2월 19일
호환 기기:
Do not loose action items in your inbox by creating tasks, events, issues, and discussions directly in Gmail.

Easily add emails as comments to your tasks, issues, discussions and events from Gmail

Our Gmail add-on is designed with love to preserve most of your email content despite Gmail add-on limitations. We were able to allow you to post inline images and attachments as well as select which ones to post. You can even pull embedded images from HTML emails that are not technically part of an email. When searching/looking at items in Freedcamp for Gmail add-on we display full information and the last comment with inline images and attachments.

Projects are not just about tasks, every team needs different tools. Freedcamp offers everything your team needs to successfully complete any project!  Visit us at

Note for Admins: Google doesn't currently allow GSuite Admins to install Gmail Add-Ons. We will provide an update on this feature as soon as the support is added, and we will update the listing as soon as we're able to offer this add-on to our admin users as well.
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