Read your sign's 2025 horoscope to see what's in store for you this year, or check out the Scorpio personality profile.
Welcome to January, Scorpio. During December, one of your ruling planets, warrior Mars, went retrograde in a backward dance that will last through the end of February. This can feel frustrating, as Mars retrograde can lead to delays in professional advancements. Sometimes, astrologers also associate Mars retrograde with a drop in libidos. However, early January sees a deepening in your most intimate relationships. This is because on Thursday, January 2, Vesta, the asteroid of sacred sexuality, moves into your sign, Scorpio. This shift brings divinity to all of your relationships. If you're dating someone new, you may talk about big topics, such as spirituality, and get a better sense of how you can learn from one another. Keep in mind that also on Thursday, January 2, your ruling planets, Mars, currently retrograde, and Pluto, oppose one another. This is a stressful aspect that could leave you feeling super frustrated. Practice lots of self-soothing to ensure that you don't lash out and say something you regret later.
When Mars is retrograde, work often feels sluggish. Promotions, raises, and contracts can feel stuck on the backburner. However, you can deal with this through creativity. When generous Venus moves into dreamy Pisces on Friday, January 3, your artistic skills skyrocket. January isn't a time for action but for creating and self-expression. You also may find yourself deep in spiritual introspection in early January. This is because on Monday, January 6, Mars retrograde shifts into Cancer, affecting your philosophical 9th House. If you're struggling to find patience during Mars retrograde, prayer can help. If that doesn't speak to you, consider using January to work with tarot or connect with ancestors. Remember that last year, in November, your other ruling planet, Pluto, settled into Aquarius, where it will stay until 2043. Aquarius is an ultra-spiritual sign, and much of your tasks for the next two decades will be evolving spiritually. When the divine messenger Mercury shifts into Capricorn on Wednesday, January 8, keep a dream journal by your bed, as messages may arrive while you sleep.
Rest and take it easy at home on Monday, January 13, during the full moon in Cancer, which affects your 9th House of Philosophy. Full moons are beautiful lunations that light up the sky; however, they can lead to burnout. You'll feel ultra-sensitive around this date, so care for yourself by taking it easy.
Your focus turns to your home life, caring for others, and living in a way that aligns with your spirituality when the sun enters Aquarius, kicking off Aquarius season on Sunday, January 19. You're interested in making your life cozy and sharing that joy with others, too. When messenger Mercury moves into Aquarius on Monday, January 27, you feel called to create art that aligns with your vision of home and spirituality.
While keep in mind that Mars is still retrograde, which can delay things, know that Wednesday, January 29, brings a new moon in Aquarius that ushers in a beginning, especially as it pertains to your home life. Some Scorpios will meet a new partner or best friend around this date. Wednesday, January 29, is also the Lunar New Year, which brings in the Year of the Snake. If you're not feeling social during this lunation, know that creating art is a wonderful way to celebrate the new moon.
A major astrological transit arrives on Thursday, January 30, when Uranus, the rebel of the zodiac, goes direct in Taurus, affecting your 7th House of Partnership. Uranus began its retrograde back in December and could have brought slowdowns and shakeups to an important relationship in your life. Now that Uranus is direct, a partnership of yours, whether personal or professional or, as it usually goes, a combination of both, flourishes. Enjoy.
Thursday, January 2: Vesta enters Scorpio
Friday, January 3: Venus enters Pisces
Monday, January 6: Mars retrograde moves into Cancer
Wednesday, January 8: Mercury enters Capricorn
Monday, January 13: Full moon in Cancer
Sunday, January 19: Sun enters Aquarius
Monday, January 27: Mercury enters Aquarius
Wednesday, January 29: New moon in Aquarius
Wednesday, January 29: Lunar New Year
Thursday, January 30: Uranus goes direct in Taurus
To see monthly predictions for another zodiac sign, check out our full list of January 2025 horoscopes.