8 People With Psoriasis Share How They've Embraced Their Skin Condition

"No one's body is a perfectly well-oiled machine, and it's not your fault."
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Let's dial it back to a decade ago, when I was 15, and felt more isolated and insecure in my skin than ever before.

It was the summer of 2009 and the area of South Jersey where I lived was experiencing hellishly hot weather. My friend group spent the sweltering days swimming and floating in the lakes sprinkled around our small beach town, but I was in the midst of a massive flare-up from my skin condition. I have a rare hereditary disorder known as Netherton syndrome, a form of ichthyosis, which involves red, scaly rashes, and other not-so-fun symptoms. So I spent the summer holed up inside, resenting my body and my friends in their teeny bikinis. (Solo pity parties were a regularly scheduled activity for me.)

With no one to turn to at the time, aside from my twin sister with whom I share the affliction, I felt completely alone. Back then, visibility for skin conditions was so scant that it was incredibly easy to feel like the two of us were the only people in the world who knew what it was like. Little did I know there were so many out there in the same boat, grappling with the stigma and lack of representation for chronic skin conditions like psoriasis, eczema, and ichthyosis.

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In recent years, there has been a seismic shift in how skin conditions are perceived. We're finally seeing the media spotlight on people living with these conditions, as well as body-positive campaigns like the Get Your Skin Out movement, an initiative that’s fueled by the openness of social media. On and offline, diverse groups are willing to be vulnerable about their unique skin struggles and triumphs, all while being supported by those who can relate.

On Instagram, there's an entire community of folks getting candid about living with psoriasis, a condition that affects 125 million people worldwide, including influential public figures like Kim Kardashian, Cara Delevingne, and Jonathan Van Ness, all of whom are helping to raise awareness and remove the stigma.

Undeniable progress has been made in the skin acceptance movement, but we still have a long way to go before conditions like psoriasis aren't viewed as a cross to bear, but as just another facet of someone's appearance, like stretch marks, cellulite, and scars.

Despite long-held misconceptions about psoriasis, it isn't contagious or a result of improper hygiene or skin-care routines. “Psoriasis is a chronic, inflammatory condition that is best known for causing thick, scaly, pink-to-red plaques, most notably on areas that can get bumped or banged, though they can occur anywhere, including the genitals, scalp, and under the breasts,” says Adam Friedman, professor and chair of dermatology at George Washington University.

Friedman says it’s important to note that psoriasis is not just a skin disorder, but rather an inflammation that’s present throughout the whole body, which explains why it’s associated with other medical problems like arthritis and heart disease.

As for remedies, there’s a wide range of medications available, including injections and creams, however, Friedman says avoiding certain lifestyle choices (e.g., smoking, drinking, drugs, glycemic-loaded foods, and stress) can help minimize the burden of the disease. Ultimately, it’s a lifelong condition that impacts people physically and emotionally.

But it isn't something people should feel pressure to hide. To illustrate this point, Allure has captured intimate photos of eight beautiful humans with psoriasis, all of whom shared stories about what it's like being in their skin. Hearing about their experiences made me feel incredibly seen and validated, but also, somehow, less afraid of living in my own seemingly "imperfect" skin. Below, a glimpse at their spots in all their glory.

Holly Dillon, 29

Dress: Valentino. Swim bottoms: Araks.

Dillon is the founder of the skin-positive campaign Get Your Skin Out, one of my first introductions to a now widespread and incredibly diverse psoriasis community on social media.

"My work is about re-editing a lot of the narratives out there and the stigma that surrounds them. It directly challenges and destigmatizes the normative standards of what the 'perfect body' or 'perfect skin' should look like and empowers people with psoriasis to know what they deserve," she says. "It's a call to action to get educated, which helps put you in the driver's seat."

Dillon was first diagnosed with psoriasis at 14, soon after finding one fairly small spot under her chin. "I was going through puberty at the time, so at first I thought it was just a spot, but then it didn't go away and got even bigger." As she got older, the spots spread like wildfire, but Dillon maintained a positive outlook. "My approach was to show it. I was going out Monday to Sunday at university [wearing] little dresses and didn't really care, because, at that point, it became more of a conversation I had to have, partly to educate myself, but also to educate others."

Dress: Baserange. Bikini bottoms: Araks.

Some view a psoriasis diagnosis as a life sentence, but Dillon sees it simply as another life experience, one that sets her apart, gives her an edge, and could someday result in positive change. Turns out, she was spot-on, though that's not to say she didn't face her fair share of frustrating and painful experiences before starting Get Your Skin Out.

"At 25, I was told I had failed every potential psoriasis treatment that existed at the time. I wasn't living at home at the time and I just went back to my flat and called my mom, in tears," she says. "I was like, 'How am I gonna live with this?' And it wasn't just a vanity play. It was extremely painful too. That was a pretty low moment for me."

This ended up being a pivotal moment for Dillon, as it went hand-in-hand with the decision to start her campaign. "I wasn't getting enough information and I knew I wasn't alone,” she says. “I wanted to connect with other people who understood... people who looked like me and could understand when I asked things like, 'How the fuck do you shave your legs without it being a bloody massacre?' You know, very simple stuff. It became about eliminating all of these boundaries that had previously been put up and opening up this pool of information and support. At that time, I think the campaign was my savior."

As we wrap up our conversation, Dillon leaves me with a few words of wisdom: "By being open and vulnerable, you're inviting people into your world to understand you for you. And at the end of the day, nothing will beat that."

DaQuane Cherry, 21

Dress: Unravel.

Cherry oozes self-confidence, a description not associated with psoriasis narratives nearly enough. It wasn't always this way, he says. Just a year ago, Cherry was still hiding his skin under oversize pants and blazers. What started as psoriasis that was confined mainly to his scalp soon became aggressive. Then, shortly after suffering an upper-respiratory infection last summer, psoriasis took another turn for the worse.

"It was so different and intense that it really took its toll on me," he says. "I remember I didn't want an ounce of skin showing all summer, which was really hard because sometimes all I wanted was to walk around in a tank top and shorts. But I was just too embarrassed."

Since then, his perspective has shifted dramatically. Cherry says he's now in a place where he actually relishes his psoriasis scars because, at the end of the day, they're a part of what makes him him.

"It didn't happen overnight. It was definitely a gradual thing, but people in my life kept encouraging me to show it more and complimenting me," he says. "It used to throw me off, but now I realize they were right. That's why I encourage everyone to embrace themselves and to show the world who they are — spots, scars, and all."

Dress: Unravel. Sneakers: Adidas X Raf Simons.

Cherry was diagnosed when he was in fifth grade, but the first time he started feeling more comfortable in his skin was when Kim Kardashian revealed on an episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians that she too had psoriasis. It's an episode I also remember quite well.

"I was in seventh grade when she announced it on her show,” he says. “And at the time, I didn't know anyone else who had it. Hearing that a celebrity I actually watched had it too had a huge impact on me." Cherry says he believes that Kim has not only helped shed light on psoriasis as a condition but has also shown those who have it that they are not alone.

By being vulnerable and sharing photos that put his psoriasis spots on full display, Cherry says he hopes to instill a similar sense of solidarity among his followers: "Psoriasis ultimately helped me define self-love because it pushed me to understand that beauty comes in so many different forms,” he says. “That's what I want other people to see too."

Ivy Smith, 37

Dress: Tibi.

When Smith admits that she still hasn't completely come to terms with having psoriasis and letting people see it, I immediately feel the urge to reach out and hug her — not out of pity, but because I can completely relate.

"I know I should feel comfortable with it, but most of the time I still don't. Even though I want to educate others and put it out there, it's hard because there are always going to be shallow and ignorant people," she says. "It's almost like you’re damned if you do, damned if you don't."

Smith says she was going through one of the most stressful times of her life when she received her psoriasis diagnosis at 22. "I had just given birth to my second child and was facing relationship issues when I started getting these white, flaky patches on the back of my head that were really itchy,” she recalls. “I didn't know what it was and just thought, I'm a new mom, let me just pay attention to my child. I didn't really get seen by a doctor until almost a year later."

Soon it spread to other areas, including her elbows, knees, and stomach.

Dress: Tibi.

Smith remembers this as a pretty dark period in her life. "I was already insecure, so it made my self-esteem even lower,” she says. “I would always wonder whether people were looking at it or if they were thinking it was contagious. I was under a lot of stress, so it felt like just another weight on my shoulders."

Smith tells me this experience has made her wish people could be more understanding and compassionate. "Everyone's struggling with something, whether it's visible or not, so it's so important to be kind,” she says.

I ask if she ever thinks about what she would say to her kids if they were to get diagnosed. By her facial expression alone, I can tell she has already considered the possibility. "If my kids were to get psoriasis, I’d have to show them a different way. I wouldn't want them to see that I hide it, so I think I'd act like I don't care, even though secretly I still do. Who knows? It might actually help me," she says, smiling sheepishly. "Ultimately, I'd tell them to embrace it and explain that no one is perfect, but everyone is unique and beautiful in their own way."

Jenny Albright, 28

Top: Arthur Arbesser. Bottom: Valentino.

When Albright was diagnosed with psoriasis at 22, about seven years after she'd moved to New York City to model, getting it under control became an issue of survival. "If it had just been relegated to a few spots it wouldn't have been a big deal,” Albright says, “but the fact that I was modeling and that’s how I was making all my money, well, let's just say work-wise, it was horrible. It finally got to the point where I was like, 'How am I going to make a living?'"

Albright says she understands that clients might not want to book someone if they have to spend all afternoon retouching, but she wishes they would've been kinder about it.

"They would say stuff right to my face, you know?” she says. “And ironically, some of the brands I see now promoting body positivity and inclusivity are the ones that were so horrible to me back then."

Now, she DJs full-time and adores every minute of it. "It ended up being a blessing in disguise, in a way, because a part of me was ready to stop modeling anyway,” she says. “It was like this weird push out the door that forced me to take a risk. I don't regret having psoriasis. Things worked out the way they were supposed to."

Top: Arthur Arbesser.

When I ask her what has been the hardest part of having psoriasis, I find myself nodding in agreement at her answer: "The thing about psoriasis is that it’s a very out-in-the-open thing,” she says. “You sit down and leave piles of skin everywhere. You’re bleeding, and you can’t shave your legs. There are all of these things that can make people look at you like you’re unclean, so yeah, it’s not a very glamorous thing."

In the spirit of commiseration, I tell her how my elementary school classmates refused to sit in chairs where I'd sat, how I'd been called variations of a “flake” too many times to count. "Yeah, kids can be so cruel because they just don't understand," she responds. "I'm definitely lucky that I missed that boat."

Albright has some advice for others with skin conditions. "If you're feeling like shit, let yourself feel like shit,” she tells me. “Have a good cry because I think it can be a lot like laughing. And don't beat yourself up when your skin isn't doing great. Remember that everyone has something they're going through, whether it's acne or eczema, or mental health-related. No one’s body is a perfectly well-oiled machine, and it's not your fault."

Laila Mowla, 23

Dress: Area.

Mowla was first diagnosed at 10 years old, when what they thought was just an aggressive form of dandruff rapidly spread to other areas of her body.

"At first we thought maybe I was sensitive to different shampoos, but then I started getting some pretty big flare-ups,” she recalls. “They put me on a bunch of stuff that didn't actually help the underlying problem. When I moved to Denmark and realized how expensive it would be for the medication, I decided I wasn't going to be on anything anymore."

Trying to pinpoint what triggers a flare-up can feel like trying to solve a puzzle that's missing a piece. It’s confusing, frustrating, and exhausting. "You never know what’s going on with your body when you have psoriasis. It feels like you have no control,” she says. “My mom will be like, 'Oh, your skin got upset because you ate a burger,' but I don't even know how to begin to figure out what triggers it because I don't have a consistent schedule."

Dress: Area. Top and pants: Opening Ceremony.

Mowla says she first started to embrace her skin the year she transferred to Smith College, a small liberal arts private school for women, located in Massachusetts.

"I had never been around so many liberated people before who were totally comfortable with their bodies and expressing themselves however they wanted,” she recalls. “So I think that’s what’s helped me the most. Just being surrounded by all of these cool people who didn't give a fuck about what other people thought was so inspiring."

After graduation, Mowla moved to Copenhagen, where swimming in the city's canal is a common activity for locals. She says that with her newfound confidence, she felt comfortable enough talking to her coworkers about her condition.

“I told them before we went and was feeling really good. Then I remember seeing another girl there who had psoriasis all over her body too. She looked so carefree just rocking this little bikini. I wanted to go up to her and be like, ‘Hey, check it out. Me too!’”

Ashley Featherson, 28

Dress: Tibi.

After being diagnosed at age four, then struggling with self-esteem issues her whole life, Featherson is finally accepting her skin as it is — spots, scales, all of it.

“Last year I was piling makeup on my face because I didn't wanna show it,” she says. Then she went to buy makeup and a girl at the store told her how beautiful she was without it. ”After that, it felt like person after person kept telling me that they love my spots. Once I finally started embracing it, opportunities like this started happening.”

Since October, she hasn’t worn a stitch of base makeup.

Dress: Tibi.

As a kid who was covered in psoriasis from head to toe, Featherson learned to cope with the comments and stares from people. "I already knew what they were going to say, so I'd say all of it before they had a chance to. This is the craziest comparison,” she says, “but it was like in 8 Mile when he [Eminem] goes onstage and says everything his competitor was going to and leaves them all speechless. I'd be like, 'Yeah, I have spots. Yeah, I might look like a cow. Now what?' And then we’d laugh it off afterward. It was a way of coping that worked for me."

Top: Asai.

Featherson’s adult life has been remarkably different from her adolescent years. "People around me now are just like, 'You’re gorgeous. You don't need makeup,' and I finally started to believe them,” she says.

She's also an active member of the psoriasis community on Instagram, which she says has been wildly beneficial. "I'm very open about it on Instagram now and follow a ton of other people who have it,” she says. “It started with me looking for people who might be trying the holistic approach to treatment, and from there I saw that everyone was using these psoriasis hashtags, so I started using them too. It’s been really helpful to have that support — to have people who really understand the depth of what you’re going through."

Featherson still gets emotional when strangers stop her on the street to tell her she's beautiful or to ask for advice. "I think what gets me the most is the parents or the kids who might be dealing with something similar,” she says. “It makes me feel like this is my purpose because I'm helping people realize that there's beauty in being different."

Anna Hovsepian, 23

Top and bottom: Araks. Leg warmers: selfie.

Hovsepian says that while she was never officially diagnosed with psoriasis, she knew what it was because it runs on her mother's side of the family. "That's how I knew for sure because I had seen it firsthand,” she says. “I'm already hard on myself about my body, so it just added to the list of stressors I deal with when trying to feel comfortable in my body and my skin."

I asked about her self-care routine, specifically if it's changed since having psoriasis. "I get very picky with the products and formulas that I choose now,” she says. “And I definitely spend way more time moisturizing. I also try not to overanalyze how my skin feels and looks. And I dress differently. I've started wearing less-revealing clothes."

She explains that she does feel fairly comfortable showing her psoriasis, though it depends on the situation and how bad a flare-up she’s having. "When it comes to people I don't know, I tend to shy away from showing too much when it gets bad. It really depends on the people I'm seeing and how much I trust my surroundings, as well as how confident I'm feeling."

When the going gets tough, Hovsepian says she tries her best to change her perspective. "It can be hard, but when I'm feeling down I try to stop feeling sorry for myself. I know that others have it way worse, so just realizing that my problems are minimal compared to others really helps,” she says. “It’s really taught me to be thankful for what I have."

Another way she copes is by connecting with friends and family who knew her before she started battling psoriasis. "Sometimes I become so consumed with trying to heal my psoriasis that I forget about who I am and the other things I’m passionate about. It really helps to be surrounded by people who remind me of my old self — the version of myself that wasn’t so paranoid about my health."

Hovsepian feels somewhat more grounded now, having gone through what she has. "I feel more aware of my body and more connected to it,” she says. “I have a deeper understanding now of what my body goes through when it flares up, on an emotional, physical, and spiritual level."

Emily Nash, 27

Dress and shoes: mm6 Margiela.

Nash's experience is different from the others in that she has a form of psoriasis known as psoriatic arthritis, which is a type of arthritis that affects some people with psoriasis. While most people develop psoriasis first and psoriatic arthritis later, that's not always the case. In Nash's case, it was the opposite.

"I was first diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis when I was 21. Before that, I had juvenile rheumatoid arthritis for many years,” she tells me. “When I started to notice the psoriatic symptoms and went to a dermatologist, they told me that the diagnosis had changed. My psoriasis tends to present itself around my joints: my knees, elbows, and wrists — all of those big regions."

Nash continues, reflecting on how hard it was to be hit with another challenging health problem. "My arthritis had been in remission for years at that point. It almost felt like a betrayal. I thought I was in the clear and then my body was like, 'Just kidding!' It was definitely frustrating more than anything else, but I guess I knew that my body was resilient."

As an actor and singer, both onstage and onscreen, Nash almost always has an audience — flare-up or no flare-up. "For someone who’s a performer, there’s this added degree of self-esteem issues,” she says. “I've definitely been in projects during a flare-up and would try to cover up with makeup or wear more conservative clothing. I felt like I had to because I didn't want people asking me about it. Some of my attempts to cover it up were unsuccessful, though, because it’s hard."

And yet, Nash says, she's finally in a place where she's feeling less ruffled by her psoriasis. "I haven’t tried to cover it in a long time. I've come to embrace it more over the years, especially now that people are starting to talk more openly about different skin conditions. I find that really inspiring."

Stylist: Herin Choi. Hair: Erol Karadag. Makeup: Jamal Scott. Set design: Paige Viti. Producer: Paige Viti.

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