How Often Should I Go to the Ob-Gyn? Here’s What Experts Say

If the pandemic has you behind on your visits, you should probably book one as soon as possible. 
collage image of a few different people's midsections in different skin tones in their underwear on a mauve background...
Allure / Bella Geraci

Another day, another reason to put off making that appointment. But for every reason you can think of not to go, there’s a better reason to book it, experts say. After all, the more time that lapses between visits, the more changes in your life occur. You may need to get that Pap test you’ve been putting off, reassess your thoughts regarding hormonal birth control and other forms of contraception, or have a general checkup with your doctor.

But how often should you actually be seeing your ob-gyn or your general health care provider to talk about your reproductive health-care options? That all depends on a few things.

How often should I go to the ob-gyn?

It’s good practice to make an annual visit to see either your ob-gyn or your general health-care practitioner for an exam, according to all the experts Allure spoke to for this story. However, you may not need a Pap test every year. “The annual exam needs to be really thought of as a health screening exam of both the breasts and the pelvis,” says Taraneh Shirazian, M.D., a board-certified ob-gyn and gynecological surgeon at NYU Langone Health. “You may not get a Pap smear at your annual; it depends on your history.” Dr. Shirazian explains that many only need a Pap test every three to five years, the exception being those who have HPV, for whom a yearly is still recommended.

As far as when these annual exams should start, Mary Jane Minkin, M.D., clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Yale School of Medicine, says age 21, though she emphasizes the importance of STI [sexually transmitted infection] testing for those who are sexually active at any age, as well as contraception for anyone who isn’t trying to get pregnant. For those who aren’t using another form of birth control and aren’t in a mutually monogamous relationship, “the key thing is using condoms 100 percent of the time and, if having sex with different partners, you definitely want to be getting STD-checked or STI-checked at least once a year,” advises Dr. Minkin.

However, if you’re experiencing certain conditions, you may want to schedule a visit in between your annual exam. “There are many reasons why patients may see an ob-gyn more frequently, including uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, infertility, pregnancy, irregular bleeding, breast concerns,” explains Leena S. Nathan, M.D., ob-gyn at UCLA Health Westlake Village in California. If this sounds like you, don’t wait until it’s time for your next yearly visit — make an appointment to see your ob-gyn or general health care provider.

What can I expect during a visit?

During a routine visit with your ob-gyn (or your general health-care provider), they’ll take a comprehensive history of your medical health. Dr. Nathan tells Allure that a breast and pelvic exam will be performed during a visit, as well as a Pap test, if deemed necessary. “After the history and examination, we counsel patients on any issues or needs they may have,” she says.

Your doctor may discuss STI- or STD-testing with you, as well as your current methods of birth control.

Some practitioners may also include a rectal exam, depending on certain risk factors. “[For people] over the age of 40, I usually do a rectal exam as part of my pelvic exam,” says Dr. Minkin. “Some people don't. But colon cancer is something we're paying more attention to.”

What do I need to know about hormonal birth control?

Hormonal birth control is one of the topics Dr. Shirazian gets asked about the most. She explains that it has therapeutic value beyond its use as a contraceptive:

“It offers women who have underlying gynecological conditions some treatment or therapy. For example, it's good to use birth control or hormonal therapy if you have endometriosis, if you have chronic pelvic pain, if you have heavy periods, if you have fibroids, because it can help mitigate those symptoms.”

Hormonal birth control can help decrease or eliminate periods, says Dr. Nathan, and it's a reliable form of contraception. However, for it to be as effective as it should be, you have to take it as directed, which may be difficult for some. She also cautions that “there can be a risk of irregular bleeding or blood clots with estrogen-containing contraception,” so you’ll want to talk to your health care provider about your own risk factors before taking it.

And it may not be a good option for those who suffer migraines with aura, says Dr. Minkin, as it can increase the risk of stroke in people who suffer from those particular migraines. However, this is a small percentage of the population, and many people looking for contraceptive options are great candidates for hormonal birth control.

What if I haven’t been for a while and I’m anxious about booking an appointment?

It’s understandable to be anxious about booking any doctor’s appointment, especially if you haven’t been for a while. However, your health is important, and getting a checkup is too. Dr. Shirazian emphasizes the importance of screening and preventive care. “It's so important to come in for yearly visits, because often your doctor will pick up things that you didn't even know you had, like a lump in the breast, or a cyst,” she says. During the pandemic, she’s had a few patients who missed visits and later found irregularities during mammograms. She says it’s a missed opportunity not to come in for a yearly exam.

However, all the experts Allure spoke to acknowledged that getting an appointment may not be as easy as it once was. Dr. Minkin says that even though many doctors have reopened their brick-and-mortar offices, they’re often still willing to do telehealth visits whenever possible. While you can’t exactly get a breast or pelvic exam over Zoom, you can ask questions about your health or meet a new doctor for a consultation. “Let's say you need to discuss contraception, that's a very good thing to do a telehealth visit,” she suggests.

Dr. Nathan distills it down to this: “Find a doctor you trust and feel comfortable with. Ask your friends for recommendations. The right doctor will make all the difference in your experience,” she says. This is sometimes easier said than done, and it can be time-consuming, but if the alternative is just not making an appointment, it’s time well spent. Dr. Shirazian agrees: “If you feel uncomfortable going back to someone because you've had a bad experience, there are lots of choices. Come in to see another provider, but don't sacrifice your health.”

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