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Taking a Bite out of the Apple: A graphic designer's tale (Hearing Others' Voices) Taschenbuch – Illustriert, 1. Mai 2019
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How do you brand a revolution?
In his engaging new book, Taking a Bite out of the Apple: A Graphic Designer's Tale, Rob Janoff - designer of the world-famous Apple logo - shares what it was like to live through the heady days of the home computer revolution. From his fateful meeting with Steve Jobs in Silicon Valley as a young art director in 1977, to his current position heading up an international branding company with his Australian business partner, Rob's career continues with its focus on distilling a client's business personality into a memorable icon.
Taking a Bite out of the Apple is an intimate view into how Rob's design for a young, start-up company became a defining moment in a long career. After working on national brands like Apple, IBM, Intel, Kraft and Kleenex at top US agencies, Rob now enjoys working with a diversity of companies from Japan, Italy, Australia, China and the UK.
Telling the true tale of how the globally loved icon came to be, Rob offers insight and inspiration to young people considering the field of graphic design - and to the young at heart who share his love of memorable graphics.
Reviewed By Jack Magnus for Readers' Favorite:
Taking a Bite Out of the Apple: A Graphic Designer's Tale (Hearing Others' Voices) is a nonfiction memoir for young adults written by Rob Janoff. While he had gone to college to study industrial design, Janoff was more intrigued by the creative possibilities that graphic design seemed to offer. Indeed, his whole outlook on the world seemed to point him in that direction. He had had some success in designing logos for new tech companies when he went to work for the Regis McKenna Agency in Silicon Valley. That tech experience led his boss, Regis McKenna, to offer him a somewhat off-the-wall assignment. Janoff's mind was far away as his boss discussed the assignment, but eventually the words "apple" and "computers" broke through his distraction. Janoff even knew of Steve Jobs, the iconic inventor who, with his partner, had turned a garage into the birthplace of the personal computer. But how to render Steve's concepts into a logo? Janoff's mind kept toying with the idea, his hand quickly sketching and erasing ideas as they paraded through his imagination. Then he hit on it.
Rob Janoff's nonfiction memoir for young adults, Taking a Bite Out of the Apple: A Graphic Designer's Tale, is a beautifully written and fascinating account by the designer of the world-famous Apple logo. Anyone who loves computers and has an interest in how the personal computer came to be will have as much fun reading this book as I did. But there's more to this memoir than tech history. Janoff's description of how he tackled the project, working feverishly with a bowl of apples as inspiration is a joy to read. Any creative person should find Janoff's story inspiring, and his smooth conversational style makes following along as he works towards that one perfect image a grand and entertaining experience. Taking a Bite Out of the Apple: A Graphic Designer's Tale is most highly recommended.
- Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe140 Seiten
- SpracheEnglisch
- HerausgeberBalestier Press
- Erscheinungstermin1. Mai 2019
- Abmessungen13.34 x 0.97 x 20.32 cm
- ISBN-101911221612
- ISBN-13978-1911221616
- Herausgeber : Balestier Press; Illustrated Edition (1. Mai 2019)
- Sprache : Englisch
- Taschenbuch : 140 Seiten
- ISBN-10 : 1911221612
- ISBN-13 : 978-1911221616
- Abmessungen : 13.34 x 0.97 x 20.32 cm
- Amazon Bestseller-Rang: Nr. 2.636.026 in Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Bücher)
- Nr. 498 in Marken- & Logo-Design
- Nr. 1.966 in Branding (Bücher)
- Nr. 5.809 in Innenarchitektur (Bücher)
- Kundenrezensionen:
- 5 Sterne4 Sterne3 Sterne2 Sterne1 Stern5 Sterne69%15%16%0%0%69%
- 5 Sterne4 Sterne3 Sterne2 Sterne1 Stern4 Sterne69%15%16%0%0%15%
- 5 Sterne4 Sterne3 Sterne2 Sterne1 Stern3 Sterne69%15%16%0%0%16%
- 5 Sterne4 Sterne3 Sterne2 Sterne1 Stern2 Sterne69%15%16%0%0%0%
- 5 Sterne4 Sterne3 Sterne2 Sterne1 Stern1 Stern69%15%16%0%0%0%
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- Bewertet in Deutschland am 4. Mai 2019Ein sehr dünnes Büchlein im Stil von * book on demand*. Habe ich für die Recherche eines Referats benötigt und ja, dafür war es hilfreich, denn die Infos - ganz offensichtlich von Rob Janoff selbst* waren sonst nirgendwo im Netz zu finden. Als Biographie würd ich das nicht sehen. Der Inhalt würde sich auch für einen Blog eignen, ein bissl viel Selbstbeweihräucherung, wenige handfeste Fakten. Kommt für mich rüber wie die Geschichte eines Träumers, der einmal Glück gehabt hat und heute immer noch wehmütig zurückdenkt. Vermutlich nicht die Realität, aber das ist es, was das Buch erzählt.
Spitzenrezensionen aus anderen Ländern
CallumBewertet in Großbritannien am 23. Mai 2021
5,0 von 5 Sternen 10/10 recommended for any design student
This book has easy language any teen could understand. As a designer just graduating University this book helped me gain more confidence in my work and teach me the ways of efficiency within the industry, great read if you’re an Apple fan. Amazing read if your a designer too! 10/10 recommend.
Arlene JaffeBewertet in den USA am30. November 2018
5,0 von 5 Sternen This is a life lesson for any creative person on earth or any other planet
I was fortunate enough to work with Rob early in my career as a copywriter. His authenticity, honesty and sense of humor
was only matched by a big, bold, beeaufiful talent. This book gives the reader a very relatable taste of that. Because Rob makes it a point to telegraph the intense journey he went on creating the Apple logo. The result isn't just a good read. It's a great life lesson in "think before you leap". You can't crank out a logo or an ad or a novel or a play without an IDEA. In other words, Taking a Bite out of the Apple is a tale told by an artist, signifying everything it takes to be a success,
Hannah BeltránBewertet in den USA am14. November 2020
4,0 von 5 Sternen Learn about Apple's groundbreaking history through Janoff's eyes
Rob Janoff’s Taking a Bite out of the Apple is a memoir recounting the graphic designer’s journey to designing the groundbreaking Apple logo, as well as the career highlights and lessons learned following this unanticipated yet monumental accomplishment. It is also the first installment in Hearing Others’ Voices, a series highlighting today’s revolutionary thinkers across a variety of disciplines and cultures.
Although Janoff focuses on his expertise in graphic design and brand identity, there are still relevant takeaways for the general populace, regardless of field – namely, the value of authenticity and a curiosity for thinking outside the box.
Janoff credits authenticity and a curiosity for thinking outside the box for not only his success, but also the success of Steve Jobs. He greatly likens himself to the late Apple co-founder, which gave him an uncanny ability to relate to his then-client. In the early days of Apple – and in the early days of Janoff’s career as a graphic designer – both men are countercultural in both appearance and thought relative to the rest of their peers in the late 1970s. This willingness to go against the grain ultimately drove Jobs to start Apple, the world’s first user-friendly, home-based computer – and Janoff to explore unconventional methods for arriving at what would become the world’s most recognized logo in tech.
Equally valuable and inspiring is the connection that Janoff bridges between art, design, and humanity, as evidenced by his more recent design projects. Although the arts tend to be overlooked and deemed as unimportant, they have an indispensible role in brand identity. The right icon design humanizes a brand, conveying an important message about its values and its target audience.
Overall, I rate Taking a Bite out of the Apple 4 out of 5 stars. While the inception from Apple – and evolution of graphic design – from the eyes of Rob Janoff were both a welcome treat, there were some editing and formatting errors in the text that slightly impaired the reading experience. Nonetheless, I still recommend this text to anyone with an interest in graphic design, brand identity, or general tech history.