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Thanks to the quick action of animal owners in Fairfield County, South Carolina, the county council unanimously decided to send a radical animal ordinance back to committee. The same ordinance or a revised version could be considered at a future date.

NEXT STEPS:  Resident animal owners are urged to continue working with their county council members to help ensure that laws affecting dogs and dog owners are fair, reasonable, and enforceable.

Encourage your elected officials to direct the committee members to research and submit data that identifies and quantifies county animal issues. Such issues may include a lack of enforcement of current at-large animal laws, lack of affordable rental housing for dog owners, and limited availability of readily available low-cost and free spay/neuter services for owners who wish to have their pets sterilized.

Read more about concerns with the proposed ordinance and view contact information for county council members 

For questions or additional information, please contact AKC Government Relations at 919-816-3720 or email
