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Employers are scrambling for solutions amid the Great Resignation

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The Great Resignation has ripped through every industry and every organizational level, leaving employers scrambling to fill roles, while keeping their current employees supported and engaged. In this new research from Arizent, employers in the accounting, banking, mortgage, insurance and wealth management industries, among others, explore the impact the Great Resignation has had on their workforce, and what’s behind the continued challenge to attract and retain talent.

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Among the key findings in this report include:

  • Why no single companies is immune to the Great Resignation and which types of positions are most impacted
  • The reasons behind the biggest drivers of employee attrition and which groups of individuals are most impacted
  • How the role of flexible and remote work are playing a role in attracting and retaining employees and what employers can expect when it comes to compensation
  • Why benefits are playing a greater role in changing the hire and retention of workers
  • What HR and people leaders can expect in the future

Why read this report?
Nearly all employers are struggling to retain and attract new talent. The insights from this report reveal the top challenges impacting employers’ strategies, and the policies, benefits and attitudes that may change the tide for businesses going forward. for businesses going forward.

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