Alzheimer’s Research UK has funded more than £17.9 million of pioneering research to help advance our understanding of vascular dementia.
Alzheimer's Research UK has funded more than £4.5 million of pioneering research to advance our understanding of vascular dementia.
People with and without dementia, as well as carers, have a vital role to play in helping scientists understand more about diseases like vascular dementia, and to test new treatments, therapies and methods of diagnosis.
You can register to find out which research studies you may be suitable to take part in via Join Dementia Research.
You can also register your interest and find out more about what might be involved in a research study by clicking the button below.
If you have been diagnosed with vascular dementia and would like to share your story to inspire others, or to help shape our work please get in touch via
I have six grandchildren and I hope that in their lifetimes dementia will become something that people no longer need to worry about. But this will not happen without support for research.
- Olive, who lives with vascular dementia
Read about volunteer experiences of taking part in research.
Find out more about taking part in research.
Alzheimer's Research UK's vascular dementia research
Alzheimer’s Research UK have funded over 69 vascular dementia research projects, including studies to investigate how blood vessels can become damaged in the brain and how this damage causes the symptoms seen in vascular dementia. Our scientists are also working to develop new ways of preventing and diagnosing vascular dementia. You can read more about recent projects we’ve funded below.
With your support, we will fund many more studies into vascular dementia. We promise we will not stop until dementia can no longer destroy lives.
We are Alzheimer's Research UK.
We exist for a cure.
Research projects
Why do blood vessels function differently after a stroke?
Researchers at the University of Oxford are investigating how messages from brain cells change our blood vessels behaviour and increase the risk of dementia following stroke.
Using data from brain donations to investigate the impact of multiple underlying causes of dementia
Use information from the Brains for Dementia Research Programme to find out which disease combinations lead to a more rapid decline of memory and thinking skills.
Using brain scans to investigate changes in the brain over time
Prof Nick Fox and Prof Jon Schott are studying brain scans to investigate changes in the brain over time in a longitudinal amyloid-PET/MRI study of the 1946 birth cohort.
Understanding the link between wellbeing and brain function in dementia
Researchers will analyse data from large-scale studies and databases to understand the link between wellbeing and brain function decline in dementia.
Understanding the link between sport and dementia risk
This project will review the current evidence around the benefits and risks of sport and, through collaboration with stakeholders in research, clinicians, and sporting bodies, define future research priorities in this space.
Treating hearing loss in people at a high risk of dementia
Researchers at the University College London are developing a pilot trial to ensure people with hearing loss and mild cognitive dementia start and continue to use hearing aids. They will follow-up to evaluate its effectiveness in reducing the risk of dementia.
What is vascular dementia?
This booklet aims to help you understand more about vascular dementia. It gives an overview of the causes, symptoms and treatments.
Dementia Research Infoline
Want to know more about dementia? Questions about dementia research?
Contact the Dementia Research Infoline:
9am-5pm, Monday to Friday
0300 111 5 111
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