Screencastify is an interactive video platform for education that makes video creation and assessment easy. Communicate more clearly, personalize learning, and measure student understanding.
Listing updated:May 9, 2024
Works with:
Easily create and share interactive video content that makes communication and learning more engaging, accessible, and personalized.

🤝 Install this app to seamlessly integrate Screencastify with Google
Access Screencastify Edit from any video in Google Drive
Access your videos from Google Apps
Share videos directly to Google Drive or Google Classroom
Access your Screencastify library from Google Classroom
Assign and grade Screencastify video assignments directly from Google Classroom

To start creating videos free, download the Screencastify Chrome Extension at
Additional information
PricingFree of charge trial
Privacy policy
Terms of service
Screencastify For Google will ask for the permissions shown below. Learn more
Screencastify For Google will need access to your Google account
This will allow Screencastify For Google to :
See, edit, create, and delete only the specific Google Drive files you use with this app
Connect itself to your Google Drive
See and update its own attachments to posts in Google Classroom
See, create, and update its own attachments to posts in classes you teach in Google Classroom
View your Google Classroom classes
View course work and grades for students in the Google Classroom classes you teach or administer
Associate you with your personal info on Google
See your primary Google Account email address
See your personal info, including any personal info you've made publicly available
Manage your YouTube account
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