Newell, Andrew

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Newell, Andrew Gender: M
Andrew Kelley Newell
born on 30 November 1983 at 14:24 (= 2:24 PM )
Place Bennington, Vermont, 42n53, 73w12
Timezone EST h5w (is standard time)
Data source
BC/BR in hand
Rodden Rating AA
Collector: Scholfield
Astrology data s_su.18.svg s_sagcol.18.svg 08°01' s_mo.18.svg s_libcol.18.svg 21°47 Asc.s_aricol.18.svg 29°45'

Andrew Newell
photo: Iso76, license gfdl


American cross-country skier who has been competing on the international level since 2001. He does cinematography as a hobby, and is the owner of a film company called 'X Ski Films.'

Newell is known as one of the most talented persons on cross-country skis, as he demonstrates as a star in his own films. Among Newell's most noteworthy accomplishments in the XSki world are huge backflips on his skinny skis, 720's, and a radar-clocking (by the Vermont State Police) of over 50 mph.

In 2013 Newell founded Athletes For Action, an environmental organization focused on using professional athletes to bring attention to climate change.

Link to Wikipedia biography

Source Notes

Sy Scholfield provided copy of birth certificate.


  • Lifestyle : Work : Travel for work
  • Lifestyle : Social Life : Hobbies, games (Cinematography)
  • Vocation : Business : Business owner (Film company)
  • Vocation : Politics : Activist/ social
  • Vocation : Sports : Skiing (Cross-country)
  • Notable : Famous : Founder/ originator (Athletes For Action)
  • Notable : Famous : Top 5% of Profession (International competitor)